50 lbs lost

Sep 08, 2009

having kind-of a bummy day.. but happy to post 50 lbs lost.

:( missed group

Sep 01, 2009

got home and completely fogot till right now..   :(   darn.  I wanted to go.
1 comment

7 weeks post-op

Aug 30, 2009

Well... 7 weeks out and feeling much better.  Pain is all gone.  Stomach is a bit bitchie now and then.. picky as to what goes in.  I have gotten sick twice.. and been close many times.  It is strange but my pouch HATES leftovers.  I can eat if one time fine but if I try the rest the next day.. wont stay down.
I have lost 45 lbs.  And actually I have lost nothing for the past 2 weeks.  :(  Figure my body is catching up to the 45 it did lose as close are loser.  But ready to see scale move again.  I am having a hard time getting in full 64+ oz of water.  So that is my focus.  As with all the years of dieting.. I know that if I don't get all the water in, I wont lose.

4 weeks post-op

Aug 09, 2009

ok.. I have made it 4 weeks.  Yippie skippie.  I am doing ok.  Food is going ok and no problems with following orders.  Taking all my vitamins and making sure I get my protein in.  I also make sure I get my water as I know that is the secret to actually losing weight. 
The pain that started on day 3 is still with me.  At night I am better because I can lay on my left side for a few hours when I sleep.  If I try my right side, the pain becomes unbearable within about 15 minutes.  When I sleep on my back, I have no pain at all.  In fact I can rub my tummy and nothing hurts.  But when I am up... OWIE.  The pain is near my incisions on my left side.  Doctor said pinched muscle and due to the cuts through it.  He said it would heal and get better.  WHEN.  I am getting discouraged.  Some days my mood bottoms out and I want to cry a lot due to the pain.  It is like a stinging, burning, pinching pain.  Very painful.  It hurts to sit, to stand, to bend... just about everything.  Not that I hurt while sitting or standing, but the transition.  I can't walk far due to the pain, so exercise sucks.  Sneezing makes me want to die.  I have had to cut back on work hours because the pain is so bad.  :(   I see my doctor again on the 18.. or is it the 19th.. and can't wait to say.. what the f???  Since I have no problems eating or bm.. I am not going to call and bug him again.  Maybe the muscle and nerve damage will just take a long long time to heal.   Would have been nice if they would have been upfront about this happening.
Other than that.... I have lost 40lbs.  Which is kinda cool.  My tummy is still swollen and with the pain, can't wear jeans that I could b4 surgery.  They are too tight.  So weird.  But I fit into a dress that was a mini goal ... woohoo.
so... 315 down to 275... not bad, ay?
Well... that is my 4week update.  The journey continues.....

much slower than expected

Jul 20, 2009

Today is Monday, July 20th.  My RNY was one week ago, on the 13th.  I great to begin with.  The surgery was fine, recover was a bit slow to get me to my room because of pain.  But that evening I was up and walking the halls with no problem at all.  Tuesday was good too.. passed dye swallow test and was thrilled to get broth, popsicle, and something to drink.  Wednesday went a bit down, hurt a lot, mostly from one area.. on left area of tummy at one incision spot.  Everyone said it just slower to heal.  Stayed an extra night.
Thursday, the 16th, came home.  Yah.  But ouch.  I miss the demeral and hate the taste of liquid Lortab.

Friday, Sat. and Sun.. nothing special.... still hurting.  Back aches so bad from sitting, laying and my short walks.  I am drinking tons... only like water though.  It's hard to drink protein stuff.. all taste too sweet.  But I am doing best I can.  Taking mulit vitamin, iron, C 12, and omega 3.  All icky sweet but I take them.  Getting frustraited that pain is taking so long.  Everyone said Monday would be like.. ah.. so much better.  BS.  Feel like $#%)&*^&^ and still hurt.

So.. one week out... just had my dinner, cream chicken soup.. not bad.  I am trying to actually avoid the site as so many seem to be doing great either at the same date or just a few more out.  It gets discouraging that I am not.  I have had multiple surgeries in the past so am not a wimp... just body not behaving and its frustraiting.

So.... I am alive but ugh!  Maybe tomorrow... whats that, day 8 out... woohoo.  NOT.    

think positive think positive think positive

Jul 10, 2009

ok.. just make it through the weekend and the game begins.  still not sure I wont regret this.. there is no way to see the unpredictable.. but it's better than heading down the road I am currently living.

Just got to think positive think positive think positive think positive

About Me
Riverton, WY
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2008
Member Since

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