Is my weight loss good or should I be lossing more?

Hello Everyone, I am wondering if my loss is about right. I know that everyone losses different and I shouldn't compare but I can't help it. I had open RYN on January 17th, I was 269 and am now 229. I am down 35 pounds. Is this about right? I see people on here who have lost a lot more in less time and I am wondering. I have been following my diet and also exercising as I was told by my doctor. It seems that this last week or so I haven't lost at all. Please some advice?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 28, 2002)

February 28, 2002
WOW!!!!! I think you are doing GREAT! That is a lot of weight to lose in that short a period. That is 35 lbs gone forever, 35 lbs you will never see again. Wave bye-bye and go on. You can't compare your weight loss to ANYONE elses!! If I did that, I would have given up. My husband had lost soooo much more than me in a shorter time. Everyone loses at a different pace. I am just so happy that I am losing at all. It took me years and years to gain it so what is a few months to lose it!! Just keep up the good work, drink you water (very important) and eat the foods YOUR dr recommends. Don't try to follow all the diets here on this site, every dr differs in their opinion of what is the best diet. Do the exercises your dr tells you to do. My dr is soooo restrictive about diet. I eat so much differently that what I read about here on AMOS, but I am doing great. I have lost 90 lbs and my DH has lost 145 so we must be doing something right. Again, YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!! KEEP IT UP AND QUIT COMPARING YOURSELF TO ANYONE.

February 28, 2002
Hi, You have to consider that you didn't start out as heavy as some of us. You , in my opinion started out as a lightweight when it comes to WLS, and sometimes the less you have to lose the slower it will come off. I would be proud of yourself. Your doing great!!!
   — [Anonymous]

February 28, 2002
Hi! I have been wondering about this myself...and to tell you the truth I am jealous of you..LOL I had lap RNY on the 16th of Jan and am down from 339 to 309 and I am somewhat disappointed in my loss but it IS loss and lets face it a heck of alot better than I have ever done before...My doc said it will come off in time..some lose slower than others..
   — kittycat

February 28, 2002
I started out at 289, and at 2 mos had lost 35 pounds, I am now 7 mos out and have lost 102 pounds. I bet you will do about the same. I think you are doing great. I lost an average of about 13 pounds a month, it has slowed down now, but I am still losing. Just keep drinking your water, I have found if I sloww down on the water I do not lose as much as when I make sure I drink my water.
   — Valerie M.

February 28, 2002
I think you are about right. I was down 32 lbs the first month. But it does'nt last! It will slow down fast after the first month. In fact I pretty much stopped at the 6 month marker. But most of us seem to lose alot that first month when the body is trying to figure out what the heck happened to it. lol
   — Danmark

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