I am 27 years old and have had an unhealthy relationship with food for my entire life. I have always been overweight. I was hovering around 175-200 lbs. in high school. After high school (2003), I gained about 100 pounds. In 2007 I lost 100 lbs. by drinking my meals (primarily protein shakes and green veggie juice) and working out for 2 hours a day. After I was happy with how much weight I had lost, I stopped doing all of the things that helped me lose weight. I ate at restaurants all of the time and didn't work out anymore. I subsequently gained back the 100 lbs. plus another 76 lbs.

As the weight increased, my mood decreased. I was completely depressed and didn't leave my bed for anything but eating and going to the bathroom. I was hospitalized because of my depression and suicidal ideation a handful of times. I had to go on disability because my depression was so bad. The Psychiatrist that I see tried me on what seemed like every depression medication on the market, which also contributed to my weight gain.

My depression was horrible up until about 6 months ago. We finally found a medication that helps me. I get out of bed and clean and see people and go to appointments all of the time. I am exercising again. I feel great. Now that I have my mental issues taken care of, it is time to take care of my physical issues.

I gave myself a year to try and lose weight and told myself that if I wasn't successful that I would consider getting weight loss surgery. Well, the year has come and gone and I have not been very successful at doing this on my own, so yeah.... I am going to have Roux-En-Y surgery on November 7th, 2013..... if all goes well.

I am losing weight slowly by cutting out carbs and yucky snacks and replacing them with fruits and veggies. I am working on eating slower and chew, chew, chewing. The hardest part so far has been trying to cut out soda from my diet. I am a diet Mtn. Dew addict.

If you are reading this and having mental health issues and want to talk or vent, feel free to message me. I have been through a lot and I will share anything with you.



About Me
Oct 12, 2012
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