8/4/01 - I am very happily married to the love of my life, Lewis. I have 3 "inherited" step-children and 6 grandchildren. God has richly blessed me because I thought I would never have children. We are raising Cody, our 10 year old grandson and he is the apple of my eye!

My weight problems began around the age of 10, before that I was a "normal" sized child. The first diet I remember going on was at 11 years old. I was 125 pounds, I remember that but not my height at the time. I ended up gaining weight, but managed to lose it around the age of 14. I was on diet pills in high school and kept my weight around 150 (I am 5'7") doing all the unhealthy things. I did get good exercise by marching on the Drill Team, but never would play sports because of the bad feelings I had at the younger age. (I didn't want to make the team lose the game etc.)

After high school, I entered into a very brief unhappy marriage. I fell into a deep depression and gained lots of weight. Of course my ex was very cruel and I made up my mind that I would never marry again. (Thank goodness God had other plans for me!! I did remarry but it was 16 years after the divorce, good things do come to those who wait.)

During my twenties I yo yo dieted going from 145 to 225. The last time I was 145 I was 30 years old. At that time I was dianoised with bipolar (manic depression) and due to medications and lack of exercise I yo yo dieted between 225 - 320. Gaining during periods of "down" times which unfortunately occur more than the "up" times. There have been changes in the medications for this disease and there are some that do not "cause" weight gain. However, I have not been able to get the weight off and keep it off for very long.

I am now 46 years old and weigh 300 pounds. I have high blood pressure, diabetes (due to weight), bipolar and recently had a sleep study and found that I have sleep apnea as well.

It is my hope that weight loss will enable me to get off medication for diabetes, at least reduce the high blood pressure medications, help my depression periods and sleep apnea.

I want to be around for many more years. I want to spend quality life with my husband. We love to travel and it would be so nice to really enjoy flying and being able to be on my feet for long periods of time. I want to raise Cody and see HIS children!

I am going to have the WLS, I just want to make sure I pick the procedure, surgeon and staff that is right for me.

8/10/01 - I have a consultation date!!! August 30. After much research and attending the Seminar last night I have decided that Dr. John Husted is the best choice for me. Before the seminar I had done most of my research concentrating on the Fobi pouch procedure. After hearing Dr. Husted I have decided that the BPD/DS procedure will be my choice. Of course I will further discuss this on a personal one on one with him on August 30. I have decided to attend his next seminar and pay closer attention to the BPD/DS after care information.

Yippeeeeeeee! I am one step closer to the other side!

9/5/01 - I just realized that I had not posted since my August 30 consult. I was very happy to find out that Dr. Husted considers me to be a very good candidate for the BPD/DS surgery!! That is great news! I was favorably impressed with his knowledge, experience and his genuine concern. He was very easy going, took time for all our questions. I feel good about choosing Dr. Husted.
On the down side, I was informed that BC/BS PPO considers the DS "investigational". Dr. Husted is in the process of giving them information to the contrary. DS has a longer history than any of the surgeries. So, the bottom line is that I feel sure that BC/BS will come around, but don't know how long it will take. I will try to be cool about it. I know that God is greater than any problem and I know He loves me. What is the best for me will happen. I do have faith of the "mustard seed", hopefully more faith than that!!! Thanks be to God from where I get my strength.

11/7/01 - I was denied by insurance with the "investigational" excuse. I have been working for the last few weeks getting my appeal together. I have the support of my PCP, Gastroentrologist, Endocrinologist and Psychiatrist. I am watching the mail box daily for their support letters. Once I have them, my appeal will go Special Delivery. I am so grateful to Chris Hull who did such a wonderful research paper that I used in my appeal. My doctors have been so impressed with my appeal letter. Let's hope Blue Cross will approve it. My next step will be to get a lawyer. I met with Dr. Husted again to touch base. He's the best!

12/4/01 - BC/BS should have my appeal by now. My doctors wrote fantastic letters of support. The appeal is excellent. I am not getting my hopes up, but have a glimmer... I never dreamed this would be such an ordeal. Oh well, the fat has been an ordeal for years... what's a few more weeks? :-(

3/25/02 - Appeal denied. My husband's company is self-funded and they are reviewing my case. They have full authority to over-ride BC/BS. I feel I have a better chance than if I had to keep going with BC/BS. I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone, it's been a long, hard, battle.

07/17/02 - Final denial from BC/BS supported by husband's company. This was due in large part to a damaging opinion from Dr. Hiler and Dr. Cowan of Memphis, TN. They stated that I would qualify for their surgery, but in no way do I qualify for the DS. How self serving can you get? It was pitiful. Dr. Husted is "fit to be tied"... I have fought hard against BC/BS, but my husband and I have decided that it is time to move on and drop BC/BS and make Tricare our primary insurance (he retired from the AirForce but we have been using his current employer's benefits)

I am more determined than ever to have my DS surgery. No insurance company or "old school" doctor will stand in my way. God is in Large and in Charge :-) and I believe that I am walking in His will.

08/17/02 - Things are coming together so well that I have been given a tentative surgery date!!! October 14, 2002!!!!!! I'm happy but afraid to really believe it yet... Thank you God for getting me through this year! I started this profile one year ago and thought that I would have surgery in October - so I just had the year wrong :-)

10/7/02 - Verbal approval from Tricare!!!!!!!!! approved the bypass portion, denied gallbladder and apendix - will appeal that after surgery. I just need hospital coverage was so afraid of the cost of complications without insurance. Doing private contract for Dr. Husted's fee, so no problems today. A GOOD DAY TODAY - PRAISING THE LORD AND CELEBRATING!! Surgery 10/14/02 is a GO!!!!!!!! :-)

10/11/02 - preops done today, everyone at Baptist Hospital kind, considerate, professional, enjoyed the day :-) 2 more days...

10/22/02 - I am home and my recovery couldn't be going any smoother!!! Had surgery Monday, 10/14 came home on Saturday afternoon. It was a blast. Had the room decorated with banners, balloons, congrat signs, BC/BS dart board etc etc

Of course there was a lot of pain the first couple of days when trying to move, but I made myself get moving and it paid off BIG TIME! Just use the pain meds and get going!

I was prepared for DS curing the type 2 diabetes, but seeing it for yourself is a different thing!!
Right after surgery my blood sugars were high, Dr. Husted kept me in SICU for an extra day mainly to keep an eye on blood sugar and I got some meds in IV (I think - I was a "little doped up" )

Well, let me tell you, I was a little upset and thought I would be the one to "keep" diabetes. Of course, he reassured me that folks without diabetes can run high sugar after surgery.

I have to share this - I am only one week post op - I left the hospital with no diabetes meds required.

My fasting blood sugar was 86 yesterday and 84 today!!!!!!!!! I was running around 200, taking Glucotrol XL 10mg twice a day and Glucophage XR 4 pills at 500mg each.

Also, left the hospital on TWO meds for high blood pressure NOT FIVE! AND have instructions to keep an eye on it in case it needs to be decreased. I need to have it checked...

Also, no diareah!!!!!!!!! Had a "normal" looking bm today!!!!!! Too much info? I don't think so because so many wonder about the DS bm...

I am doing great, Mom, Lewis and Cody are spoiling me rotten and I'm letting them

All the praise, honor and glory goes to God! I cannot express the love in my heart! I just keep crying tears of joy when I think on His goodness.

10/29/02 - had 2 week post op visit, staples removed, still doing GREAT! Lost 19 pounds!

12/10/02 - had my 7 week post op visit, doing fabulous! Lost 37.5 pounds so far :)

01/12/03 - still feeling wonderful! Lost 52 pounds so far :)

03/14/03 - It is hard for me to believe but it has been 5 months since my surgery!
I just weighed this morning... I am now OBESE!!!!!!!!!

I was looking up my BMI to update my stats... no longer morbidly obese, no longer severly obese...

I still feel like this is a wonderful dream... just don't pinch me!!!!!!!

I have lost over half of my excess weight... I'm not sure what my final goal is but I'm shooting for 150, so I am 65 pounds away from that goal!!!

10/14/02 - 287 pounds BMI 46
11/11/02 - 257 pounds BMI 41.5 -30 lbs
12/10/02 - 249 pounds BMI 40.3 -38 lbs
01/11/03 - 235 pounds BMI 37.9 -52 lbs
02/14/03 - 226 pounds BMI 36.5 -61 lbs
03/13/03 - 215 pounds BMI 34.7 -72 lbs

The best thing.. had A1C done last week. It was 4.9 DIABETES IS CURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy, Happy, Happy,

06/19/03 Things just keep getting better! I no longer have sleep apnea! I rode a roller coaster at Disney's MGM!

04/15/03 - 208 pounds BMI 33.6 -79 lbs
05/14/03 - 201 pounds BMI 32.4 -86 lbs
06/14/03 - 192 pounds BMI 31.0 -95 lbs

Life is GRAND!

07/01/03 I have lost 100 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08/14/03 - 183 pounds BMI 29.5 -104 pounds
09/07/03 - 177 pounds BMI 28.6 -110 pounds
04/15/04 - 160 pounds BMI 25.8 -127 pounds

04/15/04 Haven't been here in way too long!!!! I am now at goal and have just begun my plastic surgery! Had my tummy tuck on March 30, 2004 and plan to go to Brazil this summer for an extreme makeover!


August 2004 - all plastics completed! My plastic surgery experience with Dr. Fabio in Brazil was wonderful. Visit www.tlcmedicaltravel.com for information.

About Me
Antioch, TN
Surgery Date
Aug 04, 2001
Member Since

Friends 1
