Las Gordas no van al Cielo

Apr 06, 2009

So I woke up on Saturday looking for a pair of jeans to wear to work... THANK GOD for casual days on Saturday. After I had my surgery in November, I got a really great opportunity at work which in turn meant that I needed to dress up EVERYDAY and look professional. I felt that this could not have come at a better time. One of my goals was to stop wearing tennis shoes and being what my ex called a "slob" all of the time. To my knowledge, I only had two pairs of jeans that fit (at size 18) that I could wear. Unlucky (or so I thought) for me at 7:10 a.m. in the morning (needing to be at work by 8), I began to rack my brain for wear to get a pair of jeans or something that didn't require high heels for the day. Cha-ching! The light came on. A few years back, I had purchased a pair of Levi's 515 jeans that didn't fit... Or rather, produced a grotesque muffin top and cut off circulation to the rest of my limbs when I tried them on. I thought to myself, "I know where those are... I'm sure that they fit now." So here I go into the hall way where I had stacked 5 boxes of clothes that no longer fit into my mom's closet...  I drag all five boxes into my new room and start the hunt for the jeans. I pull them out, and to my surprise... not only do they fit, but they were actually big on me!!! OMG! I was jumping for joy. I couldn't believe it. They were stretch jeans at that. I was so excited that I forgot about the time and just started to try on everything. Everything that I tried on fit! Most of the things in the box were L or XL, some juniors stuff. I was soooooo ecstatic! It's amazing. I finally feel normal and I finally feel like I'm 25 and not 55 again. (no offense to anyone) This goes against my every thought about image and being "fat". I never thought that losing weight would make me feel different seeing as to how gaining weight didn't. But there's a major difference. This is a rare happening, but I'm tooting my horn! Yayyy me for being me again!


About Me
Tampa, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 07, 2008
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