Hello everyone,

My name is Chrissy I am 34 years old and have been married for 7 years now. My husband and I don't have any children yet but I am hoping to have a few in the future. I have made up my mind that for once in my life I am going to put me first. I have been thinking about having WLS for about a year and half now. My insurance will cover both the Lap band and RNY bypass. After thinking I have made up my mind to have  the Bypass.  I have bee overweight all of my adult life. I was thin in highschool but after I got out and was not as active I began to gain the weight and as the years went on my weight went up. I am not at my heaviest weight of 230 pounds. So there is no time like the present to get my life back. I will keep everyone posted on my journey.

Hello Everyone,
My name is Chrissy I am 34 years old and have been married for 7 years now.My husband and I don't have any children we have tried but nothing yet. So I have finally made up my mind I was going to put myself first for a change. I have been looking into wls for about a year and a half. My insurace will only cover the Gastric Lap Band. I feel the Lap Band is the right one for me.
I have choosen Dr. Thomas Lavin. He is the founder of the Group I am going to. Dr Lavin is the Best in the area. I saw him on the 7th of Dec. I knew about him from my best friend. She had the Lap Band almost 2 years ago. She did very well and she was the one who got me to think about.
I have been overweight most of my adult life. I was thin when I got out of high school, but I got married the first time too young and we moved away and I started eating for comfort, and when I was alone so over the first year of my first marriage I had gained about 55-60 pounds and then the pounds kept coming.
I have lost as much as 45 pounds once only to gain it back and then some.
I met my second husband and we have been married for 7 years.
He says he loves me tha way I am but he knows I am unhappy so he totally supports me having the surgery if it will make me happy and healthy again.
I will keep eveyone updated as to my progress goes.. I am
shooting for April 5th as my surgery date.

Hello eveyone,
I went to the caridologist yestreday and he said that I was fine I was glad to hear that. The doctor wants me to have the complete workup to make sure since the surgery is a major one.
So I will sch my echocardiogram, I have my stress test sch for the 14th of this month and I go back to the doctor on the 9th of Feb. I am having my blood work done this week so. I have my sleep study set up for the Sat the 8th. So that will soon be out of the way. I still have a few things to do but I think it will fall into place.
I will let you know how my sleep study went.

Hello everyone,
I had my sleep study done last night. it wa not as bad as I thouhgt it would be hooked up to all those leads.
I got there about 8pm and filled out all the paper work,got into my pjs,then the girl who was going the sleep study hooked me up and I watched tv till 11pm then it was lights out.
I was tired anyways so that helped me dose off to sleep.
I remember her coming in a few time to hooked up stuff that I knocked off and once to wake me up she said I had quit bearthing.
She asked me this morning how I felt I slept. I told her I thouhgt I slept pretty good and didn't snore but she told me I did and I was tossing and turning all night.
So I have gotten that out of the way now.
I still have to have my psych eval done, and some blood work.
I have a few tests to do next week for the Cardiologist to clear me. So it still seems that everything is still on track.
I am counting down the days till I can send in my packet to the insurance company.
I will update again soon...
Take care to all

Hello Everyone,
I had my echcocardiogram and my stress test down last week along with my blood work. Now I jsut have to hvae my psych eval done.
I called the office to set up the appointment but I am waiting for them to call me back with a time to come in.
I talked to Danielle at Dr Lavin's office too and she told me everything is moving right along and I can still have April 5th or 6th for a surgery date. I was so happy to hear that.

She told me that the ins only took about 2-3 weeks to comeback with an apporoval. She asked me if I had been to one of the seminars and I told her no but I knew all about it she told me I needed to go to one. So I am going to one tonight.
I am so excited I can't wait to be on the losing side of things and get my life back.
I still don't have an Angel yet but hopefully I will soon.

Take care all- Cryss

Hello everyone,
Well I have hit a road block in my journey....
I got the results back from my blood work and my thyroid is off again. So now it is back to the thyroid doctor to see what I have to do to get back on track. I hope this does not set me back to far from my goal date. But it makes me feel mad with myself I had everything set for my goal date of April 6th...
I am hoping I can get my thyroid back on track soon.
I went Friday for mt psych eval test and I go back to the Dr for that on the 9th of Feb. I also go to the cardiologist that day too I hope he give me clearance that day.
I will let everyone know how things come out
Take care to all---cryss

Hello everyone,
Well I thought I would update you on what's going on...
I am still waiting to go back to the psych doctor to see if she will clear for surgery. I also go back to the cardiologist on the 9th of Feb and see if he will clear me for surg too. I don't think I will have a problem with that. My EKG was normal and my stress test seemed to be normal as well.
I still have to see what the endrocrinologist wants to do abut my thyroid my TSH was way high. So I feel that my tyroid is the only thing that will hold me back from getting the surg date I want.
oh yeah by the way my insurance has changed and I can have the Lap G Bypass and I have switched it form the band to the bypass.
I switched after I fouund out my insurance would cover it.
I talked to a few people incluing my sister in law who is 3 months post op bypass. Dr. Lavin did her surgery too.
I really doin't want to have to worry about get it ajusted all the time and I also did not want the flexablity to have the band tight or lose. I would probably be lazy in getting the ajustments and not do as well as I want to do.
So I called Danielle at Dr Lavin's office and told her to switch to the bypass. I think I will do fine.
I am stll excitied about having the wls and can't wait to be on the losing side of things.
Well I will keep you updated as to what is going on and where I am in my journey....
Take care to all~ Chrissy

Hello Everyone,
I know it has been a while since I have put in an update.
A lot has happened since my last update.
I have everything done as far as getting all my clearances.
I called Danielle at Dr Lavin's office to let her know everything was done and for her to call me back when she sends everything to the ins company. So now I am playing the waiting game.
I did find out that I have a hypothyroid and now on medication for it so I can get it back in the normal range for surgery.
I am geting ants in my pants to get on the losing side of things.
Well I will let you know when I get my approval.
Take care to all~ cryss

Hello Everyone,
I know it has been a while.
I have been on my synthyroid for almost a month now.
I also saw Dr Lavin yesterday. He told me I could have the bypass and he thought I was going to do really good with it.
I told him I had a date in mind and he told me that was good and told me I could have the date if my ins cam back in time.
I told him I was looking at MAy 18th.
So I told he insurance girl naned Rachel and she said she would send it in next week and should get it back by the end of March.
So I am my my way and can't wait. I have so many things I want to do after surgery. I can't wait to sart my list.
So I guess I am at the waiting stage. I hope I hear something sooner than later.
Well I'll keep everyone posted....
Take care~ Chrissy

Hello eveyone,
I know it has been a while since my last update. I have been working extra hours at work to hlep save up the money I need to pay for my 20% for my surgery.
I talked to Rachel at Dr Lavin's office on Tuesday and she faxed everything to the insurance company.She told me if she did nothear anything by next Wednesday she wa going to call them.
So I should have my approval next week or so. I am getting really excited and now and it is starting to sink in that this is really going to happen. I have been doing few things to prepare for my surgery like making sure I really chew my food, and not drinking when I eat.
I can't wait to hear those magical words "you've been apporved"
Well I will post when I hear when I get approved..

take care all


Hello everyone,
I know it has been a while since I have updated my profile.
Well nothing has changed I'm still waiting on insurance to apporve my surgery. They said they need more infromation from my doctor so they can approve it or turn it down.
The girl at First Health told me it was basically approved they just need more info on my weight loss attempts.
So I went to my primary care doctor on Friday 3/8
He told me he would send a new letter to Dr. Lavin's office that was more detailed and his progress notes too.
So I hope that is what the insurance company wants.
I still have a tentative date of May 18th. So we will see if that is that magical day or not.
I will keep everyone posted on how things are going.

Hello Everyone,
I know it has been a while since my last update. I really don't have anything new to report. My insurance is still reviewing my packet. I did call them today to see where it was and if was really being worked on.
The girl I talked to told me it was being worked on but no answer yet. I told her I have a time frame of when I can have the surgery. She sadi she would note the claim notes and that it could take a while longer ofr it to come back. I just hope it is soon. I fell like i am going crazy......
I really can't wait till iI know I am approved and have the surgery. I hope and pray my approval comes in sooner than I think it will. Well I will keep everyone updated on how things are going. I will also keep everyone in my thoughts.

take care~ Chrissy

Hello Everyone,
I am sorry I have not updated til now. I have been busy with work.
On wednesday of last week I got a call from my insurance company.
One of the nurses maned Tamela called but I had stepped away from my desk. So when I got back they told me the insurance company called and for me to call them back. But before I could call Tamela back, Rachel from Dr Lavin's office called me and I was there. Rachel asked if I was sitting down I told her yeah and she said I got a call today and I was like ok and what's up
Rachel told me First Health approved my surgery. I was soo happy I couldn't talk for a second. I was like OH MY GOOSH!!!!!!!!!
I'M APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ran to my best friends desk and told her first, she was happy for me she had the Lap Band done 2 years ago.
Then I told eveyone else.
So now I have to go to the 2 and a half hour pre op class on Monday the 9th. The office did call me today but they called my at home so I will call them in the morning to see what they wanted hopefully it was to set my surgery date.
I will update tomorrw with my new info.
Take care to all

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have a date set for my surgery!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the 31st of this month.
I wnet for my pre op class today. I learned alot about what to eat and what not to eat.
I am sooooooo glad that I have a date now and that I know it is all in the books. So Now I am counting down the days.
So as of today I have 21 days and a wake up to go..
Take Care,

Hello Everyone,
I know it has been a while since my last update. I have been busy with work and plus I got sick and was out of work for 4 days. I am felling alot better now and I have done everything for surgery. I just have to wait till the magical date of the 31st. I still have alot things I need to do before having surgery like clean the house up,pick up a few things, and little stuff like that. I have a list of things that will keep me busy so that time won't go by so slow.
I am very excited about losing this weight and getting my life back on track for good this time. I cant wait to get into clothes I have not worn in years. I know I have alot of hard work ahead of me but I am ready for it.
I will keep everyone here posted on my progress.
I would also like to thank everyone who sent me well wishes and prayers I will need them all.

Take care,

Hello Everyone,
It is with a heavy heart that I update today.
I had to postpone my surgery which was to be next Tuesday the 31st.
I found out that I have pneumonia in my right middle lobe.
Dr. Lavin told me I had to wait at least a month before I can resch my surgery.
The funny thing is I feel good and did not even know I had pneumonia at all. I found out when I pre-oped on Friday.
So I am now on a second antibotic and decongestion medication.
I hope this one works. Well I will keep everyone informed as to what is going on and when I goet my new date.
Take care,

Hello Everyone,
It has been a few days since my last update.
I was in the hospital from tuesday til thrusday.
Tuesday was to have been my big day but i was admitted for pneumonia instead.
I came home yesterday with breathing treatments.
The doctor said it could six to eight weeks to get things cleared up and have me ready for surgery.
So now it looks like my surgery will be in August.
I was soooooo upsate when I found out that my surgery was to be postponed. I had finally had everything in place and was ready and BAM I was knocked back down by my lung issue.
But I am getting better and getting over the fact that I should be on the losing side now and the fact that I am not yet.
I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks so I will give everyone an update then as to how my lung issue is going.
Take care,

06/08/2005 Wednesday
Hello Everyone,
I felt like journaling a bit.
I am still in the waiting phase again with my right lung.
I am still on the breathing treatments 4 times a day and breathing exercirses too.
I am still upset that I did not get to have my surgery when it was set up for in the first place. Which was 5/31/05. I should be week post op by now. But No I had to go get sick.
The lung doctor told me it can take six to eight weeks to clear up maybe longer.....
I am doing everything I am suppoes to do to get my lung cleared up.
I just found out a friend of mine is having her bypass on the
22nd of this month and I am still waiting. I feel like my surgery will never happen. But I have had frineds tell me it will happen when it is supoose to happen.
I am very happy for my friend and glad for her.
Kelli told me not to get upset, and my surgery will be here before I know it.
I am gonna call Dr. Lavin's office tomorrow to let them know what is gong on and that I am going back to the drs on thrusday.
Well I will say goodnight and will update soon as I hear something.
Take care,

06/14/2005 Tuesday
Hello Everyone,
I was sittting here at work and felt like saying hello.
I am 2 days away from going to the lung doctor and my pcp as well
so I will know how my lung is doing.
I am hoping and praying that when I do my chest x ray Thursday it will show a BIG improvement or even better that my right lung has cleard up totally.....
That would be sooooo nice then I can reschudle my surgery for next month, but in reality it will most likely be in August.
Dr. Lavin wants me to have a clear chest x ray before they will resch my srugery. I understand that but the little spoiled brat inside of me is throwing a major fit. Ya know I wnat what I want when I wnat it.
But I know that I have to wait to get things right again.
well I better get back to work I will post again soon.
Take Care,

06/17/2005 Friday
Hello Everyone,
I have great news to tell...
I went to my lung doctor yesterday and he cleared me to have my surgery. I was like say what? He said that I was ready and that my puenomia was gone. he did tell me to keep up the breathing treatments and inhaler twice a day for the next 2 weeks.
I called Dr.Lavin's office and thold them right away. They told me that when they got my letter of clearance they would call me and set up my surgery. I was sooooooooo excited yesterday when I found out I was cleared it was almost as good as when I found out that I was approved.
I called my friend Kelly and she was so excited too.
I told her I would come see her and then she could come see me after she healed...
So it looks like I am on track for August. I can't wait til then.
Well I better get back to work....
Take care,

6/20/2005 Monday
Hello Everyone,
Just a quick update...
I called Dr Kuebel's oiffice today to find out where my letter was and when it would be ready.
They told me it was waiting to be typed andit should be done today or tomorrow and then they would fax it to Dr Lavin's office.
Dr Lavin office won't resch my surgery till they get my medicial clearance from Dr kuebel.
So I am playong the waiting game for a few days.
Take Care,

06/28/2005 Tuesday
Hello Everyone,
Well I finaly got my letter from Dr. Kuebel's office today.
I called them and asked where it was and they told me that they were not sure. I told them just aske him to wirte it on a letter head that I am cleared for surgery. Tehy told me they would ask him and then call me back.
Well they called me back and told me that he wrote a note for me.
I went and got it cuz his office si walking range from my desk at work. I called Christina at Dr.Lavin's office and told her I was faxing it over. She told me she would give my chart over to the girls that sch the surgeries and I said cool.
So hopefully I will hear something this week or the beginnig of next week. I will let very one know my surgery date.....
Take Care,

6/30/2005 Thursday
Hello Everyone,
I am still waiting on Dr. Lavin's office to call me.
I think I will call them tomorrow and see what is going on.
I am sooo ready for this surgery and I can not wait to start my new life. Everyone keeps asking me whne my surgery date is going to be. I am now hoping for Aug 16th. So we'll see.
I will keep everyone up to date on what is going on.

Take Care,

Thursday 07/07/2005
Hello Everyone,
I called the Dr office today and I was soooo mad it was not even funny. I had called to see if the surgery scheudlers had my chart yet. And Patsy told me they put my chart up due the fact my surgery was canceled. I told her that it was seing rescheudled and she should have it today or tomorrow and she hada attitude problem she said she did not know where my chart was and I would have to call back. I told her I would and if she did not want to do it then she did not have to be so bitchy about it. She said she was not but she was. So I later called and talked to Christina and she looked for my chart and she said she did not see it and it could have been on the nurse prac desk still.
So I told her to let me leave a mess on Aline voice mail and I would wait till she got back form vaction to call me.
So now I am waiting til the 18th for Aline to come back.
I am getting down to the wire with the approval being expired.

So I hope to hear something soon. I am still wathcing what I am eating. I still get heartburn soooo bad when I eat that I don't care to eat.... I am totally off of the soft drinks now I am mostly drinking water, and crystal lite, and unsweetened apple jucie. That is a big milestone for me. I never thought I would see the day I would not want a soft drink but it came.
I have also cut way down on my sugar intake as well. So now when I do eat sugar it is way too sweet... Another good thing.
Well I better head off to bed now...
Take care,

Hello Everyone,
Well I have GREAT NEWS to tell.
I have a new surgery date..... It is on the 16th of August now.
That was the new date I picked since my May 31st fate was messed up.
I got a call from Patsy at Dr Lavin's office yesterday and she told me she was calling to schedule my surgery I said good. She thought I was setting it up for the first time. I had to set her straight one that one. Once I did then she was half way ok.
I still don't care for her at all.
I told her the date I wanted and she got it so that was cool. I had to clear it with my manager first and call her back. So I called her back this morning. I have to say that my manager at work has been very cool about me having this surgery. My director at work has had serval of her friends that had the bypass too so she was cool with it too....
So I am on my way for the second time.
I will keep everyone one up to date with what's going on and how i am doing.
TAke care,

Monday 07/25/2005
Hello everyone,
Well I have 3 weeks til surgery day!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is my 8th wedding anniversary.... I have to work all day but that is ok. We are not dong much til the weekend.
We will go out to esat and it will be last meal as far as me eating out.
I am soo proud of myself for still not drinking soft drinks and keeping my sugar to an all time low....
I have lost a few pounds but not sure how much though.
I will know for sure on the 11th when I go for pre op
again. Then surgery is for 11:00 am on the 16th. So Ihave to be there at 9:30am...
I am getting excited again and still praying that nothing goes wrong this time......
I did take out a small loan to pay dr office and have some work done on my truck.
Well I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.....
Take care,
~Chrissy ~

Friday 07/29/2005

Hello everyone,
I was in the updating mood. Tuesady was my eighth wedding anniversary. We went out to eat with my parents to a Mexican place here in town, It was sooooooooo good.
Then we went to Baskin and Robbins for ice cream. I have not eat that much in weeks.
My tummy hurt sooooooo bad I swore I would never do that again but as history repeated itself last night just me and hubby went to Chilis for ribs and they were soo good I made a pig of my self again and again I paid for it with my stomach.
I have 2 weeks from Tuesday til my surgery... I can not wiat.
I don't wnat to get to excited til I see how my pre op work goes this time. I am praying that my chest x ray will be fine.
I have been feeling good and not coughing like I was before.
I got the money to pay Dr office for my 20% coinsurance yesterday too so that is a load off my mind big time.
I will give them a check on monday.
I went with my sister in law to pick out a dress for her class reunion this weekend. She had RNY in Nov of last year. We talked about how she has been doing and how I shuld do and how I just had to wait for the right time for me to have it done. She told me I will be fine and I will do good too and we will look good together..
I told her I could not wait for my turn.
I did go thru all my clothes in the closet and founf 2 outfits I can't wait to get back into.
Well I am getting sleepy and can't type to good so I will day goodnight for now and will update soon...
Take care,

Sunday 08/07/2005
Hello Everyone,
Well last night was my last time for going out to eat.
It was my hubby Brian and my parents. We went to Chillis to eat ribs. The ribs were soooooo good and I enjoyed every bite of them too, and I had my favorite chessecake for desert.
So now I am ready to get down to business
I go for pre-op on Thursday. My surgery is a week from Tuesday!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! i can't believe it is almost here again. I had come so close before and was told I had pneumonia in my right lung. I know I will lose it if something goes wrong again and I have to push it back a second time.
I did talk to my lung dr and he told me he would look at my chest x-ray and see what it looked like. He said he knew it wa not going to be perfect but he would look at it. He also told me that he did notr see why I could not have surgery on the 16th...
So I am praying that everything goes as planned this time.
I have been going to the club with Kelli Jo. She joined the same club I did. We have been going swimming. She is a good one to get me moving to get to the club to work out.
We will be about a month and a half apart in post op time.
So I have two people clse to me that has been through it before me. I also have my sister in law who is 9 months post op and she has lost 110 pounds so far with out any problems at all.
Well my eyes are getting heavy so I will say good night.
Take care,

Thrusday 08/11/2005
Hello Everyone,
Well today is pre op day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing I have to do is blood work. They are using my chest x-ray I had from about a month ago. So that is good news there.
I go to Dr. Lavin's office at 1:00 today then I will go back to work for pre op at the hospital. Then I will punch back in to work...
I only have the rest of today Friday and Monday to work and then it is SURGERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll let everyone know how I did.
Take Care,

Thursday Aug 18, 2005
Hello everyone,
Well I am now on the losing side now.
My surgery was on Tuesday the 16th as planned.
I got to to the hospital at 6:30 surgery was for 8:30. When I got there it took a few min for them to get me hooked up to the IV.
I laid around soon it was 8:30 and I was still in the outpt surgery and not in the surgery. They finally arond 9:30 they took me into the holding area. I finally went into surgery about 9:45 and was in and out in about an hour. I was in my room about 12:45-1:00.
I had a rough first nigt.The pain meds that they gave me made me so nausea I alomst threw up. I got over it soon and I didn't get sick. Then Wednesday morning I got up and took a shower it felt so good. I walked to the nurses desk and back a few times. I slept most of the day too. I came home today and I am doing good.
I can tolerate most of my liqiuds. I can't get the 2-4 ozs a hour I am supose to get. I get full really quick.
But over all I am doing great. I will keep everyone updated.
Take Care,

Tuesday 8/23/05
Hello everyone,
Today make a week that I had surgery.
I have been doing really good and had no problems so far..
I went to the Dr office today and weigh in at 208. I was thrilled and they told me I lost 18 pounds.
I was freaked out I could not beleive it.
I go back on the 15th of Sept for my one month visit I can't wait to see what I weigh then.
I will update again soon.
Take care,

Sun Nov. 6,2005
Ii has been a long long time since I have updated.
Alot has haapened first of all Hurricane Katrina hit 13 days after I had my surgery. We had to go to my Aunt's house in Pensacola.
I was ok with the ride there and did ok while I was there.
We came home to find we had 2-3 feet of water in the house and we had to gut it out. I had water in my car up to the dashboard so I had to buy a new one. I got a new Blazer. So that was cool just didn't want the note every month.
But what can you do. My hubby and I are staying with some family friends til we can get back into the house which will most likely be after the first of the year.
Everyone lives here are upside down and will be for a long time.
Anyways back to weight loos.
I went to Dr Lavin for my 1 month visit and I had lost 33 pounds in 5 1/2 weeks.
I go back to the doctor on the 17th of this month for my 3 months visit.
I weighed on my scale the other day and have lost a total of 43 pounds so far. When I started my journey I was 226 and now I am
183. I have come down in sizes too.
Shirts from a 2XL to a XL
pants from a 22 to a 18.
I hope to keep going to get back to a size 8-10.
well that is all I have for now.
Take care

Wed 11/30/05
Well it has been a while agian. Ihave been busy with work and trying to get my house back in some kind of order since Hurricane Katrina hit.
I went to see Dr. Lavin on the 17th of Nov for my 3 month visit.
I weighed in at 177. So in three months I had lost 50 pound gone forever... WHOOO HOOO!!! I am half way to my goal now.
I am now in a size 16 pants and size large shirts now.
Everyone tells me how good I look and how skinny I am getting.
It makes me feel good to know they are seeing the changes I am going thru with the weight loss.
I made it thruogh Thanksgiving with out pigging out for the first time in years. I was afraid I would have gone back to old habits but I stayed right on track. I had a little of what I knew I could eat and that was that. I kept a cup of unsweet tea with me and when I wanted to go back for seconds when I knew I was still full I just took a sip of tea.
I hope to do the same thing for Christmas.
We did start bowling again and that was good. I have noticed a big change in my game.
I don't get tired and out of breath by the 3rd game. I have the energery to bowl all thre games now.
That was a wow monment for me.
I keep all my WOW monments in a book so I can look over them form time to time.
Well I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTIMAS AND A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care,

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Tuesday March 7,2006
Well once again it has been a long long time since I have updated my profile. I have had alot going on that I have not had the time to update.
So let's see since my last update I have had to buy another new SUV the one I got right after Hurricane Katrina was a lemon I traded it in on a new one this time so that problem was solved.
We finally got our FEMA campers and got moved in to it. I know it is a roof over my head but it is so freakin small you have no room for anything. We will be in the camper for about 10 to 12 weeks could be more just depends on when they get the house back together.
I was having a small porblem with my food getting stuck I thouhgt it was the way I was eating so I would go back to my soft foods and liquids and it would get better and when I went back to eating it was ok but a few weeks ago it was not getting any better so I went back to the doctor and he put me in the hospital and did exploratory surgery to remove the scar tissuse and he also took out my gall bladder. I went back a week after that which was my 6 month visit too. I was going soo good and only had 30 pounds to hit goal that I don't have to go for my 9 month visit I go back in Aug for my 1 year visit.
At my 6 month visit I had lost 70.5 and made my 6 month goal for the doctor.
I have gone from a size 22 jeans to a size 10 my shirts were a 2xl to a 3xl down to a med/large.
I feel wonderful and have more energy than I have had in a really long time.
My hubby is proud of me and says I look good all the time.
My parents are also prod of me too. My dad says he did not know it would be this dramatic in 6 months.
I am going to take some new pics and put them on my profile.
well that is it for now I will post again soon.
Take care,

Monday 4/24/2006
Well it has been a while again since my last update.
I am still in my FEMA camper. I don't have my computer hooked up since the camper is way to small I don't have anywhere to put it.
I am at work I am working an overnight shift to help out in the ER.
I wish I was at home in the bed I am getting sleepy.
But I still have a ways to go.
Well onto the weight loss stuff and my journey.
I have lost a total of 81.5 pounds so far as of today.
I have gone from 226.5 to 145.0. I only have 10 pound to go til I hit my personal goal of 135 pounds I was at 130 but I bumped it up to 135. I can't wait to get to 18 months post op to have my plastics done.
I have really been happy since having my WLS 8 months ago.
I did not know it would be like this and I would hit my goal with in 9 months. I knew the weight would come off fast but not this fast.
I really am glad I had this surgey. I do have my day where I really have to work at it and not let the old habits come back. I have been fighting that alot latey.
I don't dump anything not even surgar like candy,cookies etc.
I am one of the ones who had the surgery and can go back to eating what ever I want too. So for that I know I will have to work even that much harder to keep the weight off.
I am very proud of the weight I have lost and the way I look.
Pepole that have not seen me since I had my surgery don't know it is me they have to take a second look or I have to tell them it is me. Then when they realize it is me they are amazed and shocked.
Well I guess I better get back to work. I will update soon and I will try to put my new pic on my profile too so everyone can see.
Take care,

Friday 5/19/2006
Well I am now 9 months post op. I am still at 145 pounds. I have not lost anything in the past month but I have not gained either.
I have for the most part leveled off. I was a light weight and only needed to lose 90-95 pounds and I have lost 82 pounds in 9 months. I have noticed I can eat more on some days and less on others. I really watch what goes in my mouth. I don't drink soft drinks they still hurt with the carbonation in them. I drink decaf tea I make with splenda, crystal light drinks, and water.
I stay away from the foods with alot of carbs in them. I noticed when I do eat alot if carbs I want to eat more so I cut them out and the cravings went away. Go figure.
But overall my journey has been wonderfull and I would do it again in a heart beat.
This was the best thing I have ever done for my self. I am so glad I did it.
As soon as I can get some pics on my profile I will get them on so everyone can see my progress.
Take care to all

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Monday 6/12/2006
Well it has been a while again..
I have been busy with work and tring to get the house back together. I am still in a FEMA camper but hopefully will be back in the house by the end of next month.
As far as my weight loss it has pretty much stopped for the most part. I have been at 145-147 for three months. I only have 10-12 pounds to go to hit personal goal of 135. I am now 10 months out and I am so glad I had my bypass. I would do all over again in a heartbeat. I have gotten my life back and I am healthy again.
I have gotten my self confidence back too.
I would tell anyone reading this update if you are thinking of having WLS look into it and then go for it. It will be the best thing you will ever do for yourself.
I know I was thinking of doing it and was scared at first but the more I got into it the more I was excited about it, the more I could not wait to have it done and get on the losing side and get to were I would be getting smaller.
I have been one of the lucky ones who have had no complications at all. I feel very blessed.
I do however need to get back to working out more than I do.
But I am working on that.
Well I need to get ready to go pay some bills.
Take care to all,

Tuesay 07/11/2006
Well it has been a while again since I got on to update my profile.
But hopefully now I will be able to update more. I have moved the computer into the house so I can get on it more than I was able to with it in my parents FEMA camper.
I will be 11 months post up on the 16th of this month. So far I have lost 83 pounds. I have gone form a size 22 to a 6/8 pants and from a 2xl/3xl to a Med shirt. I think that is so awesome and I can't belive it some times.
I am starting to have problmes with old habits and wanting to eat all the time I know I am not hungry it is all in my mind I know it. I honsetly don't get hungry since I had suiurgery. So I go get my sugar free popcicle or I get something to drink. Sometimes I think it is just to have something in my mouth so I chew on a piece of SF gum. I have been working out the past few days and I hope it helps.
I go to Dr. Lavin on Aug 16th for my 1 yeyar visit and I want to be in the 130's when I go. I have just over a month til I go so I am going to stick to my guns and work out and eat the right things and not eat so much.
I do have days where I can eat all day like I never had the surgery. Then the next day I can't hardly eat at all. It is soooo weird.
I still can't believe how far I have come and I would do it all over again if I had too.
Me having this surgery was the best thing I ever did for myself.
I did start a new job I am now working at one of my dream jobs.
I am working for a peditrician office. I have been there of almost a month now.
Well I have to say good nite for now I have to get ready for bed so I can get up for work in the am.
Take care to all,

Sunday July 23, 2006
Well it has been a while again. I need to update more often.
I am 11 1/2 months out now and I am down to 143 pouns. I am down 83 pounds. I have 8 pounds to go to hit my peresonal goal of 135. I am going back to my liquids and soft foods this week and see if I can kick start losing agian before I go to the doctor on the 16th of next month for my one year visit.
It is hard to belive that I am alomost 1 year already.
A frind of mine had her surg on last Wednesday and so far she is doing really good.
I am so glad she had had it done and she will do good with it too.
Well I have to run for now I am getting ready to go to the store for some more sugar free pudding...
Take care to all

Monday July 31,2006
Well it has been a while again....
My computer got hit my lighting so it was in shop.
I know it's been a while since I updated. Not much to tell really.
I am almost at a year. I have lost 82 pounds so far. I have not lost anything in 3 months I am still 143/145. I get so down on myeslf since I am not going to met my personal goal for my one year mark. I know I only have 10 pounds to go to hit that goal.
So I should be happy. I am to a point and I just need to get over it.
Everyone who sees me says I look really good and tells me how skinny I am. It feels great to hear I just wish I could see it.
I have started working back out again. I am hoping I am bulid muscle. I see and hear others hit their goal already and I am happy for them honest but it jsut makes me feel like I have failed to a point.
I know I would not have lost the weight I have lost with out WLS.
So I would still do it all over again.
I know I need to get back to the basics maybe and start over and see what happens along with working out I will keep everyone posted as I get news....
Take care to all,

Tuseday Aug 1, 2006
well this makes two days in arow.
I jsut wanted to put a small update to say I worked out for 35 min on my Gazelle, 10 min on my Rebounder, and did 65 tummy crunches. So I am proud of myself I have actually been workingout like I said I was going to. So We will see if it makes a difference soon or not.
Well I hate to make this short be I have to get ready for work in the am...
Take care to all,

Sunday August 20, 2006
Well it has bee a few days since my last update.
I have made my one year Anniversay mark. I made it on the 16th of this month. It has been a wonderful Journey with alot of ups and downs.
The first dwon was a big one it was Hurricane Katrina hit just 13 days after I had my WLS. We are still not in the house as of yet.
Hopefully we will be soon.
I have lost a total of 85 pounds so far.
I have gone from a size 22 to a size 8 pants, a 3xl to a med top
I have not been a size 8 since high schiool it feels good to be thin again.
well will add more later gotta run








About Me
Slidell, LA
Surgery Date
Nov 25, 2004
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 53
