Nicotine Patches. Is that considered QUITTING???

I just started the nicotine patches today (had one cig this morning before slapping the patch on 2 hours later) 14 hrs without smoking...that is good for me so far :) Anyhow, back to the question... If i follow the patches like it states to do, i will still have nicotine in my bloodstream on surgery date(no date but most likely will be in a month). Does this count as "quitting"? Or does the nicotine become a problem even if it is in patch form? I know my longs will be much clearer but not my blood... Thanks for letting me ask :) ~*Jodi*~ >{{*>    — Jodi D. (posted on April 17, 2002)

April 16, 2002
I am not a doctor, but in my opinion I think it should suffice. I believe the reason for quitting 30 days beforehand is the smoke itself makes you more susceptible to pneumonia. I don't think the nicotine itself causes complications, but you may want to check with your surgeon on this. I guess I am really lucky. I quit smoking ALMOST a year ago on May 15th. I also used the patches, but ended up stopping the use before the recomended time. I never thought I could quit but I did. I will NEVER take another puff! If I did I'd be hooked again.
   — Patricia H.

April 16, 2002
You'll be fine. The problem with smoking before surgery is the weakening of your lungs from the smoke and the carbon monoxide in your blood. You won't have either of those from the patch. Good luck in quitting and good luck with your surgery!
   — PaulaM

April 17, 2002
Hi Jodi! First let me say Congrats that is NO easy feat! I am 33 and smoked a pack a day for nearly 20 yrs and stopped Feb 7 with the patch. I only used the patch for 2 weeks and then just stopped. My dr said even if I had a patch on walking into the hopsital I would be concidered a NON smoker at that time. They worry about the lungs as the others have said not the nic. Good luck to you! This IS something you can do. TTFN
   — Sassy M.

April 17, 2002
congrats on quiting but..... my dad just had open heart and the told him nicotine is nicotine know matter how you are getting it. He qiut smoking Dec 1995 but has been dipping and it is the same. Sorry to sound negative.
   — Lisa S.

April 17, 2002
4/17/02 Thanx to all who took the time to answer my question :) as far as nicotine being nicotine.. that is true but hopefully by using the patch i will be able to quit for good. I actually feel really good and it is now day 2 of not smoking :) . {{{Hugs}}} to all. ~*Jodi*~ ><{{*>
   — Jodi D.

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