it feels like it's taking forever...

Aug 31, 2008



still losing.... cool

Apr 26, 2008

weight 317lbs

BMI       46.8

I know I should be happier but.....

Dec 25, 2007

I just feel like I should have lost a little more than I have. Though my doctor and nutritionist are happy with my weight loss and feel i'm on track I can't help but feel differently. I am very happy that I weight 354 lb right now which is alot but I weighed 499.5 lb when I first met with my doctor. I can't believe i was 1/2 a lb away from 500 lbs. I've lost 145.5 lbs so far and have gone from a BMI of 73.8 to 52.3

Weighed myself today

Aug 29, 2007

My doctor said I was focusing too much on numbers. I was getting weighed every week and was getting upset I wasn't losing as much as I thought. 
I couldn't wait another 2 weeks (for my next appointment) so I went today. 

Since my surgery, April 24th I've lost 75lbs, 100lb if you count the 4 weeks pre-op dieting. 100lbs in 5 months cool!


Friends (HA!)

May 04, 2007

  I told a few of my friends that I don't work with that I was having surgery. I didn't tell them what for. One of my friends offered to drive my mother and I to the hospital. So feeling guilty I told her. I trust her and consider her a close friend. But before I told her I specifically told her not to tell her daughter because I work with her daughter and she dates a co-worker. The kids an airhead and if someone says something about me or my surgery she may accidentally blurt it out. So she promised she would not tell her.
  Now my mother knows I haven't told anyone. If they figure it out or assume fine. But it's my business and I don't want to discuss it with them just yet. The day after my surgery she tells me she heard my friend on the phone (while in the hospital) telling her daughter I was having gastric bypass. For cryin' out loud. What the hell? So I emailed her the Friday after my surgery and asked why she told her daughter she didn't respond. She finally responded after I asked her 2 more times. She says her daughter is her best friend and she asked why I was having surgery and she had to tell her. I'm pissed and she has the nerve to be annoyed at me for being pissed at her. I don't get it. I told her if you knew you couldn't keep your mouth shut you should have said so when I asked that you not tell your daughter. Then she try's to defend herself by saying I told people at work so what's the problem. The problem is I told some people at work I was having surgery I NEVER told ANYONE what the surgery was for.

Not Feeling California

May 04, 2007

  Last Thursday I came home from surgery. Friday and Saturday I felt good. But since sunday I've felt blah. I've cried a few times for no reason. I don't want to eat (which is funny). I'm trying so hard to get 100g of protein or at least 80g. I'm sick of soup and pudding. I want a boca burger (i'm a vegetarian). But I don't want to be a whiner. I hate people who whine. So I'm just gonna suck it up!


About Me
staten island, NY
Apr 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 6
it feels like it's taking forever...
still losing.... cool
I know I should be happier but.....
Weighed myself today
Friends (HA!)
Not Feeling California
