I began my journey in July of 2006.  I had some flex money left since my son no longer required braces :-).  They pulled a couple of teeth and everything just dropped in place beautifully.  I think it was a gift from God actually because he knew what I needed.  

I had been contemplating weight loss surgery for many years.  In fact, I had no idea what my present weight was when I went into the doctors office - I just knew I was very overweight.  I almost had a heart attack when I got off the scale.  I was fortunate because I have a great husband who cared a lot for me and wanted me to be happy.  He went (and still does) to every doctors visit I had and was right by my side after the surgery was done.  He was really my motivation as he was always so positive and supportive.

It was a quick justification for the surgery because I had a BMI of 53 and had severe sleep apnea.  During my sleep test I stopped breathing 85 times and my oxygen levels dropped as low as 69%.  I got a call the next day from the Physicians office saying I needed a CPAP machine immediately and they had arranged for one to be delivered to me that day.  My husband used to think I was going to die during the night all the time because I would snore terribly, then completely stop breathing.  It was lucky for me that I didn't die in my sleep.  Lucky for me, my insurance does cover obesity surgery.  My surgeon had a great staff who prepared my total case for the insurance and it shot through with an approval on the first submission.  I was into surgery by September of the same year.  

Never in a million years would I have believed that it would be as successful as it was.  I have lost 196 pounds to date, have a BMI of 23, and a weight of 151.  I am 5'8" tall.  It was hard starting with the liquid diets, talking with the nutritionist about how I should eat before and right after surgery, working with a physical therapist on dreaded exercise, and having to keep track of so many things.  I stuck to my Physicians program completely.  I did not waiver and did not cheat.  Oh, but I thought about it a lot!  :-) LOL  But, because my weight loss was mostly steady (except at about 8 weeks where I didn't lose weight for 3 weeks or so) and that kept me motivated.  Plus, for the first time in years, I was able to sleep and woke up feeling rested.

I am so greatful that everything went to smoothly for me.  I was able to leave my CPAP machine behind within 8 weeks of my surgery.  I no longer snore at all.  In fact, my husband now has to check to see if I'm still breathing because I sleep so quiet :-).  I did have my gallbladder removed in October though.  I guess that is common for people who lose a lot of weight.  I thought some of the problems I was having were what we call a dumping syndrome, but actually they were due to my gallbladder not functioning.  Since the gallbladder is gone - all of those problems have disappeared.

If you are contemplating weight loss surgery I encourage you to read and review profiles on this site.  That is what really convinced me that I wanted to proceed.  

Unfortunately I only have some before pictures.  I will take some recent photo's during the holiday and will share them.  I think a picture is worth a thousand words anyway!

Best of luck to you if you are trying to decide.  I don't regret my decision for even a second.  It won't be easy and you will question yourself on days afterwards.  But, when you see that scale move and move and move - you will find such a feeling of satisfaction and happiness - I just can't explain it!  And even when it gets stuck for a few weeks - you will still feel your clothes getting roomier.  

Trust me - if I can do it - you can too!!!!! Hugs and best of luck!


About Me
Portland, OR
Surgery Date
Oct 11, 2006
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 2
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels! :-)
