At the age of 18 I had LapBand. Initially it worked,  my own motivation got me through it. I did my inital 2 week liquid diet, I lost 20 lbs. I  lost another couple of pounds off an on, but  things got rough and I had no support. Things got hard, I had no support, there was no staged meal planning gone over with me in my pre-op meetings with doctors. When I tried to get help and find support around here, there wasn't really anyone for me to lean to or ask questions with. My suregon was of no use, nor was his staff. Theres been no significant weight loss, it's bee almost 2 years. I had a complication with the banding of September 2006. My port lost 2 of the sutures holding it and flipped over, when it flipped over the saline all went to the band around my stomach, causing complete blockage. When this happened I had just changed from Alliance health to Kaiser, my inital PCP with kaiser, who I don't blame too much because she has no really knowledge or expirence with WLS, dismissed what I said when I told her that I KNEW there was a problem with my band. A few days later I went to Kaiser Richmond, I was admitted to the ER and was sent to Dr. Fisher. He listened to what I had to say, at that point I hadn't been able to keep down food or liquid for 3 weeks so my high pain tolerance was now at a minimal. I was admitted to the hospital that night for pain managment and to be on IV bags. I've had some issues getting back in to see Dr. Fisher for a post op. According to Kaiser you have to be referred to the Bariatrics department by your PCP, even though I had already seen Dr. Fisher they wouldn't let me make an appointment because of the fact I wasn't being referred by my PCP.



I am having the same pains I was when my port flipped over and it's only been 3 months. I considered having the band taken out since I initally had issues with my band, it worked so well at first but even after throwing in effort with no support or guidance and I knowing whole heartedly that this would be a hard road when I first decided to have the surgery, this method of WLS was NOT the one for me. I've been looking into having the RNY done, it was the method I wanted initially but my original suregon and family through the LapBand on to me like it was my only option. Now being a few years older and expirencing this all, I am on a new and finally the right weightloss plan that I've known was the one for me.



I am looking for help, I am still rather knew Kaiser but I have read about kaisers method of approval. I am concerned because of the banding not being a successful out come that the approval comittee will see me unfit for RNY. I am kind of lost, and its depressing knowing I've been through this one already and I am stuck in a new place of confussion. 

About Me
Dec 10, 2006
Member Since
