Been Awhile

Mar 17, 2008

Guess I should have wrote something sooner huh.  Ok had the surgery 12/10/2007 everything was ok stayed 3 days went home only took 1 pain pill the 1st night. Went back to work 1 week later felt fine just tired easier so did 1/2 days for a 3 days.

Wasn't really hungry hard getting all the liquid in. As time progressed tried different things some didn't stay down some did.

Now, I have been back and forth in the months with holding stuff down any liquid or liquidy stuff ie yogart, TG for SF fudgcicles. I kept trying chilli, beef, chicken, turkey the chilli and tunafish was ok for awhile, The last 3 weeks I haven't tried any meat cause no meat will stay down. I am still trying to slow down the eating, I know this is some of the problem. I've tried bad things too of course my luck they stay down but I'm staying away (I hope). 

Happy with the weight loss (how can I not be) though it's less then I expected by now, I wouldn't have lost it with out the surgery. Clothes are lose and I can fit in some that I haven't fit in for a long time and that's good enough for me now..

Doin the Happy Dance

Nov 12, 2007

I just got my date 12/10/2007   hip hip hooray

And the waiting begins

Nov 07, 2007

Today The doctor's office submitted the paperwork for approval. Keep your fingers crossed.

Meet the Dr

Oct 24, 2007

On October 9th I met with Dr JB. The staff was nice (especially the nurse) the nutritionist talks about 100mph thankfully every thing she says is supposed to be written down and given to you later ($150.00 for a 15 minute speed hearing class) . Dr JB was quiet and answered questions, my sister liked him his credential are fine for me I don't need hand holding.

Since then I've been cleared by the PCP, Psych, Pulmo, Cardio. Gastro, still need test the first week of Nov. I haven't heard if Insurance has said yes yet wish me luck.

And the clock starts now

Sep 21, 2007

I just made the appointment to see the surgeon Sept 28th 2007.

Getting started

Apr 23, 2007

Finally got the doctor to call the Insurance company to see what I needed to do (it's been almost 2 months since I decided I'm sure I want WLS). My Nurse practioner (I like her better then the doctor, who btw had WLS) agrees I need the surgery and gave me a 1600 a day diet to start (insurance needs 6 months).  

So as of today 4/23/2007 here I go. 

I've been lurking here on and off for a couple of years it's time for me to get organized. I'm a bit overwelmed at trying to get everything I should know straight. I have a bad memory when I read something or watch it for that matter, I think I need to print out all the information so I can reference back to it. I only wish somewhere on this site there was step by step sort of guideline.

About Me
Linden, NJ
Nov 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 6
Been Awhile
Doin the Happy Dance
And the waiting begins
Meet the Dr
And the clock starts now
Getting started
