I'm in my 13th week post op

Jul 21, 2010

Things are going pretty good.  I am feeling better every day.  I have my energy back.  Woo Hoo!!!  Now I have to do something with it.  I've been bad about working out.  I am doing more around the house.  And I work out sporatically.  But I need to get into a routine. 
I'm doing okay with my eating.  I find that I will go a week and stay about the same all week with my weight, then the next week I drop between 3-6 pounds. Also I am seeing the weeks I eat more, are the weeks I'm dropping the weight.  But how I eat is weird.  I'm still very much in the learning process.  There are days (like yesterday) I felt like I ate all day long.  Once I looked at what I ate, it really wasn't that much.  But that will be followed by a couple of days of not really wanting to eat anything.  I do eat.  I make myself eat something.  But I don't really want it.  I don't ever really get "hungry".  I get "empty".  So I'm still learning my body.  I'm also still in the experimental stages with food.  Tomaotes are a NO.  Salmon is a NO.  Its just sooooo heavy!  I have not tried rice, yet.  I'm a little scared of rice.  I have also discovered that white pasta does not sit well with me, but I'm okay with whole grain pasta.  I can do tomato sauce like spaghetti sauce, but not with chunks of tomatoe in it or raw tomatoes.  Cheeseburgers are still one of my all time favorite foods, although I have only had 3 bites of a White Castle, I have no desire right now to have anymore cheeseburgers.  I do miss them.  I just don't want them.
Mentally, I have found myself a couple of times missing the old me that could sit down and eat two huge platefuls of food.  It lasts about a second and then I realize how miserable I would feel and I don't miss it anymore.
One problem I'm running into is that my fiance is still in his habits of eating, which was very much my old habits.  He eats lots of junk, and his portions when it comes to meals, is huge!  I decided last night that if I don't take control of the food being prepared at home, then no one else will.  I do not want to lose this weight and put it back on down the road because I didn't change my habits or the habits of my household.  I have already had to have the talk about going out to eat at buffets.  There have been some weekends (before surgery) that we would hit 3 buffets in one weekend!  And just the other night he suggested a buffet.  That's when I had to tell him NO MORE BUFFETS!  So, I think I will hurt some people's feelings in the process, but not intentionally.  These are the things that are the hardest about losing this weight.


About Me
cayce, SC
Surgery Date
Dec 11, 2009
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