My Gastric By-Pass Adventure

Jun 30, 2009

January 2001
I am a 45-year-old wife and mother. I have a son 21 and a daughter 19. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 22 years.
I always thought I was too large. Even in high school, when I weighed 130 lbs, I was told to diet to remain on the drill team. Looking back, I realize I had a nice, curvy figure. How I wish I had that figure now. I would appreciate it.
I weighed 150 lbs when we married and I just kept the weight after the 2 pregnancies. I had been yo-yo dieting since high school and just continued to lose and gain it back plus a little more.
I am as healthy as a 300 lb woman can be and I hope to lose weight before I develop anything. I know a couple of women that had WLS in the past, but I didn't become interested in surgery until I read Carnie Wilson's story. I guess I was finally ready to admit that I tried it all and was ready for a lifestyle change to become healthy.
I want to see my children married, I want to hold my grandchildren and I want to grow old with my precious husband. Buying clothes anywhere, fitting in seats and looking good will just be icing on the cake. Pardon the pun.

I had my consultation visit with NeWeigh and Dr. Ferrari. They were very nice and answered all my questions. It was interesting to visit with people in the waiting room in various stages of pre and post-op. The doctor prescribed blood work and an EKG as I was on Phen-fen at one time. They will take care of contacting insurance.

NeWeigh sent out the first letter to my insurance.

I just received the call that I am approved for the surgery and my date is May 29, 2001.

NeWeigh called to reschedule my surgery for June 5th. The doctor will be on vacation for my first date. Now he will be all rested. Haha!

NeWeigh called again today to change my date. It seems like everyone there is not on the same page. Doc will still be on vacation so my date is June 11. I hope this date sticks as I am getting irritated!!!!!!!

Less than a month until my surgery. For the first time in a very long time, I can look at the smaller size clothes in my closet and not feel defeated. I am actually thinking about when I will be able to wear this shirt or that dress. It feels good to have hope to be a normal size.

My date is changed again. Now it is June 20 at a different hospital. I am very frustrated and upset. I have been approved since March 15, but I work at an elementary school and needed to have surgery in the summer. My date has been moved 4 times and we are getting further into the summer. It is annoying that they can jerk us around like this. They may have good reasons for all the changes but I don't care! All I care about is me!!! We make plans and arrangements for the hospital stay and it is blown away with their passion for changes!!! I will calm down sometime but for now I am steamed!!!!

I keep dreaming that I have had the surgery. I look at my incision and think to myself that it wasn't that bad. Even in my dream I feel great relief that the surgery is over. Then I wake up and what disappointment, I haven't had the surgery yet! I am taking vitamins, doing breathing exercises, and trying to walk to get ready for surgery. I had another weird dream the other night, it was about food. YIKES, I don't need to be doing that. I feel consumed by this surgery. It is on my mind constantly, but I try not to talk about it all the time.

Monday I went to Vista Medical Center for the pre-op testing and check-in. It went very smoothly and we were completely finished within 2 hours. Everyone was very nice and explained everything. My mom went with me so we just made it a fun day. Then on Wednesday I had my final pre-op appointment with Dr. Ferrari at the NeWeigh office. Once again everyone was very nice and helpful. It was fun to meet other pre-ops in the waiting room that I had been emailing. My sister went with me on this day and we stayed for the support meeting which was very informative. It is very far for me to get to NeWeigh but I plan to attend some meetings. We had a fun day and stopped by Krispy Kreme on the way home. I think I am officially sick of doughnuts now. I still have a few things to buy on my list and then I'll be ready.

Tomorrow is the day. I feel prepared and not really nervous. I have been at peace with my decision almost from the beginning. All I can go on is that I feel this is the right decision and hope for the best. Everyone has been very supportive and I hope that will continue as I am sure I will not be in a great mood in the days or weeks to come. I will try to remember the big picture and focus on the end results. Well, here I go...

6-29-01 Starting weight-305 lbs B.M.I. 52.4
Well, I am now a post-op. It was not that bad for me. I have had 2 c-sections and this was comparable. I enjoyed reading other's experiences so here is mine:
We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. I was to be the second surgery. They showed us to a room where I changed to a nice, big gown. The nurses came in to get vitals and give me a shot of Heprin in my stomach. Didn't even feel it. More nurses showing me how to use the breathing meter(to encourage deep breathing), put on compression leggings and hang I.V.s on the pole. Stephen and I watched reruns of M.A.S.H. until the nurse came in and told me I would be first. I called my mom and told her I was going first and please bring Stephen something for breakfast. He's so sweet, he wouldn't eat since I couldn't. In just a short time, they made me give up my glasses, put on a little hat and they took me away. In another room they started my I.V., gave me a little relaxer and I was off to the operating room. I remember sliding over to the table and that's it. I woke up in I.C.U. with a mask, a tube down my nose, a catheter and listening to the nurses try to put my binder on. I was in no pain as I had a morphine pump. I just tried to breathe deep and remain calm. Stephen came in and I could keep my eyes open for a minute. Hours later, after different family members came in to see me, the nurses got me up to sit in a chair. My pain was fine. They let me eat ice. Not long after that, I took a short walk. I walked several times before bedtime. The next morning I went for a leak test. I stood in front of an x-ray machine and drank 2 things to check for leaks. No leaks, so they removed the N.G. tube. So far, so good and not that bad. I got moved to a room, the catheter removed and served my first "meal" of broth, tea, juice and jello. YUMMY!!! I ate slow and tried to savor it. The rest of the day was spent walking(wearing my binder), resting(with the compression leggings on) and visiting. Getting out of bed was not bad but getting in was a bit tricky. I only cried once after getting back into bed for the first time. Each time it got easier. The next morning I took a shower and washed my hair. By noon, I was released to go home. Everyone at the hospital was very nice and caring. A very good experience! Once home, I slept in a recliner, walked for ten minutes every two hours and stuck to the liquid menu. Each day became easier to move around until days seven and eight post-op. I had a pull under my right breast that was very annoying. It was hard to get comfortable. I think my mistake was not staying on top of the pain by taking the liquid Tylenol regularly. I am only taking the prescription pain med at night by now. But after two days the pulling was gone and I felt much better. Today I even went to the store with Stephen. The liquid menu is very trying but I will stick with it as I want to be as successful as possible. I know this is only temporary so I can make it. I have not weighed and will try to wait until I go to the doctor on July 10. Right now I just want to feel better and better. Plenty of time to fret over the scales. Thanks to everyone for their good thoughts, beautiful flowers, e-mails, goodie boxes and prayers. Also my visitors Stephen, Megan, Mom, Dad, Jodi, Mike, Katie, Lexi, Sophie, Rob, Patrick, Terri, Stanla and Larry. Your support was appreciated. I feel very fortunate to have had such an uneventful experience and I hope it stays that way.

7-11-01 3 weeks post-op down 20 lbs
I went for my three week check-up. The doctor said everything looked fine and I could move on to soft foods. Yea!!! The liquid phase was harder than the surgery. I also lost 20 lbs and over 10 inches. My middle is still tender but I feel better each day. Especially now that I can eat some real food. At the end of the three weeks, I was feeling a little yucky. I know I need to push the water and protein. I will go back to the doctor in another three weeks. I am going to try and not weigh until I go to the support group next week. I was telling everyone at the doctor's office about this website. I have found it to be invaluable.

7-26-01 5 weeks post-op down 29 lbs
I went to a support meeting tonight. Lots of sharing which is what I enjoy. Stephen went with me and we both weighed. I have lost a total of 29 lbs. Stephen has lost 20 lbs by cutting out junk food at work and running. I have one more week on soft foods. So far everything but grits has gone down fine. It's exciting that my clothes are getting baggy.

8-8-01 7 weeks post-op down 33 lbs
At 6 weeks post-op I had lost 30 lbs, so I was excited when I lost 3 more pounds this week. I have been walking a mile a day at the school track. I am trying to get the water in and still don't think I am getting all the protein in that was recommended. I am still trying different drinks and protein bars. Eating is going fine as long as I take it slow, small bites and chew it well. I had a blood test this week. I am anxious to see what it shows. I start back to work at school tomorrow. I'm sure it will be easier to be in a routine. I feel good and ready to go to work.

8-15-01 8 weeks post-op down 36 lbs
I lost 3 more lbs last week. I'm still walking at the track. I had a great weekend of eating out. No trouble with any foods. I eat slow, small bites of my favorites and I feel full and satisfied. I don't feel deprived and I'm happy to see that such a small amount is all I can hold. It's all trial and error. I've had lots of trials and a couple of errors. I called on my blood work and they said if I don't hear anything that means the levels were good. I ordered some B-12, iron and calcium from the vitalady. I still take my Bugs Bunny chewables. Now that I'm in a routine, I hope to get in all my water. I hope I don't float away!

8-22-01 9 weeks post-op down 40 lbs
I am feeling great on most days. Tired on a few days. I lost 4 lbs last week. I am working to keep the protein, water and exercise up. I attended the charter meeting of a support group that is only 30 minutes from my house. It will be great to be so close and everyone was very nice. It is the Northwest Houston Bariatric Support Group. Thank you, Patti!

8-29-01 10 weeks post-op down 43 lbs
It has been years since I tried on clothes from my closet and they are getting baggy. What a great feeling! If it doesn't quite fit, I know it will soon. It brings with it a feeling of freedom. My weight doesn't occupy my every thought. Before it was the first thing I thought of in the morning and the last thing at night. It was depressing and frustrating to always be looking for a new way to lose weight. So far, so great!!!!!

9-05-01 11 weeks post-op down 46 lbs
Another 3 pounds! I'm thrilled with my progress.

9-12-01 12 weeks post-op down 50 lbs
I lost 4 lbs last week. That is 33% of my excess weight.

9-26-01 14 weeks(3 months) post-op down 55 lbs
Yikes! I only lost 2 pounds last week, but I didn't walk 4 days. So I won't panic yet. I just have to get the walking in. Still feeling great and my bloodwork was great too!

10-3-01 15 weeks post-op down 59 lbs
I walked 6 days last week and lost 4 lbs. This is a good thing as it keeps me walking. I told my general doctor about having the bypass and he nearly hugged me. Talk about supportive. I think I am adjusting to eating such small portions, but sometimes anticipating a meal is more fun than the few bites. I still miss drinking with my meals, but I think that will stay with me for a while. We have celebrated several birthdays in the last 3 months and I have had only one bite of cake. The funny thing is, I am fine with that. I don't feel deprived. Just in control and waiting for more weight to drop off. Sometimes I think about having something that is not a good choice. Then I debate it so much in my mind, I that I end up not eating it. I know it is early in my journey, but I hope I am forming some habits that will help me maintain my weight loss for the rest of my life. I have always felt confident in my decision to have the surgery and now more than ever I feel it was my only chance.

10-10-01 16 weeks post-op down 63 lbs
4 more lbs gone. That is 42% of my excess weight.

10-24-01 18 weeks (4 months) post-op down 68 lbs (46% of excess weight gone!)
Week 17 I lost 1 lb. But this week I'm down 4 lbs. Yea!! I feel great and continue to walk the track. More people are noticing the weight loss at work. I always tell them I had wls but thank them for noticing. I don't feel I took the "easy way out", but I didn't do it by myself either. I have a terrific tool that I am using to lose weight. 68 pounds lost is great but I have my eye on the magic number 100. Then I will really jump up and down. I won't be finished but it will be a milestone. I have noticed more loose hairs than normal. Hopefully that will stop in a bit. I am always trying to get in more protein. I am doing pretty good with the water. I feel this is the best decision I've made for me in many years. So far, so great!

11-7-01 20 weeks post-op down 72 lbs
Last week I lost 4 1/2 lbs but this week I stayed the same. I must work harder on my protein and walking.

11-17-01 21 weeks post-op down 72 1/2 lbs
I am officially on my first plateau. I was down maybe 1/2 lb. I'm not going to panic. I've heard the body needs these to play catch up after the weight loss. I will just keep on keeping on... I have been having trouble with my hemmoroids on and off since about 4 weeks post-op. Finally I decided to see a doctor about it. I had to have a colonoscopy and it was decided all I needed was more fiber in my diet. I will try sugar-free Citrucel.

11-20-01 22 weeks (5 months) post-op down 79 lbs
I lost 7 lbs. I'm so glad to be losing again. I feel great and getting ready for a wonderful Thanksgiving!

11-28-01 23 weeks post-op down 80 lbs
Considering it was Thanksgiving and I was surrounded by pies and other goodies I am glad to have lost a pound. Now that all the treats are gone, I am going to really try to lose as much as possible before Christmas break. We are having cold, rainy weather so I must find some way to get my walking done. I guess I will be forced to go to the malls. Haha! I feel great and will see Dr. Ferrari on Dec. 19 for my 6 months check-up.

12-20-01 6 months post-op down 85 lbs (57% of excess weight gone!)
Yesterday I had my 6 month check up with Dr. Ferrari. He was very pleased with my progress. I have had no food problems and I try to eat or have protein every 3 to 4 hours. The Citrucel is working great. I think the doctors need to mention this to their patients. I drink water all day and rarely drink anything else. Now that it's cold I might indulge in hot decaf tea or no sugar added cocoa. I take my vitamins each day. I still need to up my exercise. I feel great and am very happy with the results. I have no expectations of looking like I'm 25 years old just because I've lost weight. I've said all along I want to look "normal" and be healthy. What more could I ask for? Well, maybe a million bucks. I'm ready for a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous New Year!

1-4-02 down 90 lbs
This is a first!!! I lost weight during the holidays!! Five more pounds gone. You will know when I have lost 100 lbs. Everyone will hear the yelling. I can't wait!

1-10-02 down 93 lbs (63% of excess weight gone)
Century Club, here I come! My 6 month blood work looked fine except my potassium was a little low. So I will make like a monkey and eat more bananas. I am feeling great!

2-4-02 7 months post-op DOWN 101 LBS over 55 1/2 inches gone
I am finally a member of the Century Club!!! YEA!!! Check out the BMI. I am just "very overweight" now, not "morbidly obese". Yippieeee!! I feel great and am happy with the amount of weight I have lost in 7 months. My next goal is to be under 200 lbs. Just 5 more pounds to go. For several years I have been promising myself a new tattoo when I get below 200 pounds. Now I will finally make it. I am still wearing the same clothes except for a few things that I had tucked away that were too small. I feel lighter and have much more energy but I don't feel like I look that much different. Maybe new clothes will help me see that.

3-5-02 8 months post-op down 109 lbs
I had some excitment last week. I bought a pair of 16W jeans!!! That is thrilling! Something else that is thrilling is to try on my last pair of jeans before surgery. They just fall off! The jeans are the only "before" item I kept thanks to my good friend, Paula, who suggested I keep them to try on later. Next week we are going to Branson during spring break. It will be my first vacation since surgery. It's a relief to know I will fit easily in the seats at the theaters. Everything I do that is a first, I try not to go on about it and bore everyone. But most of my life was about strategy. Planning what I could wear, where I could sit, how I would get up and walk...etc... I spent so much time worrying about my huge body, it was hard to enjoy things. I don't feel I have changed much while losing weight but I know one thing that has changed. By not constantly having to worry about how to lose weight it feels like an emotional weight is gone too.

3-20-02 9 months post-op down 114 lbs
Today is 9 months since my surgery and it still seems like a dream. I feel great and had a great time in Branson. I even brought home a permanant reminder of the trip. I got my new tattoo in Branson. My mom picked it out! (Not really) It's a colorful shooting star. I like it so much that I might get another when I reach my goal weight. (Sorry, Mom!) I can't wait to fly somewhere. I might even have to tighten the seat belt instead of stretching it out as far as I could. It will be great! I still take my vits, drink protein and water, and take Citrucel every day. Since we don't get much fiber in our diets that has helped alot. I still need to get more exercise. I am so thankful to have had an uneventful experience so far. I will be thinking about how to celebrate when my 1st anniversary rolls around in June. Any suggestions?

4-8-02 9 1/2 months post-op down 117 lbs
I just had to write about an incredible experience I had last week. My friend Paula and I have joined Curves for Women. I needed some workout shorts so I grabbed some XL shorts hoping they would fit. (I'm still used to shopping in the women's sizes.) Standing in the dressing room, I tried not to scream with delight. They were too big! I giggled as I brought them out to my waiting hubby. "I need a smaller size!" Even a large was roomy but I didn't want to press my luck and try a medium. I told Stephen it is like a miracle. I still can't believe I can go to a regular store, pull something off the rack and it fit. What a great feeling! I feel great and am excited about working out.

4-23-02 10 months post-op down 123 lbs
I have lost 123 lbs in 10 months since my open RNY. But I have gained so much more. I can shop in any store, fit in any seat, run, jump, skip if I choose, (I did try to roller blade. My sister, nieces and I nearly split our sides laughing), my mind is free from looking for the next diet to try, and more. I still drink my water, protein, and take my vits. I avoid high sugar and eat protein first. I love going to Curves to work out. At work today someone asked if I was trying to shrink down and blow away. I said I was going to ride this train as far as I could. It's funny to hear things like that because I still don't feel like I look that different. I have come to the conclusion that it is my tummy apron that keeps me from having a more positive body image. I will just keep losing, exercising and worry about that later. I'm still trying to think of a way to mark my 1 year anniversary of WLS. It really is like a second birthday. In the meantime, I am planning the summer of "VICKI"!. Since I was cooped up last summer healing, this summer I want to have lots of fun in the sun and everywhere else.

5-21-02 11 months post-op down 128 lbs
Another month to go and I will be one year post-op. That is another milestone in my book. I am anxious to get labs done so I can see how I'm doing. I want to compare and see if I'm going down gradually in anything. I feel great and the energy is great! I will be working at a different school next year and most of these people will only know me at my present size. That is strange to think about but that's ok because I know what I have accomplished. It will be time to maintain and never forget where I started.

7-4-02 1 year post-op down 131 lbs
I just had my one year anniversary of WLS. I can't believe a year has gone by. I have lost 131 lbs and gained so much. I am also amazed at my energy and stamina. I feel like I can really do things instead of sitting and watching others. I still want to lose a bit more weight and then I will begin to think about plastic surgery. I was not sure if I wanted to pursue it until a WLS friend had her's and graciously shared it with us. Thanks, Kristin! Now I'm sure I want to check it out. I had my bloodwork done and it was great. This surgery was the only thing that could save me from 30 or 40 more years of the discomfort, embarassment and daily torture of being morbidly obese. I had the surgery but I also made lifestyle changes. I follow the rules and adjust them to work for me. I don't think I have complained about much because being a normal weight is so much better than anything I could find to gripe about. I am grateful to have had no complications. I am thankful for all the support that I receive from my family and friends. That has helped to keep me motivated. I feel like I am living my life and not just observing it.

7-16-02 1 year and 1 month post-op down 135 lbs
I have been at the same weight all summer until now. I am so thrilled to be losing again. I guess I was on a plateau. I now weigh 170 lbs and I would like to lose about 15 or 20 more to allow some room for bounce back. I want to settle where my body is comfortable and can maintain with little effort. (As long as it's not 300lbs!!!)

7-25-02 1 year and 1 month post-op down 138 lbs and over 74 inches
It's a Wonderful Post-op Life
I just returned from vacation and wanted to share my great time that wouldn't have been possible a year ago. I am one year and one month post-op from an open RNY. I have lost 138 lbs and over 74 inches. I am less than 20 lbs from my personal goal. I will look into having my panni(extra tummy skin) removed next summer. I have always followed the "rules". I drink lots of water, take my vitamins, drink my protein, exercise and do fiber therapy every few days. This does not make for light packing when taking a trip but it is all worth it.

This month we visited friends that live on a lake in Missouri. Instead of wearing a huge cover-up over my swim suit and sweating, I shucked it and sat around in my swim suit cool all day. Instead of watching everyone else ride the tube from the boat, I was riding the tube screaming as the boat pulled it zooming around the lake. Instead of sitting on the dock watching as others rode the jet ski, I was riding the jet ski by myself, with hubby, with my friend screaming as water splashed in our faces and even laughing as we were bucked off trying a fancy move. (I scream a lot when having fun.)

And I almost forgot! Before we left on our Mo. trip I went to Astroworld with my sister, brother-in-law and 3 young nieces. What a great feeling to get in line for any ride and not worry if I would fit or could fasten the belt. It was hot, sticky, and sweaty but we had a great time. We rode the rides and then went to the waterpark. Things I haven't done in at least 10 years and even back then I was way overweight!

I wanted to share just a moment of my wonderful post-op life. My life before surgery was great. Great family, friends, job, hobbies etc. But with a normal size body a new world I haven't seen in 25 years is open to me. And it brings with it a freedom that can't be described. WLS can be your looking glass to an adventure you won't believe. You make it happen and it's worth it!!!

8-13-02 1 year and almost 2 months post-op down 140 lbs
I go back to work tomorrow at a new school. I've met a few of my new co-workers and I wondered how I looked to them. If I looked "normal" or could they tell I used to be morbidly obese? I'm still obsessed with my surgery and size because it's still new. I still experience new things that I couldn't before the surgery. I'm sure as time passes I will become used to this size. I have no plans to keep my surgery a secret but at least I don't shout it out when I first meet someone. I'm looking forward to getting back in a routine and losing a few more pounds. I'm very happy with losing some over the summer. Yesterday I decided to clean out my closet for about the third time since buying smaller clothes. What a great time I had!!! Trying on clothes was easy and looking in the mirror was actually fun. It's been many years since I felt that way about a mirror. I ended up with a huge pile of clothes to toss. I still have a few blouses that are a bit big that I will replace as I buy new ones. This can get expensive, but it sure is fun!!!

10-21-02 1 year and 4 months post-op down 143 lbs
I'm back to work and slowly losing. I still work out 3-4 times a week, take my vits, and drink protein/water. I still want to lose 10-20 more pounds but now I must work at it. And that's ok. I just flew to California and back. What a joy it was to tighten the seatbelt and put my tray table down in front of me. I am becoming more familiar with my new, smaller body. Things are more automatic and later I think, "Wow! I would have had a hard time with that before losing the weight!" I am uncomfortable when people ask if I would recommend this surgery. I tell them that I was lucky to have no complications, that I follow all the "rules" and that I have made lifestyle changes in order to be as successful as I am. In other words, it was the right thing for me to do. I don't know about anybody else. That is such a personal decision. No one else can make it for you.

1-15-03 1 year and 7 months post-op down 146 lbs
Happy New You!! I mean Year!! What a holiday! I just ate any and everything and the scale was up 9 pounds by the time it was over. YIKES!!! It's going back down rather quickly. I'm back in my routine at school so I'm getting in the water and not everything else I don't need. I have 3 more pounds to go and I will be back where I was pre-holiday. Lesson learned. Other than than bit of bad judgement, I'm fine. Still doing protein, vits, water, and exercise. I still would like to lose a little more weight. I will be seeing about having reconstructive surgery this summer to remove my tummy. I'm hoping insurance will cover it. I feel great and I'm thankful everyday that I had this surgery.

9-3-03 2 years and 3 months post-op down 147 lbs
I am still thrilled with having the surgery. I'm not so thrilled with my insurance company. I have just filed my third appeal to try to get them to cover a paniculectomy, at least. I'm not holding my breath, though. If it doesn't happen, I will just move on and not fret about it. I am just so happy to have had such success with the WLS. Anything else is just mean icing on the cake...oh well, you know what I mean. I still do protein for breakfast, still take my vits, still exercise and try to drink my water. I weigh at least once a week. I still say this is a high maintence surgery/lifestyle in order to be successful. I will post if I have anymore news or changes. I am happy to answer any questions or offer support to anyone considering this surgery. Take care!

3-2-04 2 years 9 months post-op down 147 lbs
Ok, I've decided to finish the job and have reconstructive surgery this summer. I will self pay for an abdominoplasty and a breast lift. Actually it won't finish the job but I think it will satisfy me as those are the things that bother me the most. My surgery is set for June 2, 2004. Then 8 weeks later my son is getting married so I am hoping for a simple and quick recovery. I will start protein loading in May in hopes of helping the healing. I am excited and dreading it all at once. Life is so wonderful now that I can't imagine how great it will be when I am rid of this apron of skin!
I seem to be able to maintain my weight with just a little effort. I eat what I like and don't feel deprived. I will post more after the surgery.

June 20, 2004 3 years post-op down 150 pounds
I had a tummy tuck and breast lift on June 2. It was out-patient in a surgical suite. I used Dr. Pisarski and am very pleased with the outcome. The recovery was harder than I expected. I still have one drain and I hope to get it out soon. My doctor wants me to rest more and that gets boring. They took off 5 pounds of skin. I will post before/after pictures for the very brave at a later date. I forgot it was my 3 year anniversary until I got the email greeting from AMOS. I guess I was alittle distracted. haha!
It is still the best decision I ever made to have WLS. My son is getting married in July and I had so much fun picking out my dress. It is a very different experience thanks to losing weight. I am so happy, thankful and comfortable in my post-op life!

July 16, 2006 5 years post-op down 140 pounds
I am still so happy to have had weight loss surgery and plastic surgery. It was uncomfortable at times but so worth it. I have gained between 15 and 20 pounds and my body maintains that weight with little effort. I still drink protein every morning, take my vitamins and try to exercise. It is so wonderful to be a "normal" size.



About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is the night before surgery that was on June 20,2001.
305 lbslbs
July 2006 Five years post-op
170 lbslbs

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