9 mos post op and I have no appetite

I only eat one meal ,sometimes two per day, so I try to aleast eat proteins with every meal, my psychiatric put me on zoloft 100mg 3 mos ago due to unbearable stress, could this be the reason why my appetite has decrease. I know before I started taking the zoloft I was eating like crazy, now I bearly can eat one meal a day. this month alone I have lost 21 pounds, I am not complaining, I mean I am getting in my proteins and vitamin but just confused. Any help will be greatly appreciated. 9 months post op down 110 pounds.    — Rebe W. (posted on May 28, 2002)

May 28, 2002
Hi. I too have no appetite at month 7. For instance, yesterday, I had oatmeal for breakfast, a few cashews for lunch and a protein shake for dinner. I could live like that. I think in my case it's a combination of the heat, plus I was very busy at work yesterday and didn't even think about food. I have a protein shake every day, plus take my vitamins. I'm down 80+ lbs. And, I drink that water. Food just isn't my obsession anymore.
   — Annie H.

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