5 Year Anniversary

Jul 16, 2008

Hello to Everyone interested. It has been 5 years since my surgery and I am still doing GREAT.  I always thought that if I lost the weight I would be able to walk like a normal person but for me that would not follow, between having carried so much weight for so long and my genetics my hips were pretty well frozen in a 45 degree angle. Even though I had lost such a tremendous amount of weight I still had to use my walker. To say I was disappointed was a GROSS UNDERSTATEMENT...... In September and November of 2006 I underwent first a total hip replacement on my left side and then a total hip replacement on my right side. I started physical therapy in December and in JAnuary I graduated from my walker to a cane, in February I got rid of the cane. When spring came I started walking and was up to 4 miles twice a day and in June I started riding bikes. I haven't been on a bike since I was a kid, now I am a 57 year old kid. I ride anywhere from 5 to 10 miles a day now and I love it. I still have a problem with the muscles in my lower back but they didn't shrink overnight and I know it will take time to stretch them back out. I HAVE PATIENCE.
   I am so gratefull for my doctors everyday of my life. I have a new life that is full and happy. I can only encourage anyone who is thinking of this journey to take it. It is scary but if you have family and friends and a good doctor you have so much to gain. My family says I need to slow down. Now that I can walk I seem to practically fly around my housework or shopping or whatever I am doing. I am really and truely happy now.
   I continue to do well with no problems (except for an awful lot of extra skin that the insurance says is a vanity thing to remove ) and still miss some things that I used to eat but it was well worth it.
   If anyone out there wishes to email me I have no problem talking to you.

Lu [email protected]

My 4 Year Anniversary

Jul 08, 2007

I am 4 years out as of July 8th. I FEEL great. I have lost 280 pounds on my journey. I have never had any problems and I  am off all prescription meds with the exception of my zocor. This is something I would wholeheartedly reccommend to ANYONE that is severly obese as I was. I wish I had done it sooner but I was locked into the old procedures and it wasn't until my orthopedic doctor told me to check into it now that I did. I BLESS him everyday for what he helped me do. I talk to anyone who wants to hear about my journey.People say this is the easy way out but They don't know the truth. My family and friends all understand that. There are things I miss about my old life (whopper with cheese for one) but I do not regret my choices. I am a fully functioning part of my family again and that means the whole world to me.

About Me
Gladstone, MI
Surgery Date
May 21, 2003
Member Since

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5 Year Anniversary
My 4 Year Anniversary
