A TIME FOR EVERYTHING - It's my time.....

Jun 07, 2009

Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 V1 states:  There is an appointed time for everything; and there is a time for every event under heaven........


I have been praying about and contemplating WLS for almost 10 years now.  Yes, and entire decade has passed me by; and within that decade I have lost 100 lbs 3 times, only to gain it back and some (at one time I lost 182lbs).  How did i accomplish this?  cut out this, don't eat that, limit that, portions, and get up off my tail and exercise.  I found that dieting does not work, it's a lifestyle change and a renewing of the mind.  Should you go back to your old habits, the weight comes back with vengence.  Food has always been my comforter, regardless of the occasion (celebration; birth; death; wedding, boredom; sadness; loneliness, etc)  Some people struggle with cigerettes, drugs, women/men, workaholics, etc.; my main struggle (because there are others...) is FOOD.  I am a Christian, a believer of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  When WLS first began to surface and become popular; I pretty much judged it, and said it was not what God would have for his children; after all, He created our temple (body) and He knows best on how to care for it (i.e. eat right, exercise, etc.).  It wasn't until after I began to see how many obese people were being helped by this surgery that I began to understand that God created everything, inlcuding WLS, a tool for people like me; to help us with the addition which is now labeled a 'disease'.  I have friends who have had the surgery with great success; friends who had and still experience complications; and unfortunately friends who have passed from complications of not WLS, but general surgery/anesthiea/ infection, etc from having a major surgery.  And though I've seen the good, bad and ugly side of WLS, I am moving forward with utilizing that which God has put into place for people like me.  It is more dangerous for me to 'yo yo' up and down with my wieght, than it is to have the surgery.  I strongly feel that it is my time, not just for WLS, but for CHANGE, major life changes that are about to take place in my life, one being WLS.  I have no doubt in my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, that this will allow me the opportunity to stay on track with achieving overall health.  My goal is to decrease in size and increase in spirit - my ultimate goal is not a size 4, but "wholeness"; prosper in all things, and be in good health, even as my soul prospers.  So, I have lifted my hands toward the Father and have given total surrender and trust over to him, and will walk through these doors of opportunities that he has and is setting before me.  As a man (or woman) thinketh, so is he (or she). and I am thinking and meditating on good things only; a successful outcome and a brand new me that can pour back into people with similar struggles.  In other words, blessed to a blessing!    This is my first time 'blogging' on the internet; I didn't even know what a "blog" was until recently (LOL!).  I hope it inspires, uplift and encourage you as you continue on your journey that has been set before you.  Feel free to reply or share with others.  Peace and favor to you and yours....


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Sacramento, CA
Jul 06, 2008
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