Surgery done

Apr 02, 2014

I had my surgery finally with Dr Yelle.  It went well he said, but I was very uncomfortable when I woke up.  The hospital refused to give me demerol which works for me and kept giving me morphine derivitives which don't.  For the first couple of days I was wondering if it was all worth it, but now that I'm almost a month into it I feel much better.  Still having trouble with eating too fast but working on it.  Weight is going down but my body is changing faster than the actual weight which is neat.


I have my date!!

Jan 07, 2014

March 7th is my new date.  The hospital cancelled the original one.  Surgeon is booked as Dr. Momazza



Nov 14, 2013

My date for the pre-operation clinic is booked for Nov 27th and I see Dr. Mamazza on December 2nd.  I had to call several times to let them know I'm still here and they've finally come through.  Whooppee!


Scope date booked!

Jul 11, 2013

This may be the hardest thing for me in this whole journey.  My scope is booked for July 26th.  I sure hope I don't have to be awake for it because I don't do well with them.  The first one I had they couldn't sedate me as I was several months pregnant.  I think I broke every blood vessel in my face from gagging.  The second one was to scan my heart from the inside and they didn't give me enough vallium.  More broken blood vessels.  The last I was actually knocked out.  They were scoping both directions and I only had to be awake long enough to swallow.  I pray they do the same this time.  I'm getting closer, though!

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Dietician graduation

May 17, 2013

Saw the dietician for my final time on May 15th.  Finally graduated.  You'd think I knew how to eat at 59 years of age, but I was doing it wrong.  I can not believe I wasn't eating enough protein!  I love meat! 

Next up is the medical stuff.  I sure hope they can use the results from last year when my insides were investigated very thoroughly for my not-IBS problem.  Turns out my bowels are fine, they just over-react to the same stimuli as my fibro. Same symptoms, but not really a bowel problem.

I'm starting to get a bit excited now.  I wasn't sure I'd ever pass that dietician.



Dietician and Behaviorist

Feb 26, 2013

I saw both ladies on Monday  The behaviorist has signed off on me, no need to see a psychiatrist or her again.  The dietician went way better than I expected since I know I eat poorly.  Got to add those veggies!!!  And more protein!  I love that one.  I see her again on April 3rd. 

Meanwhile, my weight continues to creep up.  I can't wait for spring when I can walk again. My torn rotator cuff prevents me from doing so many things.  I can't even get a decent night's sleep in since I'm still sleeping in my recliner.




And so it begins....

Jan 12, 2013

I met with a nurse practitioner on January 9th.  It was a long session but went well.  I think we'll get along well together.  She's going to get hold of my doctor to track down my last internal tests results so that, hopefully, I don't have to repeat them all.  Everything is within the last 2 or 3 years anyway.  She did say I still might need another scope down my throat to check my stomach.  I hate those!!!  Blood pressure was good as always, but my B12 and Iron were down.  Iron is always down, another thing to double check for her.  We both have lists of things to do before my next appt.  She has to track down tests and I have to have 1 more blood test to see if some bug might be causing my reflux.  I only wish.  I also have to start taking B12, D and a multi vitamin daily.  I have to get in that habit.  I have to stop caffeine, so my regular green tea is stopping plus I have to cut back on my Diet Coke.  That will be the hard one.  I also gave away my liquid Advil because it's a blood thinner.  Other than that we were good, not much wrong with my health, it's the pain that is sending me this direction.  Next appt is Feb 25 with the behaviourist and the dietician.  I was given a time line of 3-9 months before surgery and I'm praying it's early.  


Life's little bumps

Nov 26, 2012

Part of the reason I'm so desperate for surgery is I'm tired of looking like my dad.  He played Santa with no padding. 

The other reason is my continuing falls.  I have broken my foot twice in the last 5 years, surgery the second time.  Fell another time and required surgery on my knee two Christmases ago.  Fell down a set of stairs in July and broke my upper arm and tore the rotator cuff.  I'm tired of pain.  Now the power steering has gone on my car which really, really hurts my arm.  I know I'm not the only one in pain but that is my major reason for surgery.  No health problems, no diabetes.  Just fibro with IBS from the fibro and severe reflux.  I'm a whiner, but I really do hate pain.


Journey to weight loss

Nov 23, 2012

I had my first meeting with a group on July 20th 2012.  I just got a call today to meet with the nurse for January 9th 2013!  The journey has started!  


About Me
Bloomingdale, GA
Nov 21, 2012
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