I'm still not able to eat

although I'm 11 weeks post-op I still can't eat. At this stage I should be able to eat some solid foods like rice,fish chicken and so on. I'm always throwing up everything except liquid. I have an appointment to see my surgeon next week but until that time I have to stay on puree. Also I have'nt lost any weight although I don't eat. of course I'm on my period but I gained five pounds., Can someone please explain this to me. Thanks    — blank first name B. (posted on November 17, 2001)

November 17, 2001
Are you chewing your food until it is mush in your mouth before swallowing? This is what I was told to do by my nutritionist. It's tough to do at first, but you will learn and eventually not have to think about chew chew chew when you are having a meal. My first meal was some baked fish and mashed potatoes and gravy. Chicken is very tough to digest at first for some people. I was told to have the food moist. So I cooked chicken breast cut it into eraser size pieces, and added some cream of chicken soup to make it moist. I was also told that if I was going to eat rice it had to be brown rice. These are things that my doctor told me and at 8 months postop i have lost 97 pounds. Good luck and hope you are able to eat more soon.
   — [Anonymous]

November 17, 2001
I am 10 weeks post op and I can eat solid foods. Have you been checked to see you have a stricture? I had to have an endoscopy at 6 weeks...I couldn't eat before it was done. I would throw up, towards the end I was throwing up water. I don't know the reason you haven't lost weight...I have lost 70 lbs, so I would definitely talk to your surgeon about it. My best to you, good luck.
   — Jennifer M.

November 17, 2001
Hi Deborah Im confused because reading your profile it says youre able to eat anything, and even sugar!-and youve lost 55 lbs!!! ! Maybe this is the problem. When you hit a plateau...lay off the white stuff..if its you CANT eat, thats a call to the Dr.
   — Jackiis

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