My First week Post-op

Jun 11, 2008

Well I am 1 week 1 day post op. Let me rewind the clock to Saturday I woke up and My girlie has arrived (my Period)>OMG I cried I kept thinking what am I going to do for crampsI took my pain meds that I got from Dr. Suh.YUK... OK well that worked but I broke tylenol in half and thats what I will have use.Anyways by Saturday night I was needing to make a poo but noo luck I was in such pain >I resorted to an enema that is desperationTMI I know but it helped to get thing going. After all that I had a major panic attack. I had my first second thoughts What did I do????Am I going to be able to keep up with this? Will I get my protein and water in everyday? Ok i know Drama Queen that's me  I have been getting the protein and liquid in  but is very stressful. The next couple of days where good. Yesterday I had my 1 week post Op with Dr.Suh down 12 lbs.YEAH!I spoke to him about being very weak my girlie is very heavy today. I need Iron now I more thing to takeHad my staples removed . Got to move on to the second food stage.
Last night I had 1/2 egg went well also tried string cheese. Yummo. Today I will try refried beans. Hope that goes well I have been craving them.Today I will also walk on the treadmill today not at the speed and routine I was out pre-op but I will work up to that. TTFN

I'm home

Jun 06, 2008

Well I am finally home. I had my surgery as schedule only 30 min late 10am instead of 9:30 LOL Anyways I was wheeled on down to OR 4. I remember moving over to the operating table then crying then , Then I was in the recovery room only mild pain around a 7.I moved up to the floor and only had mild gas pain and . I felt pain more from them changing my IV's then anything. I Was kept and extra day becase my WBC was high (White blood cell count) They had to inject dye and I had to drink more yuck stuff I was so disappointing eveything was pretty much textbook until that happened.I started by protein supp. First time I tried it I bought Unjury since I heard do many thing about this on OH any was it was  pretty good   had vanilla no after taste.. ONe of the  weirdiest things is to literatly feel liquid going down and hearing the gurgle. Any ways I will update after I see Dr Suh on Tuesday Thanks for all your well wishes.

24 hours

Jun 02, 2008

24 hours to go . I must say I am scared. A weird scared like I feel like what  is it really going to be like. I have done the research but and heard about other people but this is me what am I going to feel like.I guess if i follow everything meaning diet exercise etc (POUCH RULES) I will do fine. I have the fear of the unknown. I worry for my family. Because they are worried. Trying to keep busy today not much left to do shopping cleaning done. just going to wash bedclothes today and try to enjoy the day.


May 30, 2008

Well I am set to go after a long wait to pre register at the hospital My pre registration time was 3Pm and then to see the dr. at 4:20. I did not make my appt until 5:20 and the dr could not wait so I had my last pre op visit with the dr. via the telephone... Any ways I lost a pound thank goodness I was worried I gained.Anyways I did my labs too. I got them back and i may have a UTI but I have no symptoms so the dr. said it was ok. I am just getting nervous about Tuesday.I will be glad to be on the other side of this. Today was my last day of work until August. My son is coming on Sunday. I am glad I will get to see him before surgeryanyways ttfn

I got my date

May 28, 2008

Well i got the call today at 4:50. I am having my surgery 6/3/08 at 9:30am. I have to do all the pre-ops tomorrow. I  feel so emotional I even have a tummy ache.Thank you Dana and Brandie for you encouagement yesterday. It was much needed.

Psych eval done

May 21, 2008

Today I did the psych eval. I am not crazy..I could be . My teenage daughter
makes me that way 2 hour sleep last night. But I made it though. Anyways the therapist said to call Dr. Suh office after 3:30 and maybe they would give me a date. They said 1 week to 1  1/2 weeks soon I hope. But I never called there before. I felt the person I talked to was kind of rude. Maybe she was having a bad day.


May 15, 2008

Well I had my appt.with Dr. Suh today. It seemed to go well He said I qualified but I needed to the therapist first before surgery could be schedule.But i already knew that from everyone.I was only with him for about 5 min. I didn't have any questions i feel that I am pretty imform my mom called me a know-it-all LOL. I am sure i don't know everything but i could not think of anything at the time. I did ask how much longer the process takes he said about 3 more weeks.also we only need protein supp for 6 months post op?
I set up the psych aval for next Wednesday the 21st . I guess I am 1 step closer. 

3 more days

May 12, 2008

Until my first Appt. with Dr. Suh. I am still having big anxiety .Just hoping everything falls into place with no stalls. I would I like to be post op by this time next month will see.....

getting anxious

May 03, 2008

i am counting the days until I see Dr.Suh 12 more days. i am nervous about The pre-op diet.i heard he will cancel your surgery if you gain anything. I have been so good but I have my bad weeks at weight watchers like last week I gained 1.6lbs this week I lost 3lbs. What if I have a bad week when i go see him the second time? Anyways I am just so anxious.

finally figured it out

Apr 14, 2008

Well  this site is easy to get around anyways LOL. Dr. Suh Office called me but I only received a letter from Kaiser that they submitted it. But Dr.Suh's office said they have my approval HUh!

About Me
moreno valley ca,
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 32

Latest Blog 20
5 months
4months out
Twas the night before my 3 month post op
2 month 3 days post op
100 lbs gone forever
one month post
Cellulitis another bump in my journey
3 weeks post-op
achilles tendonitis
poopy blues
