Did I really do this for nothing?

Oct 08, 2011

I cant seem to get any more weight off. Really now, this is ridiculous. I am not getting enough protein in but doesnt that just mean less calories? I get about 45-50g/day. I am usually around 800-1000 calories a day. I get plenty of exercise and stay active. It is just very depressing. I lost the bulk of what I have lost in the first 2 weeks, then hardly anything. I started a new job and between that and taking care of my 1 yr old grand-daughter I am exhausted! I wonder if that is playing a part of this. I will ask the NUT when I see her next time. The doctor told me he made my sleeve large, I wonder if it is too large. I can eat about 1-2 cups of food at a meal. I only eat till i feel full, but about an hour later i am hungry again. Strange things...
Anyway, just venting and I hope everyone is having better luck than me.

losing once again :D

Sep 25, 2011

Finally, I started losing again. I guess my body had to catch up to what was going on. I am now 3.5 weeks out and down 23lbs. I am at 202. I haven't weighed this in about 12 years. It is simply amazing to me that with the help of surgery I lost what I managed to gain in the past 12 years over a course of 4 months. I lost prior to surgery too. I do have to step it up at the gym. I am noticing places are a bit saggy. I know they will most likely never be tight again but I can do what I am able to help it pick up a bit.

My diet consists of:

Breakfast: 1 egg with cheese of some kind or cream of wheat with splenda and skim milk

Lunch: Protein shake

Snack: yogurt, applesauce, or mashed veggies..  oh how I can hardly wait to have salads back.

Dinner: Usually either soup, squash, or mashed sweet potato

Snack: Protein Shake

Real exciting, huh? I am not complaining though. I am still in awe at how I am so full with this little bit.

I did get to thinking, We are all on one continuous diet for the rest of our life. We are slaves to a scale in fear of gaining and curious to know what we are losing. We have had a life time of watching our weight and it is so hard to break the habits. I for one don't see me changing the scale habit. I was so used to weighing every day. I think in the past year, I have bought 3 scales. Needless to say, I wont be buying anymore digital scales. They always seem to give me an error message.

The little one is walking now and has me running after her. Between the gym and home I am definitely getting a workout.

Nothing else to much going on..

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Sept 19,2011

Sep 19, 2011

Well its been a couple of days....  I am starting to wonder about this stall. I have been stalled for 2.5 weeks now and getting a bit discouraged.
Did I honestly have most of my stomach removed to only lose 15 lbs? I know stalls are normal, but I am not even on regular food and already stalled. I went back to the gym and still nothing, ziltch, nada..... My scale even said I gained a pound. How on earth did I gain a pound. Dont you have to eat like 3500 cal and no exercise to gain a pound? Hell, I am lucky if I am eating 500 cal a day. As far as carbs go, they are in everything and the goal is to get as little as possible, but...heres the math on carbs:
1 carb=4 cal, therefore if you have something with 10 carbs then it is only 40 cal. White carbs are no good, but good carbs are ok in moderation. There is even carbs in fruits and vegetables.

Well, I guess that is all I am going to rant about...it is what it is!!!

On a positive note, my baby boy turned 11 today. He wants to go to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. I will get soup or mashed potatoes, not a biggie.

I have so busy with my grand-daughter, she keeps me on my toes. I had forgotten what it was like to have a  year old...lets say, my husband and myseld definately feel our age. She lives with us and has for the past 6 months. Long story, maybe another time. Anyway, we call her our little housewrecker. So curious and into everything.

Until next time,
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Stage 2 diet (Puree)

Sep 15, 2011

As nasty as the thought of putting food in a blender may sound.. I was so excited to be given the ok to eat it. For lunch I had....  an egg. And, Let me tell you, it was probably the best damn egg I had ever had. It took all I had to eat the entire (ONE) egg.

I am cooking some sweet potato's and acorn squash. I will freeze in individual servings.

So, as you can probably tell I went to the Nutritionist today. She is great!!  I found out I am not at a stall. She said the ones that lose the real high numbers in the first 2-3 weeks are those with alot of water weight. I had been on a fluid pill for years prior so you told me I was actually losing 'FAT' and not water. How cool is that?? 

Nothing else really going on. I have my 2 week follow up with the surgeon tomorrow. I am hoping for the ok to go back to more than just walking slowly. Anything more would be ok.

Till next time


Sep 14, 2011

Hi all,

Not too much going on here..  I seem to be at a stall already. My scale hasnt moved in days. I am going to try and stay off of it, I watch it like a hawk. I am still not able to eat anything soft, still on liquids except applesauce and some pudding, cant take but a few bites. I am thinking it has to do with not getting enough protein. I am averaging about 40g a day. I will ask the nutritionist on Thursday.

I eat about 1/4 c cream soup a lunch. Funny how it takes about 30 min to eat that little bit, yet, I have no problem drinking water. I have moved past the crystal lite tea. My taste buds are changing almost everyday. Who knows, I might want the tea back tomorrow. I have been craving green greek olives for about a week now. I have no idea why that is, because I never liked them before. I am thinking it is the salt. The pizza craving passed finally..   It was driving me crazy.

I am back to the gym and loving it. I am taking it slow. The doctor hasnt given me the all clear sign to do anything except walk. I am not even trying to power walk or run. I did the bike and total 5lbs in my hands but i guess that is a bad idea and just going to stick to walking. I dont want to do any damage to my sleeve and cause complications.

TMI, but BM are finally back to daily things. I was starting to really worry.

BTW, I have learned liquids go down alot easier for me if they are ice cold.

Till next time
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Sep 09, 2011

Well, today I had to call the Bariatric Nurse. The Zantac they prescribed to me at discharge seems to not be doing anything. Turns out I am taking it at the wrong time. It didnt specify to take at night so I was taking it in the morning. She told me to try taking it at night over the weekend. If it is still not helping they will put me back on my Nexium. (this heartburn is so unlike the other I had prior to surgery).

So, another test tonight. I cooked some Azzor Con Pollo tonight..  OMG it smelled so good, but I didnt even take a lick of the spoon. Instead, I put a small container full in the freezer for when and if I can eat it. If only just to have the chicken part of it. I sit at the table while my family eats. I feed our grand-daughter and I usually have soup. I can only eat about a 1/3 c before I feel like I dont want anymore. Keep in mind it takes me close to 30 min to eat that little amount.

I love my SLEEVE !!!! I am starting to feel good about myself and know with this tool I can and will succeed.

BTW, I got into a pair of capris I hadnt been able to wear in about 2 years. I was totally stoked !!!

Have a great weekend. We are off to see the premier of Hawaii 5-0 at Waikiki Beach tomorrow.
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5 days post op

Sep 06, 2011

 I lost 5 lbs in 5 days !!!! I am stoked..
The best part....  blood sugar already in normal range and blood pressure too.

I admit I am having trouble getting liquids in. I can do about 30-40 ounces a day. The doctor today told me just to worry about keeping hydrated. He said dont worry about the cream of wheat, yogurt, cottage cheese: Liquids is the most important.
So... that is what I am going to do. I bought some italian ices today and that is another way to get liquid in.. 

Now for something on the gross side:  Have my bowels forgotten how to work? I would think the fat needs some way to come out, right? hmmm, hopefully one day they will remember how to work. I do understand I am eating nothing solid, but like I said, how does the fat come out??  Just some thinking I am doing..

Well,,,,  I went to my hubby's job today with him, keep in mind my husband works for the bariatric program that I was in. I saw my surgeons,nurses and others..  I got so embarrassed when I though, ' OMG, they saw my boob and insides', I know..weird, right?

Let me tell you, Grocery shopping for your family is down right depressing. I found myself once again mourning the loss of food. I stayed strong and survived it. I bought all their favorites and some of it I really enjoyed at one time too. I was a trooper and went to the breakfast isle and got my carnation instant breakfast, dry milk powder and crystal lite. Food of champions. It is ok though, I am on the up side of getting healthy and in shape and that is all that matters.

well, time to start dinner for the family,
Enjoy your evening!!


3 days post op

Sep 04, 2011

Hi y'all,

Here I am at 3 days post op. Very, very sore. I was discharged yesterday. I took very little pain medicine while in the hospital. The doctor gave me a 40 French size sleeve. It is the largest size sleeve. I am still full of air. I am having difficulty expelling it from my body. I did gain while in the hospital, but it is air and IV. I am not concerned with that at all. I am on the 2 oz full liquid diet. I feel so full after about an oz.
On another note, I am able to do some small chores around the house without discomfort. My husband is being a huge help.

Not much else to report right now. I am just hoping I can get more liquids down soon and this discomfort goes away. There really is no pain, just feels like a bad fall to the belly.
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Night before Surgery

Aug 31, 2011

I cant believe it all happens tomorrow. The next time I blog I will have had my surgery.. I am still nervous but more anxious to have the surgery done and over. I am ready to start 'LIVING' the rest of my life.

I will take my pictures and measurements tonight. I am going to try to do that every month. I have been told I need to see myself shrinking or I might always see myself as 'fat'. My diabetes meds were taken away yesterday. I dont know if I will have to take them again after surgery or what will happen. They did say the meds could complicate surgery. I definately dont want that.

The kids are all taken care of. My oldest is going to a friends house and the baby will spend the day at the sitters. I told my husband just to take her there everyday. If he brings her to see me she will scream when they leave.

I wasnt hungry today at all. I will enjoy my last cup of coffee tonight. I will only be able to do sips for awhile and it might be sometime before I can actually really enjoy another cup.

Well, until next time... hugs!!!

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Day 6 liquids and SAC appt

Aug 30, 2011

Here I am at day 6 of liquids. One more day on this diet and then surgery. The diet is easy now. I passed hunger a few days ago. The weight loss on this diet is AWESOME!!! Maybe that is why it really isnt bothering me anymore. 7.5 lbs lost on this diet 

I had my SAC (Surgical Admission Center) appt today.
What they did: Paperwork
                        Nursing Interview
                        Anesthia Interview
                        More Paperwork
Gave me some cleaning clothes to treat my skin the night before surgery.
I did have to have a 'timed bleed' test. My daughter has Factor 5 Liten and they wanted to make sure I wasnt a bleeder. I passed!!! 

I will go to the gym tonight but not tomorrow. I will have an extended work out tonight. I dont know how long till I feel like going at it again. The walking after surgery will be no biggie (at least I am thinking it wont be). 

Thursday is so close... I just keep thinking about after the surgery is over!!!  I am such a baby..LOL  I am getting myself all worked up over the procedure that I wont even know they started when I wake up. I have been put under before  and know it seems like you only slept for a minute, but it was some of the best sleep I had ever had. 

Well, till next time 

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Nov 19, 2009
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