when i was 19 i decided that my health was in pretty bad shape, well i didn't actually decide it, it was a fact. i was right at 300 pounds and i was miserable. i had lost family members to diabetes and heart problems and saw myself going down the same path. i had had enough. i started researching weight loss surgery and decided that it was for me. i schedualed a meeting with a surgen at a near by hospital and my journey had begun. i had to see like 4 other doctors and get their aproval and wait for the insurance to aprove me (which took like 5 months, which i found out was actually pretty fast). i went in for surgery on july 26 2004 at 293 pounds. i hadn't been scared until the day of waiting in the surgery room for the time to come. i knew it was a major surgery, but still i knew i would be fine. i woke up later that night sore, but in good health. my parents were on me telling me that it would be months before i could do anything.... let me tell you that wasn't going to be true. i was in the hospital for 3 days and went home on the 4th. i was fine going up and down stairs, but scared that i would bend over and my staples would pop open and my insides would fall out. that didn't happen. i did have a tube that stuck outa me for about 5 day for any fluid that came about to release, it was unfomfortable but i lived. the staples came out 12 days after surgery and i left home to go back to school a month after surgery. and everything was great. i never had any problems and fully changed my "eating lifestyle".  in 2006 i was at 190 which if you do the math in 110 pounds lighter. but i had a lot of extra skin hanging from my stomach, so i had skin removal surgery may of 2006, which went amazing. when i took the bandages from around my stomach from the first time and looked at myself in the mirror i cried. i was the first time since this whole crazy thing started that i cried tears of joy. i looked like a normal person, i had a small stomach and a bellybutton! as of right now all my scars have healed and i feel great. i'm 177 (i kind of let myself go senior year of college and didn't follow my changed "life plan") i have recently joined weight watchers to helop get me down to my goal weight of 145. which i never thought in my enitre life there would actually be a chance that i could ever be that size. that is the goal weight what was set 3 years ago by my doctors and i will get to it. its taken me awhile and i have been distraced but i have set my mind back on track and i'm going to get there. ~*~ peace and love ~*~

About Me
Channahon, IL
May 28, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
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my friend and i my senior year

Friends 2
