He's Back!!!

Sep 23, 2009

Hello WLS Peeps,

Been awhile since I posted (now it's blogs on here...cool).  I know my last posts were dark , but I know for sure now why.  I am being treated for Bi-Polar TYPE II (Mostly severely depressive) & a Panic disorder. These were NOT caused by WLS, but rather lay dormant until I had a nervous breakdown in 2005, I also have since found out that there is a family history no one spoke of. Treatment seems to be helping the Bi-Polar (Not so much with the Anxiety).

I am also getting treatment for severe & chronic low back pain (All the weight I carried for years). I have had 2 failed surgeries...well the second one did implant a bunch of hardware and fuse me on 3 levels...BUT it did not take away the pain (hence a failure).  Medicines don't work (Morphine, Vicodine, Fentanyle, Tramadol, Oxycodone, Epidurals, Oxymorphone, Opana, Gabapentin), I have tried almost everything. 

The latest was a sugical procedure to implant a Spinal Cord Stimulator (they insert wire leads into your spine & then you get a device that sends electrical signals down the leads & into your back.)  90% of people get some relief...me? I hurt WORSE!! It went horribly. Luckily this was a trial not a permanent implant.  They ended the trial early and declaired it a complete failure (sounds bad right?)

Well, that apparently opened a door for me to a Morphine Pain Pump.  This will be implanted in my back permanently with a small tube leading to my Spinal Sac, this will dispense a drop every so often of Morphine or Demerol or both or something else.  This would mean I could stop all oral pain meds as those drops are potent enough to kill any pain signals before they reach the brain.  Since they are such a small yet continuous dosing, I don't have to worry about feeling "high" or drowsy or sick , etc.  the ratio from this morphine dosage to oral meds are 1mg compared  300mg.  My Pain Management Doctor bet me a million dollars he can get me a 50% reduction of pain AT LEAST!!  Sweet!!!! Although I would prefer the pain relief

So I was happy about that, plus I was able to get a cortisone shot for my knee which helped.  I thought things couldn't get any better but.....this morning I wieghed myself and I am back under 300lbs!!!!  It has been slow due to the physicaly restraints of virtually no activity.  So just getting back to basics and using my pouch I dropped about 20 pounds in the last 5-6 weeks, I don't expect to hold that pace...but it does work with diet alone!! And once I get my pump then I will be able to exercise as well!!! YAY!!!

Well peeps, have to get ready for another Doctor Appointment .  Nice being with you again.  Remember never to give up...you can do it, even if you have to modify it.

Love to you all & please Love one another.
“May the love hidden deep inside your heart find the love waiting in your dreams. May the laughter that you find in your tomorrow wipe away the pain you find in your yesterdays.”

About Me
Lee's Summit, MO
Surgery Date
Sep 03, 2004
Member Since

Latest Blog 1
