I am approx. 5 days post-op & I kind of cheated..scared to death I did something??

Okay, I fudged a little. I couldn't help it, I was dying for something in my mouth to chew on. I took a bite of cottage cheese 5 days post-op. I was trying to sneak it obviously so took a bite real quick so no one would see. This was the first time I ate anything so the bite was a little too big than I should have. It hurt like hell going down. I didn't vomit or anything but it felt like I had something stuck in my esophagus for a day or so. Is this normal? I'm scared to death I did something to my new stomach. I feel fine now, no vomiting or anything so I would assume I'm okay but could I have ruptured my staple line & just not have known it? How can you tell if you ruptured your staple line at this early stage or there are leaks? What are the symptoms of this? My surgeon did a leak test 2 days post-op & it was fine.    — Allison T. (posted on April 18, 2002)

April 18, 2002
I was told that cottage cheese was ok to have at 5 days along with frozen pops and pudding . U are more then likely ok but if you are scared call your dr ok he is the best one to relieve your fears . Good luck .
   — sallie P.

April 18, 2002
First of all.....take a deep breath. You are doing fine. You did not disrupt your staple line it takes way more than that to upset it. I am sure you felt some discomfort because your esophagus is swolen and it took time for such a large bit to work its way thru. Remember your esophagas no longer open and closes like it did before. Now it is like an hour glass and a large bite will block it for a while till it works its way thru. Now if had been somthing hard that you ate and it had gotten stuck(not to scare you) they would have had to do a scope to get it out because it would have blocked it off. But you didnt, it was a soft food that most doctors alow when you go home(at least mine did) you just took to big of a bite. no biggie, if you learned to take small bites, that is all that matters. We all mess up every now and then. Let me know if I can help. Nancy
   — nkoehler88

April 19, 2002
Cottage cheese was on my 'full liquid' diet sheet so I highly doubt it could disrupt your staples, especially in such small amounts. I depend alot on cottage cheese even at 4 months postop, it is a great source of protein and its so easy to have for a quick meal. Calm down and take it easy. You'll be fine.
   — Donna L.

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