5 days post op

Mar 20, 2010

whew! what was i thinking... i thought it would be an easy ride..lil surgery and up and at 'em in about 2 weeks. Shoooo I am still in pain at times. they had to do this fiberoptic thingy to get the tube down my throat and my throat is still sore.  i appreciate everybody's support and calling me, but i don't feel like talking. looks like i have lost about 30 pounds in 3 weeks though...yayyy!

March 11, 2009

Mar 11, 2010

Whew! Closer and closer..I am excited. My surgery date is Monday  3/15. I feel like shouting it to the world! Everybody that I have told wants to know- is it okay to tell other people.  I could care less. I want to be healthy and free. Like most people on here, there are other goals- crossing my legs, sitting on an airplane in the seatbelt comfortably, etc- but health is the biggest issue. I also think that with the current health care reform going on in this country and the way insurance rates are going- I needed to maximize my health benefits asap! Overweight people are already looked at in a certain way and I don't need job descrimination. I have to work.

On a more positive note- thanks everybody for being sooo super supportive. I really appreciate it!

March 9, 2010

Mar 09, 2010

Well, here we go.. I have gotten the approval and the date is set. I am currently on a two week preop liquid diet.  I went to see the nutritionist on a Friday who told me that that next Monday, I was to start this liquid diet.  So, that weekend, instead of preparing myself- I had one last HURRRAH!! Then I just woke up on Monday expecting my mind and body to forget what they have been doing these past many years and just accept that I was on this "special" diet.  *eyeroll* yeah right! I did EXCELLENT until the next Friday.  Although I did not each much, I did eat things I was not supposed to. Then came Saturday and Sunday- again on Monday- yep fell off the wagon! Dang! But, I have gotten back up there and riding in the saddle again. Its Tuesday, so far so good. I am going to have to go out walking or somewhere tonight to get my mind of what I think I am missing.  I am super uber excited about my surgery on Monday so I need to get it together. 

Lord thanks for this opportunity and please help me not to blow it!
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About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 25, 2010
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