Hello, Welcome to my Journey.


I guess this is where I can Just vent, hehe.
I'm 6'4" 376lbs., being the 3rd member of my family to have WLS I have alot of support here and have seen nothing but outstanding results.
 My baby sister is like 6 yrs. post op and my father is 6 mo. post op, Was looking for a family discount plan, didn't happen.
I've been working for the Union Pacific Railroad for 26yrs. as foreman on many different jobs.
At 44 years of age I have come to a point where I need help to reduce my weight.
I am diabetic, Daily I take 2 oral gluc., 35 and 25 units of type N, and use the type R with each meal on the scale.
 The numbness in my feet alone is enough to drive me nuts. And I'm not gonna lose my eyesight to this disease.
I also have had to fight the high blood pressure since 1985.

I started my Quest for WLS in January.
I went with my father to his 2 week post appointment and Weighed in while I was there. The Surgeon set me up with another doctor to begin my appointments at that time.
After the first blood work tests came back Nothing but bad came from the doctors mouth.
My Diabeties has put me in a spot where surgery was to high of risk. My Triglycerides were outta sight, 1200's, highest this doctor has seen.
My A1C was 9.2 but the Cholesterol was the only normal thing I had.
While strick dieting and upping the insulin I was sent to a heart doctor for the ECG. Which came back irregular of corse.
So I was given the option to have a stress test and If it came back bad would need a Cardiac catheterization and angiography. Which I enjoyed.
Late Feburary comes around. My sugar count logs are not improving much. Up the insulin some more, I'm taking 5-6 shots per day. and bruses everywhere.
Ave. day 110 units of insulin.
March I go to the dietition. Hey your overweight. What diet plans have you tried in the past? Well let me think back.
Phen-Phen of course, Low carb., count calories.
And am I aware of the risk factors in WLS? well I was aware of the Weight Problems I have now. Risky bah.
Your BMI is 45.7 which means your Extremely Obese. now I'm learning something.
April my sugar logs are looking better. Woota, time to go see a psychiatrist. The meeting was long and well put. I'm not going here but you will all understand.
May my doctor gives me her blessings, My sugar count is good. my  Triglycerides are back to normal.
A1C still high, but that was to be forseen with the work I've done. After memorial day I received a call from the surgons office. The Insurance has approved of my surgery. Schedule date 6-13-06.
Friday the 9th. I take a leave of absence from the railroad, have a final doctor appointment with my surgon. Dr. Cannon, was given the scripts for the pre op fun.
The weekend was great I ate everything in sight. hehe
Monday the 12th. was different. I received a call in the morning before I started the Pills and drinking the Super Wash. I was missing a xray, run to the hospital and eat this paste, click.
Go to the lab and give more blood.
Go home and do the prep. drink the wine. and up all nite. WOOSH.

Report to the Hospital 7am. Lets rock.
Go Home, liquid diet

First post op doc. visit, remove most staples. down 9 lbs.
You can now eat soft protiens, way cool after 1 week of liq. I was ready to chew something.

Second post-op Doctor visit, removed the remaining staples
Same diet, start vitamins

2 weeks post-op today, Weighed in at 353 this morning--Woot--, -23lbs. , Still have to use dressings on one spot. I'm excited right now to my new begining.

4 weeks post-op, Doctor visit today, Weighed in at 338, I've been feeling like way full lately, hard time getting water or food down, or stay down. Dr. says I must have inflamed the stomach, (I have to agree) Back to basics a few days, water, broth and it should clear up, Then I can now start eatting soft vegies., Cool, I feel really good, I still have a bad spot on my stomach, but I feel it's healing now, I do hard labor type work or I would be right back to work, but I feel I need to get this last spot closed, I can't be changing dressings at work. Well I off to my dad's for awhile, gonna do some healing with a fishing pole in my hand instead of this mouse, hehe

Heya, I'm back from my parents today. And a fine fishing trip it was I may add. I was excited to get home and jump on the scales, 324 lbs., Yes this is all getting to be too cool. I want to say how i'm feeling though. I can't seem to get through a day without throwing up. Many times some days. I'm not eatting much. Kinda worried about not getting proteins. I have healed closed now and really feeling good.

Went to the hospital today. had a Endoscopy done, They opened my passage to the stomach back up, I have to go in on aug 2nd. and do it again, I have some pain, But I am aleast able to drink some water, hehe, I'm back on liq diet for 10 days. /sigh

Returned to the Hospital again today for another Endoscopy. They opened up the passage some more. Also they scheduled me another one on the 16th. I can eat soft foods again, and gave the Railroad a Release to go back to work. They have to clear it through there medical director and I should be to work next monday morning.

I got a call from the railroad today. I've been ok'd to return to work monday morning. I shall see some poundage come off now.

hey all, I'm 60days post-op today. 60days X 5 shots of insulin = 300 neddles I've not needed, woot.

Been kinda depressed lately, going into surgery again in the morning. 3rd time for the endoscopy. Been sick everyday at work, lunch never seems to settle good. I weighed in this morning at 318 lbs.

Well I had the Endoscopy done last week and it was tight again. It's supposed to open up sometime. Next scope on the 30th.

Wow, what a bad day. I'm at work, 150 miles from home and I get sick after lunch. Started throwing up blood. OMG, I was scared to death. My truck driver hauled me home so I could drive the 30min trip to the hospital ER. I have torn my stricture. I had xrays done, then one while drinking this nasty tasteing stuff. I could watch it go down on the screen. No Leaks thank god. I had called the surgeon Dr. Cannon. He has set me up with a endoscopy for tomorrow morning. He will be there with a new doctor doing the scope. Gonna fix this thing I hope. I've been so dehydrated. They gave me a bag of water in a iv. I need more water intake to handle my job i'm afraid. Gonna be off work for a while. Got to ask the doctor about a support group in the area. I'm tired of this.

Wow, had a endoscope done today with a new doctor and he opened me up good. I'm feeling fine and can drink for a change. hope this one lasts. he opened me up to 15cm and added some shots of cortazone . also perscribed me some type of anti-acid pills to help the healing. Next scope scheduled for 9-7.

Guess what I did today?? yep another endoscopy. today was my 5th. one. And my last for now. They didn't have to streach very much today. and injected more cortazone.

Doctor appointment today, guess i'm good to go. I'm off next week again and then back to work on the 18th.

Big day today, I'm back to work but that's not the good news, the good news is I Went Below 300 LBS.  Weighed in at 299 Woot. Down 77 lbs.
I have lost some muscle in my arms I can tell. We could also tell while I was bowhunting last week. My father and I both had to turn the poundage down on the pull. hehe, Couldn't get it back. I've been eatting some nice foods finally, had a soft corn shell taco tonight. just some burger and beans. a bit of sour cream and olives. Hot Sauce. Went down good, The dog kinda had to help me through the taco shell though. lol  (It's good to feel alot better). I only got sick the last 2 weeks twice, once on moms chilli. kinda too sweet I think, bless her heart. and the other was on low fat Cottage Cheese, one spoon and I was done fast, didn't stay down. go figure.


Hi sorry i've been so distant. I made it through the holidays ok and i'm back to my diet. Guess what happened to me this Morning? I hit the scales and finally seen 276 lbs. that down 100 lbs. I am so thankful. It's been great. I did feel a little ill two days ago and was worried how i'm gonna get through a cold but it went away after a night of sweating. Work has been keeping me busy. I'll add a new picture some day.


Sup, everything is going well. I've lost 112 lbs. now and feeling great. I wish there was a support group around here. I'm hoping to lose more i'm down to 264 lbs. Time seems to have went by fast. I do have loose skin hanging around, it will be an issue some time later. another year i'm thinking. Hope your all doing well.



Doing well, I've lost 120lbs. We did have a support group get together last month. Was alot of fun. Sorry I haven't wrote or logged onto the chat room lately, not enough hours in the day it seems. Get those proteins down.




What a great day. I worked so hard the last few days, But today I really hit it, I felt my heart rate up there and held it there over an hour. I'm feeling stronger and stronger each day. I worked in the yard last sunday from 8am till 6pm only stopping for water. I'm going to plant the garden up over this coming easter weekend. Let me just mention what's up everyday for me, I eat all my vitamins each morning. 3 flinstones, 3 tums ultras, 1 b12 every few days. and 1 vitamin C. EVERY DAY this is my starting point, I have some ammno acids I sometimes take, i've heard there good for us WLS patients. ??? and I also take 1 potasium capsule that I open into my lunch each day. It that why I have all the energy? I'm not sure but I love it. I Have been drinking 3-4 20oz. bottles of water each day during work. (8hrs) morning breakfast is a bit of soup that don't fit in my thermos and somedays a protien shake. I have several types, boost, ensure, and whey protien mixed up with crystal lite. I eat a bowl of soup for lunch with some sugar free apple sauce and I have a bag full of extra sharp and swiss cheese. That's it, Dinner comes when ever at nite and Since my Surgery I have not eatten any bread, tortilla's, pizza, lettuce, pop, steak. I do love to eat chicken, fish, bean salads, eggs. and i'm sure I have left alot out but that's the jest of it. This morning I weighed 255 lbs, Down 121 lbs.

Life is good.


Wow I can't believe it's been this long since i've posted. It's not like I don't come here everyday. I started a picture trail album today, The link is in the blog. I guess it works. I have been losing still. Down to 238 lbs. I just finished up bow hunting. had a nice month. hunting on weekends. I feel kinda worn lately, hope it picks up again. I haven't changed my diet really. Not real sure why. I had blood test done aug. all my levels are good.



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"Yes there are two paths you can go by, But in the long run - There's still time to Change the Road you're on."

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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

About Me
Nephi, UT
Surgery Date
Jun 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 1
