What the hellllll????

Oct 07, 2007

Today I am feeling a bit down... wondering what the hell I did this for. I am so tired and sick of full liquids, protein shakes, arghh! But I am ok, just needing to vent a little bit.

Trying to figure this all out and what works for me seems to be all that I can manage right now. I have been so wiped out tired, but it seems to be much better the last 2 daysor so, so hopefully it will just continue to get better. 

I am FREAKING OUT right now because I have ALREADY gained back some weight! Yes...GAINED...what the hell??!!! I want to scream!!

This morning when I got on the scale I am back up to 342!! 342!! 5 days ago or so I was at 329??? I dont get it. I am not eating more than 500 calories and am lucky if I get that in! Here's the items I have been eating so maybe someone could tell me if I am doing something wrong PLEASE: protein shakes, FF cotage cheese, bariatric oatmeal, danon light and fit yogurt, pureed tuna with ff mayo 1tsp, pureed canned chicken with 1 tsp ff mayo, sugarfree popscicles, sugar free pudding with protein powder mixed in, and proteinsoups.  I can't really think of anything else....

I lost 29lbs before surgery from 375 down to 346. Then held some fluid and what not so I came home at 360 which quickly went away because it was retained fluids. I was down to 329 last week which is 17 more pounds gone since surgery.  THEN, this morning I got on the scale and it said 342!!! I almost died...I haven't hardly been able to keep anything down so how could I gain 13 lbs?!!! I am so afraid this WLS is going to be one more diet/life that I fail at. Hopefully I will be losing again. I only had the surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago I don't understand it. Any thoughts? HELP PLEASE!! 

OK it's been too long since I posted! Surgery is done!

Oct 05, 2007

Halleleuia! What a relief! I had my surgery on 9/19 and spent 3 nights in the hospital. I would have been out in 2 but I couldn't pee after they took the foley out so they had to put that damn thing back in and the next day whadda-ya-know...we take it out and I can go!!! Yeah!! Foley's are from the devil I know it, lol!

I dont really remember much of the first week or so. I was pretty medicated. I remember I did great walking laps at the hospital. At home lately I just feel super , SUPER fatigued and weak. Sounds silly but honestly I feel so weak sometimes it almost hurts...my muscles feel like mush. (I am a pretty strong active person, so this is really, really hard for me).

I've been working with the docs on it and they took me off of almost all my pre-op medications and that seems to be making an improvement. Somedays I just feel like I could sleep all day and all night (and I almost have a few times). I am not depressed at all it's just the weak feeling, I'm not sure how to really describe it. 

I was in the hospital Wednesday for IV fluids. Seems I may have a touch of the flu too. I had been having Montezumas Revenge, lol. BAD!!
At the hospital they had me drink this humongous (like 40oz cup!! seriously) of contrast dye for a cat scan to check on my R kidney and my pouch. I thought I was gonna hurl my pouch was so freakin full and tight, but I didn't I made it. That is until they sent me home that night. It was the first night Jason had gone back to work at the base (he took 2 weeks off to stay home and take care of me, so sweet). My mom and dad had kept the kids overnight because I was SO wiped from the hospital visit. I was actually feeling pretty good with the IV fluid boluses in me, evidently I was a bit dehydrated. So...no kids...thought I would just curl-up and go to bed eary so I did about 8:30pm. At 11pm I awoke with horrid cramps and literally projectile, water diarrhea...THANK YOU CONTRAST DYE! Not so much!! I was in the bathroom until J got home the next morning around 7:30am....I guess I scared him (by that time I was going at both ends!!) he immediatly got on the phone and was calling the surgeon's clinic. I dont remember much but they got me in and rehydrated...turns out contrast dye has that effect on some people...lucky me. LMAO

I had not had any vomiting or diarrhea at all from the surgery itself...some nausea but honestly except for the weakness until that point I felt like I was pretty good.  That night on the porcelin goddess I was crying and wondering what the HELL did I do this to myself for! !! 

BUT....Today I am feeling pretty good. No nausea, no diarrhea...and even a little more energy than usual. I hope this is all evening out so I can get down to the real good stuff about this surgery and lose some inches. I have been kind of upset with myself for not getting out there and taking walks every day, but honestly it's all I can do some days just to be up and around in my house. Just taking a shower and I am overheated and done. I hope this will pass very soon. I would really like to get some good walking in!

Ok 'nuff moaning and groaning. Bottom line I am glad I had the surgery (now 2 weeks out), and it will only get better from here right?!


28 lbs GONE!! HooooooYAHHHHH!!!!

Sep 14, 2007

5 more days until my surgery...WOW I can hardly believe it's almost here. I am getting a little nervous, but I am so elated as well!! Hope mi amigas and amigos are doing great!

Take care ~ Tomi

A little about me...

Sep 14, 2007

Hello! My name is Tomi, like Tommy just different ;o) not short for anything, just me. I am a F.A.T girl, Fabulous and Thick. Thicker than I'd like or is healthy for anyone, let alone me, and that's why I'm here ;o)

I am a military wife, momma of 4 beautiful kiddos, ER/Trauma RN (though not working right now due to health), & photographer, football mom, etc, etc, etc....lol I am busy, love life and the outdoors. I have over 150+ lbs to lose, and I desparately want to be healthy and fit. I can still feel like what my body used to feel like when I was young, pre-kids, and thin. (I used to be same height 5'11" & a size 6-8, crazy!! Won't see that again but I'd like to get as close as I can! lol) Sometimes I feel like I'm just wearing this Pillsbury Doughboy suit and if I could just get the zipper unstuck I could get it OFF!! So again...I'm here :o)

I've pretty much tried everything under the sun to lose weight from umpteen diets, nutritionists, medications prescribed and OTC, excercise or not excercising, subliminal weightloss tapes, etc...If it sounded helpful, I tried it. Did you know that most people in the Morbidly obese category have a diet failure rate of 95%! 95%!! Didn't know that until researching wightloss surgery...wanna know the success rate for weightloss surgery...me too, doc says it's closer to 99.99999 percent, but I want to see the hard data on that, lol. BUT, I't alot higher than any success rate of anything else for the morbidly obese. Soooooo, I've made the choice to have Gastric Bypass Surgery. I went through the insurance approval process, starting Jan 2007, & just got my approval & in July 2007. My surgery date is scheduled for mid-September 2007 and I am making some changes now to make the post-op transition easier.

I am trying to do the whole post-op diet before my surgery so it is not such a shock afterwards, as well as getting used to protein shakes, & figuring out my likes and dislikes, etc...

I am really, really ready, motivated, and excited to be on this journey of weightloss! I would like to meet others going through the same things or who have already; to share tips, support, recipes, tasty proteins and the nasty ones so I dont buy ones that taste gross, because let's face it ladies & gents, some I have tried...girl they taste like a Rock Star energy drink flavored, liquid jello, on acid with dentist's fruit flouride gel mixed in for fun...YUCK!!! BUT, some...I wish I would've known about before. Some taste AWESOME...

Basically let's share how or why we do what we do, be accountable to ones' self and if you want to others, but let's help one another get healthier!! ;o)

Down 19 lbs!! Woot-woot!!

Aug 23, 2007

Wow  I have been working on my pre-op weightloss, but when I got on the scale today I almost fell off... I have lost 19lbs!! I am so excited. I started at about 372 and today am 353!!!!! I am so ready for this to be a regular occurence....gettin' on the scale and seeing the pounds continously dwindling....girl that is some kinda dream, and it is going to come true!

My surgery is scheduled fo Sept 19th, 2007 with Dr. Clifford Deveney up at OHSU. I met with him on monday, attended my final pre-op class, and completed all of my pre-op testing...it's really going to happen. Even as I am typing this out it feels surreal. I AM READY oh yeah baby!!

Saw this today and it made me smile...hope it does you too

*~BIG HUGS~*  Tomi

About Me
Hillsboro, OR
Surgery Date
Jan 09, 2007
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Amazing 1st year post lap RNY
WOW...this is one crazy ride...Can I just stay on?!! ;o)
Been awhile...
Down, down, down...."I'm going dowwwwwwwn" ;o) Again...
I'm feeling hungry today...
