Stuck stuck stuck.

Jul 13, 2014

I'm getting this down now in the hopes that I'll look back in a year and see how much I've lost.

My body is weird.  I started a diet in February of this year to prepare for surgery.  Because I am so big (at the time 446 pounds) I lost A LOT very fast.  30 pounds in three weeks.  Water weight, naturally.  From that time until my surgery in June I lost a total of 85 pounds.  I need to remind myself now how my body did that.  I'd go a week or two without the scale budging a single pound and then BAM, I'd lose 8 pounds at once.  Why?  No idea.

Well, that's where I am now.  As of today I am 3 weeks post-op and the scale hasn't moved in a week.  I'm keeping my protein between 50-70 a day and drinking my 50-64oz of water each day.  I'm following my plan and even keeping myself at or below 500 calories a day.  Still, no movement at all.  It's so frustrating.

My surgeon told me I have to stop trying to compare myself with people who are losing 20 and 30 pounds a month because my body has already given up 85 pounds in the last 6 months but it's hard to do what I'm supposed to do and see no movement on that scale. 

Frustrating :(


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May 29, 2014
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