Is Morbid Obesity considered a disability?

What I am wanting is to get approved for medicaid. That would be the only way I could. You must have a disability!    — Cathy B. (posted on November 16, 2001)

November 15, 2001
I don't think severe MO itself is considered a disability, but all the health problems that come along with it may help you get Medicaid. For example, if you can't walk due to your MO or you have blurry vision due to high blood pressure, or you're on a CPAP machine or something, you may be able to apply for Medicaid. I don't know of anyone who was MO but in good health otherwise and who qualified for Medicaid. There has to be other co-morbidities that put you in the "disabled" category - make sense? Good luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

November 15, 2001
MO is a disease, not a disability. MO and various co-morbidities could get you approved for disability benefits....depending on what the co-morb's are and the severity.
   — [Anonymous]

November 16, 2001
My cousin was permanently disabled from her job do to her severe co-morbidties. She could no longer work because she could no longer stand or walk, which presented a huge transportation problem for her. She had the surgey after being disabled and Medicaid pay for it. She spent 10 days in a rehab center post-op also. She has since had her tummy tuck and two knee surgeries, all compliments of Medicaid. She weighed well over 400 pounds pre-op and after 2 years, now weighs around 199 pounds. She is currently trying to re-enter the work force but is meeting a lot of resistance. I admire her persaverance though and I am sure she will eventually locate gainful employment. She was my catalyst for my own weight lose journey and today I am 11 days post-op.
   — Susan M.

November 16, 2001
Yes it is, according to the medicare laws. I got disability on that
   — sherri W.

November 16, 2001

   — Phiddy B.

November 16, 2001's not the's the obesity WITH arthritis, diabetes, sleep apnea, gerd, tachycardia, hypertension yada yada yada. No one ever received disability benefits simply because they were fat.
   — [Anonymous]

November 17, 2001
MO IS a disability. I am currently drawing SSD for it. NOT the comorbidties but because OF MO. I had NO morbidities listed. According to my approval letter I am approved due to obesity.
   — Melody F.

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