Well, this week has been all about misery, depression, and injuries. Sorry to start off so negative... on 08-09-08, I was walking down 18th Street NW near Kalorama in DC, and I tripped on sidewalk. Voila! I dislocated my right shoulder, have gross road rash on my right elbow, and a horrid bruise on my left knee.

So I'm wearing an immobilizer for my shoulder, and only time can heal the other stuff.

On 08-13-08, I had an endo at Sibley with Dr. Lawrence Wyderlite; he's awesome. The bad news is that my RNY gastic bypass from 2001 has completely failed. And when I say completely, I mean that in the images, I can see TWO freaking stomachs!! No, not one esophagus, one entry to one stomach, but one esophagus, and TWO holes entering TWO stomachs!! Not only that, but somewhere along the way, bacteria is leaking into my system, and making me sick. I think it goes without saying that I obviously need a revision ASAP.

Dr. Wyderlite wants me to have it done at The Johns Hopkins Center for Bariatric Surgery, specifically by either Dr. Schweitzer or Dr. Magnuson. I just got off the phone with their office manager, and so far, things are lookin' GREAT (knock wood).

What is it about August? I updated in '05 is August, too. Weird... actually and unfortunately, I'm having a LOT of post-op problems that are 1) not my fault, and 2) are making me very sick.

Prior to surgery, I had terrible, unbearable GERD, which I was told the surgery would resolve. Well, it did go away, until sometime around '05-'06; then slowly but surely, the GERD resurfaced, and at this point, it is, if possible, worse than pre-op.

Since hubby and I have recently relocated from Rockville, Maryland to Washington DC (Adams Morgan, to be specific), we decided that it was an opportune time to also switch doctors, so we found a terrific internist and we go in for complete physicals next Monday or Tuesday.

But I explained to him what kind of surgery I had (open RNY), and I explained my symptoms. They worried him enough to have me go see a gastroenterologist ASAP. He also insisted that I go have an upper g.i. ct (CAT) scan, because he had some concern that I might have a kidney stone (no, its not my galbladder - that was removed in 2004).

But the ct scan revealed nothing (and believe it or not, that annoyed me).

So now I'm going to have an endoscopy a week from Wednesday.

This new gastroenterologist has already determined several things:
1. The surgery I had done was NOT done correctly;
2. There are at least two holes in my stomach that are leaking bacteria into my bloodstream and making me horribly
    sick (not hospital sick, but sick enough that I never have any get up and go, and I never feel quite "right"; and
3. I need a massive revision to my surgery, but since it wasn't done correctly, there's more to it than a simple

I'm so angry, I'd like to go over to Dr. Anez's office and strangle him to death, but where would that get me?

So right now, we're looking for hospitals and surgeons who 1) accept my insurance, and 2) do the revision  need; not an easy task, let me tell you. Right now, its looking like our only option may be the Johns Hopkins Bariatric Center in Baltimore. Frankly, I don't care if its in Timbuktu; I want this to be DONE. I've put on 72 lbs. (my highest on my day of surgery was 309 lb., and I weighed in at his office at 227 lb.)

So that's where I'm at; I'll keep you posted.

Today is the one year anniversary of my open RNY surgery. What an unbelievable year it has been! As of this morning, I am down to 194 lbs. (That's a loss of 110 lbs!) This past weekend, I bought a pair of size 18 jeans, and t-shirt in the regular misses department at Target - I never imagined I would be able to buy normal clothes again.

I hope to reach my goal weight (165 lbs.) by this summer. After I've maintained goal for six months, I plan to have breast reduction and reconstruction surgery.

This May, I am walking 60 miles for breast cancer in the Washington DC Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day, so I am training in earnest for that.

Hands down, having open RNY surgery was the best decision I ever made. If I had to do it over again, I would in a second, no question.

Today is surgery day!!!


I just scheduled an appointment with Dr. Anez for November 7 to pick up my pre-op papers. That's actually the first step of a looooong walk. The pre-op papers contain information on all of the tests I have to have before surgery, which are many. I also have to meet with Dr. Anez's nutritionist twice before surgery. and besides all that, Dr. Anez requires all of his patients to attend at least one meeting of his support group, called Staple Club, so i have got to get to next month's meeting on November 20 (and hopefully december's, too).

It seems like January 15 is so far off, but when I think of all I have to do to get ready for the surgery before then, it seems like I won't have enough time.

Spoke with Dr. Anez's office yesterday. My surgery has been moved to January 15, 2001, at 7:30 AM (I bet I am the first patient that day). Dr. Anez's office was very casual about the whole thing. No problems whatsoever.

Other people have been surprised that I have chosen to wait so long before having the surgery. As explained below, I just don't want to put my job on the line.

After MUCH thought and discussion with my family about the surgery, I have decided to postpone until after the new year (2001).

My main reason for this decision is that by October 9, I will have only been at my job for four months, and I am concerned about taking off any considerable amount of time that early on, and that close to the holidays.

In addition, my husband and I are taking our yearly trip to California in December (to see family for the holidays), and I don't want to come back from medical leave only to request more time off for vacation.

I spoke with my insurance company this morning, and asked if my delaying the surgery would in any way effect my approval status, and they told me that all approvals are good for six months. So in looking at the calendar, I'm hoping to have my surgery either January 15th or January 22, 2001.

Unbelievably, it has been just three short days since I first saw Dr. Anez, and while sitting here at work this afternoon, his office called to say that I HAVE BEEN APPROVED for surgery!!! I think I am still reeling from the shock of how quickly the insurance company responded.

Dr. Anez's office said I could have the surgery as soon as September 25th, but as there is much lab work that needs to be done, and I have to have two more visits with Dr. Anez, and three visits with the nutritionist, AND the insurance company wants me to have a psych evaluation, I decided to wait until October 9th. That gives me two extra weeks to get everything done.

I'm beside myself with excitement, and a little fear, too. I really hope that I can meet someone else who is going through this whole process at about the same speed as I am, so that I can have someone to go through this with. If you fit the bill, please e-mail me

I had my first consultation with Dr. Anez today (he requires his patients to have three consultations before surgery). As many people who have met Dr. Anez have said, he is "alll business."

That's not to say that he isn't friendly or personable, because he is. But it's clear that his there to explain the procedure, answer questions, and that's that.

Anyway, Dr. Anez explained the procedure, most of which I was already familiar with (from reading this site, and others, and chatting with people). Dr. Anez feels that I am a good candidate for the surgery, and his office will begin the insurance paperwork tomorrow (!).

I spoke with the office staff, and they seem to think that, if all goes well, I could be having surgery in as little as four weeks. That amazes me. I am so excited, I can hardly stand it!!

I saw my internist today, and she referred me to Dr. Osvaldo Anez in Fairfax, VA for the surgery. I called the insurance company (United Healthcare), and they said Dr. Anez is in the plan, so I am hoping not to have any problems getting approval for the surgery.

About Me
Washington, DC
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2000
Member Since
