TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 10 months ago
And BTW you look awesome in your new pics. like I got...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 10 months ago

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 10 months ago
You can do this. I know you can. You are taking action and that is a...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 10 months ago
What do you have to have to qualify?? How are ya doing?

TNgal_Knoxville posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
Newbies - Hey Everyone I have noticed newbies in the group. Why don't you do a intro so we can get to know eachother? What surgery are you having? When? Where and such. Come on gang You Ca...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago
Damnet don't you hate it when that happens..LOL Give him a Star....

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago

TNgal_Knoxville posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
NSV - Hello Everyone. Today is a great day. I have been ciggie free for 6 days!! I am so proud of myself. On the other hand I am finding I am grazing most of the day. I have lost 16 lbs ...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago
Yes you can do this. Change can be very difficult and it sounds like...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago
You look marvelous darlin!!!

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago
An administrator of this group has set your status from member to...

TNgal_Knoxville wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
I think i was kicked out of a group! - What in the world!!!!???? I was checking my mail and got this notification from my Failed_Lapband group. Why??? Heck I don't say shitty thing to people. I a positive person that as...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
Happy Dancing - I have been struggling with deciding which surgery the Band or BYpass. I think I have read as much as I can. So I called the insurance specialist at my weight loss center today. I ...

TNgal_Knoxville added a goal 12 years, 11 months ago
Walk a further than I did the day before.

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for all the information...for a newbie like me trying to figure...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
Struggling with myself - Hello Everyone...I am really struggling with myself! I am on week 2 of Chantix as well as healthy eating before my surgery. I am here at home all day except to go to store or doc. ...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 12 months ago
Hubby Randy..daughter Kimberly and MEEE

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 12 months ago
I will have to look the next time I go to the dollar store for a divided...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 12 years, 12 months ago
Yeahhhh!!! So happy for you! Take it easy you are doing great!...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 13 years ago
Good evening...I don't have a scale here at home but have many...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Upcoming Knoxville TN event - I am soo excited...There is going to be a 3 day event in Knoxville, It is FREE! Speakers about health, exercise and our relationship with food. Also group exercise..Much Much more....

TNgal_Knoxville posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Upcoming Knoxville TN event - Good Afternoon everyone...I came across this event coming to Knoxville Tennessee in August. It is FREE!! 3 day event on exercise and nutrition. See ya there. http://www.knoxnews...

TNgal_Knoxville added a goal 13 years ago
walk a further today than I did yesterday

TNgal_Knoxville posted a comment 13 years ago
Kudo's to you!! I too have decided to walk a little further today than...

TNgal_Knoxville posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Support group Schedule for UT Knoxville - Support groups Upcoming schedule  Tennessee Weight Loss, Building A Suite 240.    Wednesdays                                    Saturdays     5:30-6:30pm                        ...
About Me
Knoxville, TN
Jun 30, 2011
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 2
