Roy Cobean

"I started researching this surgery about 4 years before I went on the waiting list for two years. The waiting list isn't as long anymore. My insurance at the time of Surgery was Anthem BC&BS, Maine Partners. They were great! I was approved right away. Since then my changed insurance companies and they are ok but not great. They cover medical procedures but will not consider any skin removal. I'm hoping that when I'm on my husbands insurance it will be better than my current CIGNA plan. "

Maine Medical Center

"The Maine Med facility was very clean and nice. Dr. was awesome and so was staff. The nurses seem to have too many people to care for and it took time to get the to come to your room after ringing the bell because alarms on the IV were going off and for pain pills. They make you ask for every pain pill aware isn't secheduled for delivery. "
About Me
Auburn, ME
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2002
Member Since
