No Help

Jun 18, 2009

Boy has this week been annoying to say the least.  last Friday I got to meet the Surgeon and get a date.  Monday I find out that the insurance company will need more info from the dietician.  I am trying to get that all settled out and then I get a letter from the college.  FAFSA(which is supposed to have aid for everyone)  will not give me any loans or grants for college.  They say that we make too much money for aid.  I am so tired of hearing that.  Since my dad passed away in July income has went down by more than 3/4 of the previous year.    Now I switched colleges and finally got in to what I am interested in.  I guess it is the game of money.  I don't like this game I want out lol. 

enough ranting.  there is 51 days until my date and I am getting so excited.  I am on my way. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2009
Member Since

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