Well, I got Medi-Cal (CMSP) after not having insurance for a while.  I was supposed to get Gastric Bypass about 2.5 years ago- until the day before surgery I get a phone call that the hospital was outside of the network and they couldnt do the surgery.  I was mad as hell.  I been searching around to see which doctor would take Medi-Cal so I can atleast get the ball rolling.  I found 2 doctors.  Dr. keshishian in Delano and Dr. laPort in Fountain Valley.  They are both far from me- but what do I care, I just want the surgery.  The only thing is that they both do 2 different types of surgery and Dr Keshishian wants $2k upfront to cover services or whatever.  I just dont know which procedure would be best for me.
**Update** 8-28-04  Well, I called Dr Le Port's office and I had them send me out a new patient packet- filled it out- sent my $150 in and they received it a week ago yesterday.  They sent in the TAR for my surgery and I got a response on Wednesday that I got approved- so i got approved in like 3 days..  I got the call from Laurie at Dr Le Ports office and started crying when she gave me the news that I was approved.  I got my surgery date on Thursday morning.  Its on October 13th and my surgeon is Dr Whyte.  I cant believe it- Im freakin finally getting it after 2.5 years and after my first failure in getting the surgery because the hospital was outside of the network.  I was told that I may not be able to get the laproscopic roux en y cuz of my weight.  So, I have started Atkins Diet Again- to see if i can shed a couple pounds before my surgery.
**Update** 9-02-04 Ok.. well, its like 38 more days til my surgery.  I went and had my blood work done on Monday the 30th i think, and they had my results Tuesday morning- they (Lite Dimensions) couldnt believe how fast the results came back.  I cant even believe how smooth everything is progressing.  I was told that I had to have a sleep study done, for possible sleep apnea.  That hasnt been scheduled yet- but im sure it will be soon.  I already have all my other pre-ops scheduled for the 30th- then its smooth sailing til October 12th when i have my psychological eval, my surgeon talk, and my appt with the nutritionalist and dietician. Then October 13th is my surgery first thing in the morning.  I have received nice messages from people that have had their procedure done and they have been sending me best wishes and I am so elated to be in the presence of so many nice people.  I will post again when I have any more information. Thanks for reading..
**Update** 9-08-04  I just called this morning to find out if I needed the sleep study or not since I havent heard back from anyone.  Apparently, I do- she said that she was going to call me back to get me the sleep study appointment.  I think im nervous about the sleep study appointment.  Im also nervous about the surgery being like 32 days away.  I'll write more when I can think of anything worth reporting..
**Update** 10-10-04 Ok, well its been about a month and 2 days since I last wrote- nothing too exciting happened- I did the rest of my post op stuff.  I did the UGI (Upper G.I)- that liquid barium is so nasty!! They try to entice you by the smell cuz it smells fruity but when you taste it- its the worst tasting stuff ever- i was gagging)  I also did a chest xray.  I also did the sleep study.  That just SUCKED!  I checked into Rideout Hospital at like 8:30pm- I didnt get up to the sleep study lab until about 9:10pm and it took them like a little over an hour to get me all plugged to the monitor.  I had like 20 cords tacked to my head cord on my chest and back, legs and I was completely miserable.  I couldnt fall asleep- not to mention that I couldnt really move or get comfortable.  I think I slept about 2 hours if that.  I just hope that I can get the surgery and not have any complications.  Im leaving for Fountain Valley tomorrow evening at like 8pm in which I will be checking into the hotel with my mom and then on Tuesday, I meet the surgeon and do all that fun stuff- like my psych evaluation and meet the dietician and nutritionalist and find out about my surgery and then I go back on wednesday morning the 13th for my RNY.  Still no word as to whether or not I get the laporoscopic or open procedure.  I will let you all know the rest of it when I get back.  Im coming back on the 18th and I will be at my mother and fathers house recovering for a week or 2.  Thanks again for all the warm wishes!!
See you guys soon.
***Update 12-13-04*** Well here I am, 2 months post op and down 50 pounds.  Im down almost 80 pounds total since April.  Im feeling great, and Im happier than ever...   I havent had any complications, just finding out that there are foods that no longer agree with me.
**Update 04-23-05**  What can I say... I am 6 months and 10 days post op.  Since surgery, I am down 116 pounds.  Im wearing like a size 14/16.  Im about 25 pounds away from my desired goal of 170.  I have had some complications- lack of energy being tired and that sort of thing.  I have been increasing my vitamin intake and my protein intake.  Other than that, Im doing fabulous and I am so greatful that I got gastric bypass.  So, thats all I have to say about that... I will post some more again.
**Update 01-07-06**  Well here I am... 14.5 months post op.  I have lost 175 pounds.  I haven't quite set a goal for myself- I think I might want to lose about 10-15 pounds more, if I do lose it then great and if not then thats fine too.  It's been kind of a rough patch here and there post op.  I had some complications as far as having bowel movements and had to be hospitalized for not having bowel movements for 2 weeks in which I had an obstructed intestine.  I was hospitalized for 5 days and had countless enemas and poking and prodding- that happened when i was like 9 months post op.  They discovered that I had an ulcer.  I took meds for that and then didnt have any problems until about 3 days ago I drank like 7 beers and for the past 3 days I have been having the most terrible stomach pains.  I don't know what its from but I have been popping tums like m&ms.  I'm afraid to go to the urgent care because of the fact that I had a bad experience going to the hospital and people not knowing how to treat post gastric bypass patients at my local hospital.  Other than the few complications I have had- I do not regret the gastric bypass surgery.  I went from 334 pounds to 165 in a matter of 14 months.  This has been the wisest decision that I have made.  I am so much happier I can do things I wasn't able to do before and I can wear clothes that I havent been able to wear.  This has been a blessing for me- even tho I had the complications.  So- that's my story...
*** Post Op 2 years with complications.... just had a perferraited gastric ulcer went into emergency had surgery was there for 4 weeks and came home with TPN feeding tube.  On hospice- vomitting profusely cant keep anything down- not even saliva feel like dying.  its not about the weight loss- I already lost all the weight I wanted to lose and more now its about staying alive.  can someone help me? My weight 130- 5'4".
***Update 4-7-07***  Well... I almost died after the last paragraph.  I was completely obstructed and unable to keep anything down.  After approximately 4 days of being home on hospice and the hospital claiming they couldn't do anything for me- my fiance saved my life by rushing me to another hospital an hour away.  The confirmed that I was obstructed and saved my life.  I was hospitalized for a total of 3 months and afterwards I was at home recovering and regaining my strength.  It's been 4 months since my brush with death.  I am fully recovered and we found out recently that I am expecting our first child in September 2007.  I have been blessed with another shot at life and with a miracle baby.  All in all- I would do it all over again.  I truly am happier even though I had complications.  Life is definitely easier 225 pounds lighter.

About Me
Santa Maria, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 19, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
