Not for the squeamish!! Problem with rash under apron....

I have one of those problems where I know I should see my PCP, however, I am praying that someone has had this before and can tell me what to do, since I will be mortified showing my PCP this's extremely embarrasing and I already know it is from me being obese, so I don't want to hear that. I have a very red, cracking, burning and painful rash under my apron. I have tried regular powder, antibiotic ointment, benadryl cream (which seemed to aggravate it more), medicated powder, etc. and nothing over the counter is working. It is getting worse, and I will be forced to go see my PCP next week, this is my last resort to handle this with some dignity! Any help would be appreciated, as usual. You guys are great!    — Renee D. (posted on May 25, 2002)

May 25, 2002
Renee D: I, too, have had a rash like this. Does yours itch? It sounds like candida (yeast). I had one last year under my tummy, my breasts, and it was spreading to my armpits when I couldn't stand it any longer. I finally saw my pcp and he told me to use mycanizole cream, the same stuff you use for vaginal yeast infections. He said it may take 2 - 3 weeks to clear, but mine started clearing up in a few days. Good luck!
   — Ginger N.

May 25, 2002
Sorry that you are going through that, here's something that might help: Lotrimin AF, they sell it over the counter now, it's expensive but it works, you can also buy generic, it's cheaper and works the same. Make sure area is clean and completely dry (you can use a blow dryer to dry area thoroughly) before applying the cream. Some gauze helps too. Good luck to you.
   — blank first name B.

May 25, 2002
If it's at all itchy, you might be dealing with a yeast infection. Is that a possibility? Heavy people often get them in areas where the skin overlaps, not just in the vaginal area. Glad to be rid of that problem!
   — Terissa R.

May 25, 2002
I agree it sounds like a yeast rash. I have constant trouble with them--more so in the summer. You didn't say but many times there is a sweet odor to the rash. You can either use the miconazale cream or lotrimin af both over the counter apply 2-3 times a day, at least once a day wash areas and dry thoroughly either by standing in front of fan or using hair dryer on low setting. Good luck.
   — Kay W.

May 25, 2002
I had something like this under my breast once. Extremely painful!!! The absolutely best thing for it is air. Try to hold the folds or apron up and lay with a fan blowing on it as often as you can.
   — Want2bslim

May 25, 2002
I know this is a touchy subject but its all sometning we can relate to. I too have had this problem and still get it from time to time. It does come from a lack of air flow. In my own personal experiance I have had it under my apron and it was pretty bad because I had 2 c sections as well as under my arm pits and it had a horriable odor I mean a just raw flesh odor unbearable smell, so I went to the doctor and as old fashioned as it seems he told me that a good natural treatment was the answer he told me to get some gause and regular cider vinigar put the vinigar on the gause and lay them between the rolls and I swear it healed up.No I will be honest with you the first time I put it on that raw meat it burned a little but not much. I have even had this problem under my breast and I just put that gause right under there. I smell like pickles for a few days but we have to do what we have to do. If you decide to try this please email me and let me know how it does [email protected] good luck to you...
   — Subrina D.

May 25, 2002
Ouch! I can relate so well! Definately try the yeast cream right away. Clean it well, let it dry, and then apply the cream. Do that 3 - 4 times a day for the next couple days. If its not better in 48 hours you really need to see your doctor. It can be a skin infection, different from the yeast. I know its embarrassing but a doctor can tell just with a good look whether or not its yeast or something more. I didn't look at your profile, but if you're diabetic this is especially important.
   — Shelly S.

May 25, 2002
I just posted this earlier, or part of it, but here it is again. The best solution I found for the crease yeast infections was Lotrimin antifungal (or generic clone). If it is sorta crumbly and powders only make it worse, and it stinks badly and seems to ooze, it's yeast. And you have to kill them. They like warm & moist. Decrease the population of the yeast. To get it cleard to start, I washed & dried and applied a line of the cream (not ointment, not powder) to the crease, THREE times daily for a few days, then 2, then once daily did the job.
   — vitalady

May 25, 2002
Quick!!! Grab a camera and take pictures. This is the documentation you will need if you have to have a TT or abdominoplasty. I have found that Destin Baby cream works the best.
   — Gail R.

May 25, 2002
Hello, I asked this same question in the chat room in March. I was told by several amos family members to try Balmex (in the baby section with diaper rash ointment). It works great. I haven't had a problem since. I had tried several things including Dr. prescribed meds and Balmex is all that has worked for me. My rash was so severe that my panties had blood stains in the shape of a happy face smile from the deep crack in the fold and the rest of my apron was so raw I couldn't move with out pain. I hope you get some relief soon, I understand what your going through. God bless you.
   — Brenda T.

May 25, 2002
And, for a true "home remedy", did you know that the bateria in yogurt LOVES to eat yeast? Why wait 2-3 weeks for it to clear up? Get IMMEDIATE relief by smearing on PLAIN yogurt (NO sugar added) and wiping it off without rinsing, then layer some wash clothes any where the fold touchs itself. Do this a couple of times a day, until it is gone. Also, make sure you have a hand held shower attachment to help you rinse under there and shower daily with an anti-bacterial soap like Dial. I had a panni that hung almost to my knees, so I know from which I speak. and yogurt is a heck of a lot cheaper than those fancy meds. A girlfriend of mine was pregnant and couldn't use anti-fungal meds and had a vaginal yeast infection. I told her about the yogurt and had her mix up 1/2 cup in a quart of warm water and douche with it. Immediate relief from the itching and the yeast infection was gone in 3 days. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

May 25, 2002
You guys are GREAT! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! I appreciate the many supportive replies and emails. You know, I am not one to get embarrased easily, however, obesity related issues are hard for me because people (especially medical "professionals") treat you like "it's all your fault, lose weight". Duh. Tell me something I don't know...LOL. ;) Well, hopefully I will be scheduled for early fall and can finally have a tool to help with that! In the meantime, it is so comforting to have this community of people who "get it".....
   — Renee D.

May 26, 2002
I have had this problem for years...I found that keeping it clean and dry was the solution so I washed and dried it (using a blow dryer). Then I exposed it to the light from a lamp (yeast infections HATE light). More recently, I have discovered Huggies baby wipes. They are anti bacterial and fairl7y inexpensive. I keep a box of them handy in the bathroom and clean the area under my apron three or four times a day, I haven't had a rash in weeks. The box of Huggie wipes was only $2.34 and they last a couple of months. Good Luck
   — Carol H.

May 26, 2002
Years ago my ob/gyn gave me the cheapest and best solution to this problem. Vagisil or Summer's Eve powder. Granted it makes a mess in the bathroom, but I have been using it for years now, and I live in hot humid Florida and haven't had a rash since. I just "dust" every morning---EVERYWHERE--my waist, under my boobs, apron--you name it. My husband laughs at me cause the bathroom always looks like someone dropped a bomb of anthrax----but I don't care. I am dry and comfortable all day. PS--I didn't need any expensive yeasts meds to take care of the initial infection--I just started using the powder and it cleared it right up.
   — Kay S.

May 26, 2002
I am a pro at this question. Ihave not answered any other questions ,but this one hits home. I am waiting for WLS and I know what its like to be large inthe summer. I also work in a greenhouse ,where the temps reach 120 degrees. For my rashes, I wash area with soap and water,dry well. Then I use a thin layer of cortizone cream mixed with canestin. The next morning , the rash is almost gone .Then I use goldbond powder for the next few days to keep the area dry and rash free. I hope this helps you !!!!!
   — aquilegia

May 26, 2002
As much as you don't want to you should go to your PCP......BECAUSE that (documentation) and pictures are what are needed to get that apron removed later on!
   — Sharon F.

May 28, 2002
Renee, my GYN prescribed Mycolog II cream for this problem. He calls it, "Magic Cream." It is. I've never seen anything clear up that problem for me so quickly. My insurance covers the cost, so it's actually cheaper than getting an OTC remedy. For lots of reasons, including ones already mentioned, I think you need to show the rash to either your GP or your GYN. The first time I let mine be seen, I simply said, "I think I have a 'Fat Rash." That way I made it clear that yes, I knew I was what do we do from here? ; >
   — CaseyinLA

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