more about me...

Apr 01, 2008

i run a costuming and custom sewing business from home, with sporadic customer flow.  i live in half a rented duplex with my husband, our girlfriend, all our critters, and more books, fabric, sewing machines and electronics than even the most energetic of you could shake a stick at.  i work at the MN Renaissance Festival, i'm on the board of the MN Herpetological Society (still trying to figure out a way to get a sweater to stay on a snake!), on the council of the Twin Cities Polyamorous Discussion Group, and doing some volunteer stitching for local theatres.  i go to CONvergence every year, where the poly group hosts a room party.  i'm also involved (on and off) in the local pagan and glbt communities.  i don't know what free time is.

- sun sign: virgo, libra cusp
- moon sign: pisces
- ascendant: sagittarius
- chinese sign: metal monkey

i am:
- a very eclectic pagan, studying for over 10 years.
- bisexual, polyamorous, in a closed triad with yoric77 and brandy.
- a reader, with varying tastes leaning toward horror and sci-fi.
- an artist who's not doing much creatively lately.
- a seamstress, specializing in costuming and sewing without a pattern.
- a festie, working at como cottage at the mn renaissance festival since 2003.
- drawn to animals, especially snakes, cats, and horses.
- "mom" to 1 dog, 2 cats, 6 snakes, and a guinea pig.
- a curvy, voluptuous woman, and not ashamed of it.
- a daughter, sister, friend, wife, girlfriend, "aunt", student
- ... who the gods meant me to be.

- colors: royal purple, deepest black, emerald green
- holidays: beltaine and samhain
- foods: meat, bread, chocolate, good italian or asian food
- drinks: winehaven mead, bailey's, godiva, jameson whiskey, "iron butterfly" and "johnny jump up"
- stones & metals: amethyst, malachite, obsidian, sapphire, silver, white gold
- incense: frankincense, dragon's blood, sage
- scents: rose, jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla
- materials (for clothing, etc.): leather, suede, velvet, butter crepe, linen
- artistic mediums: acrylic paints, compressed charcoal, black & white photography, clay sculpture
- flowers: lavender or deep red roses, daisies in memory of mom
- weather: summer thunderstorms, or warm sun with a cool breeze
- books: anything by stephen king, poppy z. brite, dean koontz; harry potter, hitchhiker's guide, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, children's books, classics...  almost anything with a cover and pages, really.
- movies: the alien quadrilogy, peter jackson's lord of the rings, armageddon, fight club, se7en, bound, mind-fucks (like: memento, pi, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind), good anime, anything directed by gregg araki or hayao miyazaki...
- music: nine inch nails, tool, radiohead, a perfect circle, better than ezra, blind melon, arrogant worms, tori amos, muppets, mozart, marilyn manson, savage aural hotbed, c-tec; drum & chant, irish pub bands, good techno...

how to find me elsewhere...

Jan 24, 2008

About Me
White Bear Township, MN
Jan 21, 2008
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