Muhammad Jawad

"Dr. Jawad is the greatest!!! He did my first surgery 20 years ago and it made my heart sing to know he was the same awesome surgeon (per my nurse buddies)that he's always been. You don't see his smile much, but when he does, it lights up his kind eyes and caring demeanor. Hospital staff is wonderful and caring. Office staff could use some work - things aren't followed up on sometimes, but overall, as long as you keep up the work of being your own best advocate and don't let things fall through the cracks, you'll be fine. Aftercare is stressed and I got enough notes and pamphlets to fill up a large folder; so no one can say you don't get the information. They go through everything as a group. All you have to do is read it and keep it close. It's all good info, especially the exercise info - no one ever told me what kind of exercises would be good for me to start before and continue after my surgery. It was something I didn't put much thought into. Jawad was forthright in addressing US averages and his own practice averages regarding risks of surgery, etc. He also stressed the risks of dumping syndrome and what it would feel like. Overall, I think I would give the practice an 8, but him a 9.5 out of 10 (got to have some room to move up, though don't know how!!!). Dr Jawad is straight-forward, never sugar-coats anything, so be prepared for a short, Splenda truth. You will be glad he's that way. He cares for his patients, even after 20 years. And, yes, I'd go back again to him. I did and would trust him with my life."
About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 20, 2010
Member Since
