August 23, 2006
Hi my name is Wanda, and I'm just learning about this site. I am interested in haveing WLS one day. I have been struggling with my weight not long after high school. I have been on so many diets: Michael Thurmon, etc... only to gain it back and then some. That's why I am considering gastric bypass surgery. Just sick of the up and downs of yo-yo dieting. I can't think of anything else to say right now, so Bye!


MySpace Layouts

September 19,2006
I went to a New Start weight loss seminar today with my friend Treece and learned all about the difference between the Lap Band and the RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. It really cleared up some things for me. Now I'm really leaning towards having the Lap RNY Gastric Bypass. What else can I say. It was very enlightening. I feel closer to reaching my goal of having surgery. That's all for now.


MySpace Layouts

October 15, 2006

Just getting used to the new format. Treece worked on it for me!



MySpace Layouts

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MySpace Layouts

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MySpace Layouts

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MySpace Layouts

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MySpace Layouts

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Pericardial Mesothelioma
Pericardial Mesothelioma

About Me
Saint Louis, MO
Aug 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 3
