5 years later

Apr 25, 2008

So it has been 5 years since i had my gastric bypass.  i received an email from the site congradulating me and asking me to update my profile and i thought that would be a good idea.... i didn't realize they have changed the style of the profiles so it took me a few days to get to the point that it was ready for an update!

i am down to around 175lbs (i yoyo between 170 & 175), which is just amazing! this surgery was truly a blessing. Life is busy, which is a good thing. 

In the last couple of days I have come to realize that I am not doing as well as I could be regarding my eating habits and so i am going to try and do better. I really need to go back to the begining when i was a new pre-op and concentrait on getting in enough liquid and protien.  And who knows - i may actually get to my goal weight.

This has been an amazing journey and not always easy, but one that i would never trade! 

Not sure how often i will actually update here - but you can always check out my xanga (my blog that i actually update!):  http://www.xanga.com/agedenial 

much love!!

Old Posts 03/29/03 to 12/31/03

Apr 25, 2008

Starting Stats:Oct 2002
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 312
BMI: 48.9
Size: 3x or 26/28

Hello! I decided to create a new profile for all of my post op info as my pre-op profile is already so long!
Hello as a 6 day Post Op!! Yep, I made it through!! Today is Tuesday, April 29, 2003.  I was released from the hospital on Saturday after noon.  Its so good to be home! I have no idea how much I have lost so far. I don’t have a scale at home.  Also, when I got checked in, they TOTALLY got my weight wrong! My chart said 348.  There is NO WAY that I could have gained almost 50 lbs! I would not have been able to wear the clothes I did to the hospital! I think it was a type-o…. 318, I can believe that.. gaining 10 or so lbs in a month is every possible, especially with all the stuff I was eating.

Ok, I will relay my surgery/hospital story:
My Mom drove me to Penrose Hospital on the morning of my Surgery, April 23rd.  We got there pretty early, about 5:45am (there is NO traffic at that time of the morning.) Got all checked in at 6 and the waiting starts.  Got my pretty dress, hat and shoes on. Got my IV (which took forever, I have deep veins that like to move).

I don’t remember what time the Anesthesiologist came in, but he was very nice and explained what he was going to do; that the general anesthetic was actually 3 drugs, one that is like valium, one that is the sleepy drug, and a muscle relaxer.  He explained how they would then insert the NG tube and the breathing tube. The foli-catheter would also be inserted while I was under. 

Dr Fisher came in about 7:30am or so.  He asked me if I was ready, I said Yes! I asked him if he got a good night sleep and if his eyes were feeling good. He laughed and said yes to both. 

I got wheeled into the surgery room about 10'til 8am.  I have never had surgery, so it was really need to see.  I got onto the operating table, and a lovely nurse brought me warm blankets.  The nurses were just getting me all set up, when I see the face the of the Anesthesiologist. He said he was going to give me the valium type drug now.  That is all I remember there!  

In the recovery room, I remember waking up a bit, and yelling at people about needing a pillow or something and how I was hurting.  I don't remember getting up to my room, but I do remember at one point, I thought my Aunt and my Mom were laughing at me, and I yelled at them "Don't laugh at me!!!" (and I really did yell). Which of course made them laugh more, but the weren't laughing at me.  (A few days later, after talking with my friend Jen who was in the room at the time, and remembers this, she agreed that to me, it would seem like they were laughing at me.)

So far, so good! Until my nurse comes in. It's a male nurse, Jay.  And not the type of male nurse that you would be willing and able to work on you (if you know what I mean.)  Well, something about his just rubbed me wrong. I did not like him! Every time, and I mean EVERY TIME! He came into my room, my heart rate would sky rocket.  He didn’t even have to say anything or touch me or nothing and my heart rate would go up.  One time he came in and made a comment out my heart rate keeps going up, and my beautiful friend Michele, who always speaks her mind, says… "Yeah, every time YOU come into the room." (she said it very sternly.)  His response…."That happens to all the girls when I walk into the room." Again, like I said before… uumm… NO!

I don’t remember exact times, but it was probably around 630, 7pm… my Mom decides to go home. My wonderful angel, Susan Maddy was there to keep me company.  My nurse comes in to tell me that I am going to be transferred to ICU because of my heart rate.  I start freaking out.  I call my friend Jen, who is an RN an works at a different branch of Penrose.  I wanted to call her as I knew she could calm me down and tell me what and why this was happening.  Well, Jay comes back in and I start crying.. which doesn’t help things.  He yells at me to get off the phone. I tell him NO!! this is an RN that works at Penrose Community and I need to talk to her!! Well he kept trying to get me off the phone. Finally this other nurse comes in, Her name was Anne Marie. She was just lovely.  She got me to calm down. I told her that I don't like him (meaning Jay).  I was wheeled down to ICU.

Thank goodness Susan was there!! She left a message for my Mom (she wasn’t home yet) and got all my stuff together to take down to ICU. Normally, only family is allowed in ICU, but I think that since she was there with me, and she helped calm me, she was allowed to stay.  Jen called back on my cell and talked to Susan.  

The only thing that I saw different about ICU was the fact I got a sponge bath (that was nice.)  The nurses didn’t take any less time to respond when I hit the call button.  In fact, they almost made me feel like I was a burden.  

In the morning, the nurse who checked me in, I think her name was Debbie, came down to see me. She was so nice.  A little bit later, Dr Fisher comes in.  He told me that there was no reason for me to be down here.  I explained to him that it was my nurse that kept making my heart rate go up and that I just did not like him.  Dr Fisher told me that the on call doctor was not given the entire situation and I should have never been sent down to ICU.

Because of my whole ICU incident, I did not meet one of my goals. =c ( To be walking after 6 hours.  When I was being transferred out of ICU, I did get out of bed and sat in the wheel chair. Although, this made me very dizzy and nauseous I didn’t throw up. =c )  Back up on the 11th floor, I got out of the wheelchair and scooted to the bed (I can't really say walk, my feet didn’t leave the floor).

Doctor Fisher took out the NG tube after I got back to the 11th floor on Thursday.  OMG that was nasty.  It seemed like it keep coming and coming! Not fun, but necessary. Then I got to try some clear liquids for lunch.  I almost threw up with the chicken broth, but the jello was good.

Friday, I got the foli-catheter removed, very odd sensation.  I also got the drain removed.  I can't really say it hurt (I was on morphine, remember) but it was uncomfortable.  I could feel it coming from all the way across the other side of my body.  I was so glad to have that out!!  After the catheter was out, I would need to get up to use the rest room.  I told the nurse I wanted to go now. She said my bladder was empty. I explained I wanted to "wash up" a bit.  Also just wanted to get out of that damn bed! I finally did walk the hall once, that evening when my friend Lisa came to visit.  I also was promoted to full liquids or "soft foods".  Mashed Potatoes, good…. Pureed Peaches, YUM!… cottage cheese, not to bad…Chocolate Pudding, HEAVEN.

The rest of the hospital stay was pretty good. Except for the fact of all the times I got poked with needles.  I don't bruise very easy, but I found out, unless its from under the skin type stuff. I have bruises all over the place.  The high light was the really cutie male nurse, who was the charge nurse on the night shift, who had to help me because my nurse was so busy. *grin* Gotta love it! Maybe I will have to go back in 6 months and see if Kevin still works there *wink*

Saturday morning, I really wanted to get out of bed and take a shower. OMG that was so nice! I took my time. =c ) I didn't really need the chair they placed in it for me either. I am also glad I had a private shower.  I was discharged on Saturday about 11pm.  It didn’t take very long, under an hour from when the Doctor came to see me and said I would get to go home.  He did make me promise to call the On Call people this weekend if I felt any heart pain or had a fever or anything like that.

I was told I did every well! That I should receive metals for how fast I was progressing in the hospital, well not for walking right away =c (

I could turn over pretty good by myself right after the surgery.  I totally think that was because of all the exercising I have been doing pre-op!  The only pain I felt was really like I had done too many sit-ups. 

I am still on pureed/soft foods.  I need to check the booklet they gave me to see when I can progress to regular foods, very well chewed.

I have my check up appointment on Thursday at 11:15 am.  I will try to post after my appointment.

Love you all!!
The New Loser!
One week Post Op! woohoo!! Tomorrow is my check up appointment with Dr. Fisher and I can't wait to see what my weight is. I know I gained weight the month waiting for my surgery, but thats ok. woudln't that be just wonderful if I was already under 300? (i really wasnt that far off anyway)

In my pre op profile, I talked about how my cousin was going to have this surgery as well, but had to cancell due to losing her job and then she had to wait for STD to become active. Well, she just found out that with her insurance (Cigna I believe) she has to wait a year and do special diets and things. I am so disapointed for her!  I am also a bit disappointed IN her... I have not heard from my cousin since before the surgery. I know she is probably really sad that I got it done before she is able to, but still! She is part of my support system that seems to be a bit broken at the moment. ~~sigh~~

Oh well.. gotta keep good thoughts and heal heal heal!
Love you!
Loser Wendy
One week and One day post op... 16 lbs lost! WOHOOO! I am now under 300!! (297 to be exact!)
Dr Fisher said I was doing extreamly well and that I should be out of the "danger zone" for major complications.  He was very impressed with out I have been healing/recovering.  My Mom could not believe I already lost that much. My good friend Lisa is so cute! She said we needed to go out and celebrate because I was in the 200's.

I really cannot wait to go out and start exercising again! I did walk 1/2 a mile yesterday.... thanks to going shopping with Lisa. I haven't walked very far today, but my good friend Jen is coming to pick me up to go to the mall... we have a graduation to shop for.
Until Next Time!
I had my 2 week nutritionist appointment today.  Lara said that I am doing wonderfully, and that I am boring (because she doesnt have much to work with me on as I am doing what I should be).  I already started taking a multi vitiman as I have taken one for a long time pre-op and I think my body was really missing it.  I am to start taking B-12.  I found a liquid type at Safeway, but I haven't tried it yet. I have a feeling it doesnt taste to good.  I will also start adding one teaspoon per week, starting tomorrow, every friday. 

I have lost another 5 lbs, which makes 21 total since April 22nd. Woohoo!!

I stopped taking the pain meds about 1 and a half weeks after surgery, which I think is pretty good. I am so happy that I can drive myself again!  I really want to go back to the gym, but because I put my membership on hold, they want a doctors note. =c (  I called for that on Tuesday, but so far, I CSSA does not have it yet.  I have to call my PCP for new lab paperwork (to check my thyroid, I cannot find the slip they gave me months ago), so I think I will ask my Doc if he will write up a little note so I can go swimming!  It's just amazing to me, who ever thought I would MISS going to the gym! *smile*

I talked to my beautiful Angel tonight, Susan Maddy, who gave me a nudge to update my profile (which I was going to do today).  She is doing well, still waiting for her Psych and Nutrition appointments.  She also asked me to be her Angel! I am so excited! I hope I can do as good of a job as she did (is doing) for me! Love you Susan!!!

I go back to work on Wednesday the 14th.  I am looking forward to it as I am going a bit stir crazy, but then I am not because I wonder how much stuff I am going to have to fix/re-do. Dont get me wrong, the lady who came to cover for me is sweet, but she came from out of town, and did not arrive on the set date, so I did not get a chance to show her anything.  I have a feeling it will take me a while to play catch up.  And I know I will miss sleeping until 9... but then I will be able to get in my water better.

My main problems so far have been getting in all of my water and taking 30 mins to eat.  I am trying very hard to get better at both of these things.  Head Hunger has not been to bad. But I do sometimes think that I want something... like if I see a yummy food commerical.  It was so strange today, I went to the store and spent only 26 bucks (11 of which was the B-12); what I bought will probably last me a while!  I did forget milk though, so back to the store tomorrow.  I have not found anything my pouch does not like.  I really dont like throwing up, so I am thankful for this!

Well, its getting close to 11pm, so I better get to bed.  but I think I will make a weight loss chart, to keep track of things :)
Well, today is my first day back at work.  I am not really sure how I feel about it.  I have been here for 4 hours and 15 minutes and my back is pretty tired.  There is so much I have to do its not even funny. :(  I have to figure out what my backup did while I was gone, what she didn't do, what I have to fix, etc... It will take me a while, but I will get it all done.

I finally got to go to the gym last night! WOOHOO!! It took Dr Fisher a week to write on a script pad "Ok to Swim".  I was not very happy, but at least I can go now!  I swam for 30 mins last night, boy did that feel good! Also, according to the gym scale, I am now down to 287, with a total of 26 lbs! ~~yeah!!

I am doing pretty good with water so far today. I knew it would be easier for me to drink all the water I am suppose to once I got back to work.  I think I still need some work, but at least its better then the previous weeks. 

No one has said anything to me, but then I didn't expect them too; I work with all guys.  Even when I cut almost two feet of my hair off, they didn't notice. Oh well, it really doesn't bother me.

I suppose I have taken enough time away from work.  I do plan on posting a quick note to the message board though!
Wendy D
Well, I am almost 4 weeks post op!  I have been feeling pretty good, but I am still not doing as well with my water intake as I would like! I thought that getting in all my water would be a snap since I drank so much pre-op.  I am thinking before I would glup and chug my water and this is why I drank so much. I am working on it though :)

I had my first vomiting expereince on Sunday, then gain last night. On Sunday, I don't think I chewed enough. Last night, I was craving meatballs, so I got a subway meatball sub with very light sauce, but I only ate the meatballs.... I am thinking the sauce was still too much.  Needless to say, the next time I want meatballs, I will ask my Mom to make some and not add them to the tomato sauce.  One thing that I wonder about... if I do throw-up, should I then try to eat again later?  both times I really didn't feel like eating. But then, if you think about it, I didnt get any of the nutrients in the food, so you probably should. Hopefully this wont happen again... I will take my time, and chew my food better.  One good thing though, after those two meals came back up, I have no desire to try them again! at least not for a while.  Today I have chili for lunch, so that should be yummy!

I didn't make it to the gym last night, but I will make it tonight! Yesterday was just so cold and I could not bring myself to go swim in a cold pool and then leave with wet hair.  I have 2 more weeks until I can do yoga! I cannot wait! I miss it so much! I wonder if I will be able to do all of the stuff I was finally able to do pre-op. I will just have to wait and see. I will weigh myself tonight at the gym and update my profile after. I think that my "offical 1 month" weight I will take on friday, May 23rd. and I will also get take a one month picture. My friends have a pole going, as to how much I will lose at one month... although I dont think there is any type of prize.

I finally got my role of film developed so when I will try and get my hospital picture posted!
Ok, so I didn't make it to the gym last night. I got sick again =c ( I am thinking that I have tried to advance to more solid foods too quickly.  I will go back to soft foods again for a bit.  Last nights experience was different then the nights before. I felt OK until about a 1/2 hour after eating, then I got sick. Then I felt better and a 1/2 hour later, again got sick. Felt better and then about 45 minutes later got sick one more time. If getting sick continues, I will call my doc.

Tonight I am going out to dinner with my friends and the Moms. We are going to a Mexican restaurant.  I'm thinking some refried beans will be my dinner =c )

Better get working!
Happy One Month Post Op to me!! Woohoo!  As of last night, I have lost 32 lbs (281).  I swam last night for about 1/2 hour and it felt really good.  I have my one month check up with Dr Fisher on the 27th...I need to remember to ask him for a "permission slip" to do more at the gym and then start Yoga the 1st week of June.  I even got into a pair of jeans I have not warn is years!! Yes, they are a bit tight.. but I am wearing them anyway!! ~~smile~~  I think I am also going to treat myself to tacobell beans and cheese for lunch :) yum!

Well I better get working!
I had my one month post op appointment today.  Dr Fisher said I am doing great and right on schedule with my weight loss.  I got a note staying I could start Yoga in June ~~WOOOHOOO!!!~~ and that I have no other exercise restrictions.  

I still have been getting a bit sick, but I really think it's because of eating too fast.  I am trying to be "normal" to quickly.  I am still working on getting in enough water.  Some days water is just "yuck" which is amazing as I have always loved water! I wonder if its tasting different because of how bad my breath has been lately? Very possible...

I need to go to the store tonight and look for some other things to eat; I am bored with what I have in my house right now... 

Well, its time to head on home!
I went to the gym tonight and did 20 minutes on the eliptical! I think thats pretty good for not doing any machine type exercise in 6 weeks!  If my tummy hadn't been upset I probably could have gone longer.  I am also down 37 lbs! woohoo!  I get to go back to Yoga tomorrow!! WOOHOO! I am very excited for that. I have a feeling its going to be like starting from the very beginning, but thats ok! I will update tomorrow on the details of how Yoga goes!

It felt so good to do Yoga again!  I was not up to the same level as I was before surgery, but I figured that would happen.  It will take me a few weeks to get back into the swing of doing Yoga again. It really felt good though! I had needed to crack my back for the last few weeks and nothing I did helped... Yoga helped! As soon as I laid back to do the floor work, crack, crack, crack.. aaahhh =c )

It was also nice to go as I have not seen many of the other ladies in the class in 6 weeks, so it was nice to hear compliments!  They were very excited for me and my 37 pound loss.

I am not sure if I am going to make it to the gym tonight, but I'm gonna try. I have an appointment at school to see what classes I should take for the summer quarter. It's been 2 quarters since going to school, because I thought my surgery was going to be at the end of the 1st one I missed, but then it was scheduled for the beginning of the 2nd one I missed.  Now, for this quarter, I have a bit of a problem as I will be traveling for work the first week of school, but it looks like they are doing a split session, so I should be able to take a class in the 2nd session that starts in August.

I have been feeling really good with food and things. I can really tell when I eat too fast, and I am working on that. I am still working on trying to get in enough liquids. I will get better!! Water just doesn't taste the same. I account that to the nasty taste I have in my mouth most of the time (which I believe is part of ketosis). 

Well, I should do some work!
Before Yoga tonight, I had the lady at the gym do my measurements.. and I have lost a total of 35 inches! woohoo!  I also weight again and now down to 273 for a total of 40 lbs. 

I Finally got back to doing profiles, so I am beat! Sweet Dreams AMOS family!

OMG I am soooo tired and sore today! I went to SixFlags, Elitch Gardens in Denver, yesterday with a couple of my good friends.  We were there for about 10 hours total!  My feet aren't sore, which is a nice thing, but my shoulders (which I have been having pain in for a while), back and my hips are sore. But I sure did have a good time!!  I did throw up a few times after we got there, but I am thinking it was a combo of eatting a bit to fast, and nurves. Not so much about the rides themselves, but whether I would fit in the seats.  I did fit (eventually) into the rides.  The flying coaster, where you stand up into the "car" and the attendant then closes the gate behind you, so you are like a hotdog smooshed into a bun.  The car then moves to a horizantal state, like you are actually flying. The attendant took a couple of times to shut the gate on my car, but he did get it.

All in all, yesterday was a good day.  Now I cannot wait to lose more and go back and see how much easier the rides will be!  

Ok, so my new little tummy DOES NOT like tomato based stuff.  Last night I baked some chicken in tomato sauce (kinda like chicken parasean).  I didn't put any extra sauce on my chicken when I ate, but about 1/2 hour after I ate, the foaming started. Then, once that was all out, I had a nasty acid taste in my mouth/throat and a not so happy pouch.  I tried so many things to feel better, anacid, tagament, tumms and NOTHING helped! I was up most of the night with acid burps; I think I finally got to sleep about 4 am.  I know my problem was with the sauce as it had that taste when it came back up, and I have had chicken many times before with no problems.

On a better note! Went out to dinner with my family on Monday to celebrate my Uncle's birthday.  We went to Red Lobster.  I had crab, about 2 legs or so (I was also sharing with my little cousin, so I dont know the exact amount I ate).  The crab was so good, I decided to get some crab salad for lunch on Tuesday, which again was just yummy! (although I didnt eat the little shrimpies or celery in the salad.)

 I am starting to feel a little more normal with my food choices which is good. Especially since I am going on a business trip next week! (I leave on Sunday morning)  I am a little worried about what I am going to eat while away as I dont know if I will have a fridge in my room or not.  If not, I will ask if they have one I can rent or something.  Otherwise, I will just waste a bunch of food. (I dont like wasting food, but I will be on Per Diem, $30 a day, so its not my money.)
I am also a bit nervous about the plane trip; will I need an extender? just have to wait and see.

Love you all! I will try to update while I am gone, but not sure if I will be able to or not!
I just got back from a business trip to Omaha, NE.  The trip went pretty good.  The hotel I stayed at provided breakfast (yogurt) and I made good choices for lunch and dinner. Except for the first night I was there, I decided I would try a junior whopper, just the beef and some of the veggies.  Well, I think I ate to fast because it came back up.  I did get sick a few times last week.  Its so odd, because its just foam that comes back up.  Here is my therory; I seem to have more saliva after I eat, and with swallowing all of it, its causing me to become over full, and so it has to come back up.  Solution, dont eat as much and or take longer to eat.
I did really bad with my liquid while I was gone.  Partly because OMA does not have very good water, and I did not have a fridge in my room.  I was also bad and had a couple of soda, Diet of course, and I would let them fizz out before drinking them, but DAMN did they taste good! I guess that was my birthday gift to me! Drinking Diet Pepsi! (My birthday was on the 27th of June)

I had no problem with the plane seatbelts! On all 4 planes, I had extra room in the seatbelt! YEAH =c ) But I will still be wondering next week when I leave for California, since I will be on a different airline and all airlines and planes are different in their seatbelt sizes!

I plan on going to the gym tonight, 1 because I need to go, 2 because I need to weigh. I did weigh myself on my mom's home scale the day I left for OMA, and she says that that scale is close to the ones at the gym, but I will wait to post an offical weight using the same scales I have been. 

Well, I should get back to work! I will either update tonight after the gym or tomorrow! 

9:00pm:  Got back from the gym, and I have lost 56 lbs! I am just 7 pounds away from my first weight goal! WOOHOOO! That also means that my drivers license is only 7 pounds off too! I cannot remember the last time that was true!  I did 30 minutes on the eliptical machine and then did some leg stretches and abe work.  It felt really good! It's amazing, I never thought I would like to exercise, but I do!  I still cannot say that I have met my goal to stick to an exercise routine, but I am getting there.  But then, it will be hard this month; I was gone for a week, now I am back for a week, then I leave again on Monday for Cali! But I have every entention to stay active in Cali, Even going to Disneyland! 

On to other Happy News, my beautiful Angel, Susan Maddy got her date! August 6th is her big day! She also finally figured out how to add an Angel, so I am offically hers!  I am so happy this site brought this wonderful person into my life! Love you Suz!
Tomorrow is my 3 month annie!woohoo! As of tonight, I weigh 244, which means I have met my first weight goal (being at or under 250), my BMI is under 40 (38.2 to be exact) and I have lost a total of 69 pounds! WOOHOO!!

Things have been crazy busy with work and life, but I guess thats a good thing. I have hardly gotten onto my home computer and haven't had time to update my profile at work.  I am doing better with getting in my liquids, but I still need to improve.  According to the info I got from my nutritionist I should be at almost 3 ounces per meal. Lately, I know I am not even close to that, except when I have yogurt, then I probably and close.  It seems that more solid foods don't sit as well and my pouch feels really heavy.  I have an appointment with the nutritionist tomorrow so I will talk to her about that.  I also have my 3 month follow up with Dr Fisher next tuesday.

I can really notice a difference in myself.  I can see the weight loss with my clothes, and in the mirror (the lap scares are getting closer and smaller).  I can also tell the difference when doing yoga; one thing that we do is sit with our feet on the floor and knees bent.. then you have to wrap your arms under your thighs and do back streches. When I first started doing Yoga, I could barly even hold my thighs, let along hold my hand under my thighs.

My trip to California went really well! I had a wonderful time with my brother/sister-in law and new Niece, Courtney! She is just the cuties thing! We went to Disneyland while I was there. I totally melted, but had a lot of fun. I did get sick once while there, but I think that is because I had some of the frozen lemonaide and it was too acidic.  I had no problems on the rides, and didn't need an extender for the airplane! (but it was a bit tight as I was in a smaller plane then the trip to OMA)

My beautiful Angel, Susan Maddy has her surgery is just 14 days! woohoo! I am so excited for her! She was such a comfort to me while I was in the hospital, and I hope I can do the same for her!

I hope everyone is doing well on what ever part of the journey they are on!
Today is a good day, at least so far!  Today I am wearing my $5, size 22 jeans! WOOHOO!! I have always worn 22/24's in stretchy pants, but jeans, I was in 28's.   I didn't have to jump to get into them or lay down to zip up... they just slid right on and no problem zipping! WOOHOO!! They aren't skin tight or anything, I even have room in the legs/ass area! I didn't take my 3 month picture on Wednesday, so I think I will take it today, in these jeans, cause I look pretty good (if I do say so myself!)

My Nutritionist appointment went really good. Lara said I am ahead of their schedule as far as weight loss, but not so fare ahead as to be concerned. She gave me some things to work towards and the new packet they have made for posties; looks like there are some good meal ideas in there! =c )

Time to get working!  And if anyone is reading this, Thanks =c )
Recently I have been feeling kinda "blah".  Nothing sounds appetizing, and I haven't been eating very much. I know that this is not good for me, but I just cannot decide on what to eat, then when I do, it doesn't taste very good.  I live alone so its not like I have to cook dinner for a family. I think I know one thing that should help... I need to go find some recipes that I can make and then freeze or would make good "quick" food.  Its just so hard cooking for one.  I ordered some of the Apple Nectar, so I am excited for it to get here. I haev not tried it before, but from all the things I have read it should be pretty good.  My nutritionist doesnt really like people to use protein shakes, but I know that I am not getting in enough just from food.  

Maybe part of my eating problem is just getting back from being away for so long, and I am not used to it.  I need to get back into the swing of things!  I know I am just hurting myself.  This weekend I had to pull weeds in my backyard (I got yelled at by code enforcement) and my Mom was a doll and came over to help.  I also hired my friend's kids; $2 a bag of weeds.  We got it all done, but I was just exhausted all weekend! (started this on Thursday) and I was sweating buckets! Now, I have always sweated buckets, its a family trait (isnt that nice) and I know a lot of it is the weight, but OMG I was just pouring!  I also made sure to stop and drink water. I am pretty sure I got more then enough water this past weekend! WOOHOO :)

Mom and I are going to go shopping for a wedding gift tonight, and then hopefully to the gym afterwards.  I really want to stick to an exercise plan.  Lisa (my good friend who goes to the gym with me) wants to try the pilates class before yoga tomorrow. Since I bugged her to go with me to yoga, I will go to the pilates class... I just hope I can do yoga afterwards, but I have a feeling I might not be able to. But you never know til you try, right?

I really like to read all the Q&A's and sometimes the message board. Lately I have been seeing things regarding how WLS has changed your life and things that are different and body image and such, and it got me to thinking.... I can start to see a change in my body in the mirror, and clothes are fitting different... but will WLS change how I respond to people? I have always been the shy, quite person in a big group (especially if I dont know anyone, or if more outgoing friends are around); was this shy person created from years and years of being seen different because of my weight? Of keeping to the outside of a conversation so as to not get shot down and hurt feelings? 

It took me a very long time to realize that I am a wonderful person, no matter what my size, and if someone doesnt want to talk to me or be by friend because of my size, its their loss. I can be outgoing and a major part of a conversation, but at times I still find myself shying away... will losing the weight help that? All of the past insecurities will still be there... I think its going to take some time to get over those old feelings.  I will just have to deal with things one day at a time, one situation at a time. 

Boy I like having this site to express those types of feelings. My profiles on AMOS have really become my journal. I will need to pring out these notes/thoughts sometime and add them to my handwritten journals.

My Apple Nectar was delivered last night! It is YUMMY!! It really does taste just like an apple jolly rancher!Although its a bit strong/sweet for me with the recommended 8 oz of water to 1 scoop, so this morning I did 16 oz of water with 1 scoop and its good.

Last night after wedding gift shopping, Mom and I went to Ross... I tried on about 6 pairs of pants, all size 22 but one... I bought 3 of the pants.. the other ones were too long (I never thought of myself as having short legs, but I guess I do!)  I decided I needed to get more pants as I only have 1 pair of 22 jeans and then a couple of stretchy pants.  I am wearing one of the new jeans today (which are just too cute! they are like hippy jeans with embroidery on the waist and around the pockets, and bell bottoms) and one of the only people who know about my surgery in the office (because no one else has asked, and I work with mostly men) told me today that I need to wear more fitting clothes [like I am today] to show off my figure, that I am looking great! WOOHOO!!  That just made my day!

I weighed at the gym last night and I am down to 240! That's a total of 73 pounds lost! I am just totally amazed with this tool! Even though I haven't been feeling totally myself lately, I don't regret having this surgery.  I have my 3 month follow up with Dr Fisher this afternoon. We will see what he things of my progress.

I just put together a picture page.  It has my pre-op, 1 month and 3 month photos.  I can really see the different now that I put the pictures side by side. I also added my 3 month pic to the bottom of this profile page.  Here is the link to my pictures: Click Here

I have been doing really good with going to the gym this week. I have gone every day so far, and plan on going to yoga tonight.  Time to get back to work!

update: 3:45pm
Well people at work are starting to notice! My Boss asked me today if I was shrinking! I said "You mean my height?" He said no and did the motion with his hands to show shrinking width.  I had to laugh inside as he didnt want to say anything about weight :).  I told him yes that I have lost 76 lbs (as of yesterday at the gym in my swim suite, thats what it was). He was impressed and congradulated me! Then, a women who works in a cube not far from mine, but we dont work together (in fact I dont know her name) but we say hi in the halls, just stopped at my cube to mention how good I am looking.  woohoo! :)  Even though I dont need the compliments to know I am looking a hell of a lot better then I did before, they are really nice to get!

Went to the gym last night and I have lost a total of 79 lbs!! Only 21 more to go to be in the century club! woohoo!!  Tonight I am going to a pilates class to night with my friend (as I bugged her to go with me to Yoga, she wants to try pilates).  I dont know if I will be able to do all of the Yoga class after the Pilates, but I'm gonna try.

Tomorrow is my beautiful Angel's big day!! Susan Maddy will be having her surgery tomorrow afternoon.  I need to call her and verify what time, so I know when to go visit. I know she will do just wonderful with this tool. 

I didn't make it to the gym yesterday, but I had a good reason... My wonderful angel/angelette, Susan Maddy, had her Lap RNY yeserday!! She is doing wonderful! She was even up and walking with in 4 hours after her surgery! I am so proud of her!  I am going to visit her after work again today, and my Mom is going to go with me.  I think I will call Susan around 11 or so to see how she is doing.

I, on the other hand, have not been doing so well.  It's been a real struggle for me to eat anything, let alone mostly protein! Nothing sounds good!  I know I need to eat, and I have been having at least one protein shake in the morning so I have been getting something at least.  I really need to get to the store and look at making things ahead of time and freezing portions.  I just need a kick start I guess... 

This morning (so far) is a good morning! I am wearing a size 16/18 capri's and an 18/20 shirt! WOOHOO!! The capri's pull a little on the hips, but thats ok as the shirt is long enough to cover that! I don't have a lot of pants in my current size (what ever that may be since I can wear many different sizes) and I am not aloud to wear shorts to work.  I didn't want to wear a skirt today as I have an appointment at 2:45pm with the Exercise Guy (Mike) associated with my aftercare program. I asked Lara (my nutritionist) if I really needed to see the exercise guy since I have been going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week and I wasn't planning on use their facility... she said Yes, that Mike might be able to give me some better idea's as to strength training to help with the excess skin.  I know that exercise cannot get rid of all the excess skin, but I might as well try to get rid of as much as I can. 

I have been really good at getting in my daily vitamin and calcium, but that darn B12, I keep forgetting in my morning! My plan is to take the B12 as I am on my way to work, but I forgot this morning... I need to remember to take it when I get home tonight.  Liquids still depend on the day as to if I get enough in... The weekend is the hardest for me!

Susan is doing good... The last time I talked to her (Saturday afternoon) she was told that she would need to stay over saturday as she was not on "solid" foods yet and she did not have an BM yet.  She told me she would call me on Sunday if/when she was being released, but I did not hear from her, so I will need to call the hospital to see if she is still there!  I really hope she was able to go home on Sunday... I know she was itching to get out of there!

I will update tonight (or tomorrow) to let you know how my appointment went and its my weekly weigh in! :)  I don't know if I am going to go to the gym tonight, it depends on if Mike really works me at my appointment!

Well my appointment with Mike went really good. He told me that he really didn't have much to advise me on since I already had an exercise plan.  He did give me some more specific strength training for my arms so I can do as much as I can.  He also wants me to try and work my way up to exercizing 5 times a week.  I can totally understand why, but I am kinda selfish and want my Friday/Saturdays to be with friends and then Sunday is my "do nothing, relax" day.  And then, school starts this week! (Tomorrow actually!) My plan is to take my workout clothes to school with me, and hit the gym after class. (Class is from 5:15 to 8:15pm Mondays and Wednesdays; the gym closes at 10pm)  My life is going to get pretty busy now! (not like it wasnt before)

Time to start working!
I went to the gym last night and I have lost 85 lbs! WOOHOO!!  I did do 30 minutes on the bike last night, but I didn't stay long afte to work on arms.  I was just beat! My schedule has become very hectic! I work M-F, 7am to 4pm, school on M & W from 5:15pm to 8pm, and then going to the gym after, Yoga on T & Th at 7:30pm.  The exercise guy I saw last week wants me to try and add a 5th day of going to the gym, but I don't think I am able too! I need to have some time to relax and be with friends as well as work on School stuff. I also need to not neglect my house as I have been doing these last couple of weeks! 

I am currently in the process of doing ALL my laundry and then going through my clothes and "removing" the items that are too big! Its really exciting! I already have set aside 5 skirts and I think 4 pairs of pants.

I need to go refil my water!!
Happy Wednesday!!  Last night I weighed at the gym for my offical 4 month weight and [insert trumpt sound here] 223 lbs!! That means that I have lost 90 pounds in 4 months! OMG I cannot believe it!!  This has been a wonderful trip so far.. sure, I have had my ups and downs, but overall I have no regrets.  Lots of people say their only regret was not doing this sooner.. but I think for me, I wasn't ready sooner.

I also had a wild hair or something yesterday as I decided to cut it off! I cut about a foot of my hair... (Think maybe that helped with the 90 lbs lost?)  I think it looks cute and it brings out the body in my hair... I haven't taken my 4 month picture yet, so you all will get to see the new cut in that picture!

Yesterday was just a really good day, because I also WON a FREE tattoo!! WOOHOO!! The certificate is good until the end of September, so I will wait until closer to then as I want to give my body enough time to lose more.  I might even make the century mark by then! What a great reward!!   I am having a problem deciding if I want the new tattoo on my lower back, or an ankle bracelet...  I have thought about an ankle bracelet for about 7 years now, but I think that was more because I didn't want one on my lower back due to my weight... but since I am losing weight, and my lower back is looking pretty good.. I think I really want to put one there!!  I also think tattoos on the lower back are really sexy. And it would be eaiser to hide when I wanted to; with the ankle bracelet, it would probably show most of the time, because in the summer I hardly wear socks (or shoes for that matter).  I think one thing that will really help make my decision is going into the the tattoo parlor and look at designs... I already know what I would want on my ankle if I get it there, but I have no clue for my back.  When I do decide and get it done, I will post a picture!

So I discovered yesterday that my pouch still does not like tomato based foods.  I decided to try some "smart ones" ravioli... I did eat some of the pasta, but mostly I opened them up and ate the ricotta cheese and some of the sauce.  Well, I started getting the acidic burbs and had foam come back up... my pouch did NOT feel good at all!!  I think I will stay away from tomato things for quite a while now.  That was one feeling I don't want to have again.

So I decided to get my tattoo on my lower back.  I like having the option of hiding it as where if I got one on my ankle, it would be harder to hide.   I know I should wait until closer to the end of September (when the certificate expires) but I keep thinking about it and want it soon!!  See, even waiting for surgery didn't teach me patience!

Tomorrow night is a Girls Night Out! I am really looking forward to it!  I almost want to go and buy a new outfit!  This weekend I plan on going through ALL my clothes and separating out everything that is too big.  I need to get more organized and I want to wear things that fit better.  I feel better when my clothes fit good! 
I am kinda in a place where I don't have much that fits good. I have a TON of pants in size 16 (thanks to friends who have lost weight and have given their bigger sizes to me) but I am currently in 18/20/22... it all depends...  well I suppose I should get back to work!

Well, I have hit my first plateau.  I did not lost any weight last week.  I knew this would happen some time.  I am not going to freak out, I know that my body needs plateaus to help catch up.  I think that it waited until just the right time too... I am waiting until closer to the end of this month to get my free tattoo, and I was hopping to lose as much as possible before then (maybe even hitting the century mark....~~sigh~~ oh well, such is life!

I have just updated my pictures!! I have my 4 month photo up.  Also, here is a close up of my cute new haircut!

I hope that when I weigh tonight at the gym my plateau has broken.. according to my Mom's bathroom scale I have, but you can never trust those one completely.  I will update tomorrow with my weekly update!

My Plateau broke! woohoo!! I am down to 220 lbs, for a total of 93 pounds lost.  I know that my one week plateau is nothing comparied to what other people have gone through, but I am very thankful I lost again.  Last night at the gym I did 30 minutes on the eliptical! I didnt do any weights as I was really tired... I needed the eliptical work out though as my butt was really sore from sitting through class.  I think I did ok on my test.. I will find out on Wednesday...  then next Wednesday is our final!  I dont think I want to take a 5 week course again.. it just moves by tooooo quick.

Tonight I get my tattoo! woohoo! I am excited and scared, but mostly excited!

I should get working!!!
Happy Wednesday!  My final is tonight and I hope I do ok on it.  I have a weak "B" in the class right now, so I hope I can make it more of a strong "B"

Yesterday I had the neatest experience!! (actually 2 combined into 1).... I was at Walgreens picking up my perscription, and there is a pharmacist there who recognized me as a Pre-Op and wouldn't even have to ask my name, well yesterday, she didn't recognize me! When I said my name, her expression changed and she was so surprised!  She said "OMG, you have lost a lot of weight!!" She asked me how I did it, and I told her I had Gastric Bypass.  She finished my transaction, and kept saying "wow" and "oh my". Of course she really made me smile (the 1st neat thing)... Then, when I was done, there was another lady at the counter who was done and she asked me, "Did I hear you say you had Gastric Bypass?  May I ask you some questions about it?"  Of course I said yes and we sat down and discussed it!! I gave her my surgeons card and wrote this website's URL on the back.  I also gave her  my name and number incase she had any other questions! I sat and talked to her for about 10 to 15 minutes! It was so neat!!  I pulled out my before pictures and shared part of my story.  It felt so good to think I might be helping someone to increase their quality of life!  I did tell her, though, that the surgery is not for everyone and its a major life decision!  I wish Julie all the luck in the world, whether she decides on this path or not!

I went to the gym last night and I have lost a total of 96 pounds!  I am down to 217! OMG only 4 more pounds to go until I reach my next goal... the Century Club!

Happy 5 Month Anniversary to me!!  I just got back from my nutritionist appointment (which I almost forgot I had) and I have lost 98 lbs!  Current weight 215.  I will weigh to night at the gym just to make sure the numbers are the same.  So close to the century mark!  That would have been really good if I reached that goal on my 5 month date, but then, I cannot complain on where I am! I have NEVER BEFORE lost 98 pounds in 5 months.  I am very thankful for this surgery!  Laura (the nutritionist) almost said I need to slow down on my weight loss... and I don't know if I can do that.  I am only losing 2 to 3 pounds a week now.  I know that my wonderful loss is due to my exercising.  Yoga is wonderful!  And I have no intentions on slowing down!  I do need to work on my food volume though. I am below what I should be.  I need to start measuring again.  I told Laura how I am getting most of my liquid by drinking Diet Serria Mist, after pouring it over Ice and letting it "de-fizz". She didn't seem to have a problem with that. She said that since the carbonation is not hurting me, and I am getting in my liquid she is not worried.  She suggested to try the veggie burgers as I told her I am having issues with meat being to heavy. She also suggested getting frozen fruit (like blueberries and strawbetties)so I will do that.  I am going to do my hardest to get to the levels she wants by our next appointment (in November).

Ok, so last night I weighed at the gym, on the scale I always use and guess what??? I have reached the Century Club!! WOOHOOO Total lost: 100 lbs! 

So my offical 5 month anniversary weight is 213!

Happy October!  I went to Yoga last night, but I didn't enjoy it.  Angie, the normal teacher is out until next week and so Wendy (not me) was subbing for her.  Wendy normally teaches a pilaties class.  She does know some yoga, but she is not as good as Angie (which she admitted to).  The moves didn't really flow very well and I didn't like some of the things she had us do.  I will be glad when Angie is back next week.  

As for the scale, I am down to 211 lbs, so thats a total of -102 lbs.  It seems like I am averaging a loss of 2 to 3 pounds a week.  If my body keeps losing like this (with no plateaus, knock on wood) I should meet my goal in February!  But I know not to count on things like that as the more you lose, the harder it becomes to lose.  One thing I am really exicted about is when my brothers come to visit(One at Thanksgiving, One at Christmas).  By Thanksgiving, I hope to be under 200 pounds! My brother that is coming then has not seen me (and does not know about my surgery) in a few years.  The one coming in Christmas is the one I saw in California in July, but by Christmas, I hope to be around 175.  The best part of this surgery is becoming more healthy, but the looking good is just a Bonus!

I have my 5 month picture developed, I just need to remember to bring it into work to scan.
I just added my 5 month photo!  I am going to send in my pre op and post op pictures to be added to the before and after gallery!!  Its hard to believe those pictures are really me!  Especially looking at each month next to each other... Here is the link if you want to go see Post-Op Picture Trail

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been sick and didn't really have anything to share.  Last night was the first time I had been back to Yoga in about 2 weeks. Boy could I tell my body was missing it.  I still did pretty well with all the moves, but my legs are pretty sore this morning. 

I have my 6 month appointment with Dr Fisher on Thursday.  Its kinda nice that its the actual 6 month anniversary!  I really hope the Dr's scale matches the scale at the gym.  As of last night, I am down to 202, for a loss of 111 lbs!

I have found out that I can tolerate potatochips, which I wish I didn't know!! I think I have been craving the salt because its "that time of the month".  This past weekend was a friends wedding, and I had a tiny teeny bite of cake.  It was about the size of a dime. It was VERY yummy!! I was so excited that the one little taste was all I wanted!

I will update after my appointment with Dr Fisher!

Well Dr Fisher said I am doing wonderful! He was very happy with my progress and I think a little amazed too. I had to get labs done and he is going to call me with the results. I hope my iron levels are ok, I really dont want to take another pill, but I will if I need to!

I finally got the picture of my tattoo developed! This was my "reward" for losing 100 lbs.

The picture is not the best, but you get the jist.  The tattoo is on my lower back.

Nothing else new to report.  Its just hard to believe that 6 months ago I was in the hospital recoving from my first surgery, Lap RNY.  I am very thankful I had the opportunity to experience this amazing journey!

Well I met another Goal!! I am Under 200 pounds!! WOOHOO!! Last night at the gym, I weighed in at 199!! For a total loss of 114 lbs!  I haven't been under 200 pounds in 9 years! I am offically in size 18 and XL's.  I still have some larger things (like shirts) as I dont want to spend too much money (that I dont have) on replacing my entire wardrobe ever time I change sizes.  I have even squeezed into a size 16 jeans! I could breath and everything, but I wont think of myself in 16s until I can wear most anything in that size.


I got a voice-mail from Dr. Fisher's office today.  They said that my labs came back and everything looks just fine! Yeah!!  I was a bit worried about my B-12 as I have a hard time taking it and I am not good at remembering to do it every day.  I am also happy I don't have to take an iron pill!

Speaking of pills, I decided at my annual next month, I am going to ask my PCP about getting on the birth control patch instead of the pill.  I am worried about the absorbtion level, and I will be under the maximum weight by the end of next month (I am only 1 pound away right now)

Tonight I am going up into the mountains as my friend's boyfriend's band Redraw the Farm is playing up there.  It should be pretty fun and I am looking pretty good in my Lady Gwenevere costume! I cannot wait until next year and I can fit into the sexy snow white costume I got!

Well, I didn't update last week as I didn't really have anything to say. (although I did update my weight chart).  This past friday I had a really nice Ego Boosting night.  My girls and I went out with some friends that I have not seen since before my surgery.  It was pretty fun to see their reactions! =c )  I should get another surprised reaction tonight as my older older brother is in town for work and we are going to dinner tonight. 

Life has been pretty busy.  I have started to become more involved with Church which I am really enjoying.  I have rediscovered my faith and I feel so loved!  I am so thankful to the Lord that he gave me the oppertunity to have WLS.  It really has changed my life. I still have my not so good days, but I wouldn't change it for the world!

Well, only lost 2 pounds this week, but I am not complaining! I lost 4 last, so I am still averaging about 3 pounds a week.  Not to shabby!! One exciting thing... I am not longer OBESE!!! Just overweight! woohoo!  My anual appointment with my PCP is next week, and I haven't seen him in a VERY LONG TIME! So I am excited to see his reaction. 

Speaking of reactions, I didn't get the one I expected... from my brother.  All he said was "looking good" after he first walked into the house. The last time I saw him I was 300+ pounds!  He even saw me eat, twice! and didnt ask anything, of me or my Mom!!  My older older brother is a touchy subject with me, so I am not going to go into it here. 

I have a busy rest of the week.  Even have a "date" tomorrow!! Well, I don't know if the man considers it a date, but I do! *smile*

I didn't update last week as I was kinda upset.. I gained back One pound!! I know, I know, it was only 1 pound and this week I lost again (down to 188, -125 lbs), so all is well.  I really think I gained because that was the week that should have been "my time of the month" but because I have been off BC pills (my script didnt have any more refills) I wasn't.  So I think I must have been retaining water.. yeah.. thats it!  Well, now I have started Ortho-Eva, the BC patch.  Its only been a week, but so far so good... I don't even notice it!

Thanksgiving went really well!! The first year I wasn't Overstuffed!! Woohoo!  I tried alittle bit of everything, which was just yummy! I even made a sugar-free pumpkin cake roll and everyone loved it!!

I have updated my picture trail... its just amazing to see the difference, and in only 7 months! Its just unreal! I give Praise to the Lord for guiding me down this path of life!  I am so Thankful this tool works and is available to people!  I really hope my cousin will be able to have the surgery soon.  She still does not have insurance and cannot afford to self-pay, so she is looking into other options (not exactly sure what those are).


Happy New Year's Eve!! 
I got a small kick from my Angel, Susan Maddy, to update my profile.  Life has been really busy since I last updated.  I went out of town for work (to Omaha, NE for our Christmas Party), and my younger-older brother, his wife and baby came out for Christmas.  It was wonderful having them here!!
The other reason I didn't update was because I haven't made it to the gym in a while (in between going to Omaha and my brother coming, I had part of a toe-nail removed so I couldn't go to the gym for over a week).  I did see my nutritionist on the 16th and weighted at her office.. not a very happy weigh in! I actually gained a few pounds! (back up to 190), but I went to the gym last night (which felt WONDERFUL! since it had been so long) and I am down to 185 now. Which is a total weight loss of 128 in 8 months. Not too shabby if I do say so myself!

Life is moving right along! I went after Christmas shopping with Mom and bought size 16 pants, and can also fit into some 14's.  Shirts are either Large or X-large, depending on the style.  I just cannot believe I don't have to shop in the "womens" section anymore! YEAH!

I am looking forward to a new and exciting 2004! I might even tell that guy I am interested in how I feel! AAHH!! *smile* we will see!


old posts - 1/7/04 to 5/10/04

Apr 25, 2008

The first weigh in for 2004 made me smile! I am down to 180, for a total loss of 133 pounds! WOW!! This is still so amazing to me! I only have 30 more pounds to go before I hit my "number" goal. wow

Did I tell you that I discovered I don't dump on sugar?  Yes, I tested it, and before I really wanted too.  But in some way, I am okay with it because I can be "more normal" (what ever that might be) I just have to really watch myself and know that I haven't gone through all this just to gain back the weight!

Life is just crazy right now.  I am going to do something tomorrow I have never done before and I am very nervous!  I am not going to say what it is on here, but if things go as I hope they do, I am sure the topic will come up sonner or later (Michele Webb, I know you read this, so I know you know what I am talking about!*wink*).

I updated my 8 month photo, both on here and on my picture trail!

Well this week was only a 1 pound loss, but thats better then a gain! I have had a very hard emotional week.  The thing I mentioned last entry did not happen the way I wanted it to.  This is the first time I have had to deal with sadness and not been able to turn to my old comfort -- food!  I did have some ice cream (I did tell you that I don't dump on sugar right?) which was just yummy and was good to have, but the difference is I didn't eat the whole pint in one sitting! I had about 5 spoonfulls and I was good!  I love knowing that! Just alittle bit will satisfy!
Well that's all for now!


Okay, so now I am at the hard part of this journey!  I am 9 months out and weight 180 (yes, I gained 1 pound from last week). I have lost a total of 133 pounds.  That is just amazing to me! I cannot believe how far I have come in only 9 months. According to my BMI I am now just "overweight".  I am in size 14/16, L/XL (even a couple of Meduim shirts).  I really need to get my measurements done again to see how many inches I have lost. Every couple of week, I need to go through my closet and remove the clothes that are too big! That is just a great feeling!  I an even buy clothes in the "regular" section at stores!  And I have even bought some junior stuff! WOOHOO!

The hard part is that I can eat just about anything.  Tomato products still bother me (at least I think they do, I haven't tried in a while) and chicken still sits like a rock.  I can eat sweets and that sucks, but I am learning to handle that knowledge. Just because I can, doesn't mean that I should. I am eating close to 7 ounces now.  My nutritionist wants me to be around 8 oz at one year.

My skin is just gross. I think that is one of the hardest parts to deal with.  I knew I would have extra skin, but I didn't realize how it would look on me, or how it would make me feel.  Thank goodness I am long waisted, otherwise my breasts would be at my waist!  I am 27 (and 1/2) and I should not have saggy breasts like this!! *frown*  I know I will want to get them worked on as soon as I can!  But I know I should wait a while, to where I am closer to goal, and to give my skin a bit of a chance to catch up, but it's gonna be hard waiting.  Last night at Yoga, I had a hard time keeping them in! (sad isn't it!)

Overall, I am so glad I was given this chance in life!!  I would do it again in a heart beat!  I am a completely new person! I have a new look (besides the weight, new hair style and blond high lights), a new attidude and a new out look on life!  Life is good!

I got to "show off" the new me this weekend (Sunday and Monday).  Sunday was my Great Aunt's 90th birthday party.  Most of the family was there, including tons of cousins that I hadn't seen in about 2 years.  Eyes were popping all over the place!!  I felt weird at times because everyone kept giving me compliments.  After awhile, I wanted to say, "Okay, Okay, thats enough!"   On Monday, I saw my ex.  Its a long story that I am not going to go into, but needless to say, his eyes were popping and his jaw dropped.  He said he almost didnt believe it was me when I got out of my car. 

Anyways, life is good and the journey continues....
Okay, so I got a nice kick from my wonderful Angel Susan Maddy (who is doing WONDERFUL on her own WLS journey) that I need to update my profile.
I know that part of the reason I have been slacking is because I have hit my first true plateau!  I have gone up and down a few pounds since December.  I am now down to 179 and I hope I keep dropping. The journey is sure a lot harder now! When they say "the honeymoon is over" they really mean it! 

I am just over 10 months out and have lost 134 pounds. I am currently wearing any where from 14 to 18 pants and Medium to X-large shirts.  Women's clothing sizing is just so weird!! The extra skin is pretty gross, but i would rather deal with a squishy tummy and hanging breasts then being 300+ pounds and not really living!  I have been kinda thinking about setting up an appointment with a PS to talk about my breasts as they are the one thing that I really have a problem with. But right now, I am just thinking about making an appointment... I know I am a ways away from actually getting anything done.

Life is really good! I am keeping very busy with work, school, church and friends! (the other reason I haven't udpated my profile in a while) I really like having a full schedule...and now its so much easier to keep up with everyone else!

And just like so many others have said, the only thing I regret is not doing this sooner!

Wow... its hard to believe that one year ago today, I was in the hospital having a life changing surgery! Happy Re-Birthday to me!

I have lost 133 pounds (I have been stuck since about January, going up and down 5 pounds, I haven't been able to get past 179) and I have gone from a size 3x in shirts/26-28 in pants to some Medium shirts (mostly large, some XL) and size 14 to 16 pants (depending on the style and material). For my one year picture, I am going to put on the pre-op jeans I saved... I can fit both of my legs into one of the pant legs.

so much as changed in the last year, and not just with my appearance....I am more active with Church, School and friends. I am still single, but that's okay. My attitude has changed.. I am much more confident (although the "fat girl" inside me still makes her voice heard once in awhile).  I have been on a pretty long plateau as far as weight loss goes, but I know that part of that is because I am not doing the right things.  I have a feeling that subconscously I am trying to sabitage myself... (I have never been any smaller then I am right now)

I have no regrets regarding this surgery.  I do believe its not for everyone, but it has worked for me!  I have lost just over 80% of my excess body weight in a year... I think thats a pretty good number!  It is so true what they say, the first 6 months are the easist!  To anyone thinking about having WLS... make sure you do your homework, and have a true heart to heart with yourself... and if you decide its the right things for you... hold on and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

I will post my year picture as soon as I get the film developed!


I posted my one year pictures.  It took me forever to get my film into be developed.  I also added the pictures to my photo trail page.  On that page are two other pictures from my one year -- one in pants that used to fit me, and the other holding a shirt I used to wear.... Its still hard for me to believe the difference!


About Me
Colorado Springs, CO
Surgery Date
Apr 29, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
October 2002 - smiling but ready for a change
Christmas 2007~ 4.5 years post op ~ -143lbs

Latest Blog 3
5 years later
Old Posts 03/29/03 to 12/31/03
old posts - 1/7/04 to 5/10/04
