Is there any way to boost your iron level in 4-5 days?

I was reading the Q&A's earlier today and read a question about Anemia. Well, that made me paranoid. I remember the last time I had bloodwork done (March 2001) my iron was low. My hemaglobin was 11.8. From what I understand 12-16 is normal. My surgeon is very strict and will not perform surgery if my iron is low. I'm not even sure if it is. I just want to do all I can to give it a little boost, if that is possible. I'm really nervous because it is that time of the month for me as well and I know that is going to take it's toll on my iron count. My bloodwork will be done on Tuesday. If the results are not to my surgeon's liking, he will cancel my surgery and require that I see a Hemotologist (sp?) for 6 months before rescheduling. Any and all suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Amy (Lap RNY 7/11/02...I hope)    — amd0721 (posted on June 28, 2002)

June 28, 2002
11.8 isn't too, too low 9normal for women is 12-16), so you shouldn't have a problem if you take a few measures. Over the next few days, eat lots of the follwiung: green leafy veggies, broccoli, raisins, nuts, and red meat. That should do the trick. I used to give blood a lot and there was a time when it was too low (under 12). I ate raisins the next morning and when I went back that day it was fine. Good luck to you on your surgery!
   — PaulaM

June 28, 2002
Amy, My surgeon also said that my hemoglblobin had to be over 12 or no surgery. So, I started taking iron supplements that I got from prior to my blood draw. I had my draw last week and results came back at 13! Whew! I would start some supplements and see if that helps you too.
   — Heather N.

June 28, 2002
My hemaglobin was around 7 when I had my surgery performed. I have been anemic for years, and my doctor warned me ahead of time that I might need a transfusion. Thankfully, this was not the case. However, in April I had to have a hysterectomy/tummy tuck performed, and the plastic surgeon was strict. He made me see a hematologist. I had to have two iron transfusions performed before surgery. These will bring your numbers up quickly, well as quickly as humanly possible. However, they still were not in the normal range before my surgery was performed. I didn't bleed during the second surgery, so everyone was satisfied. I wish my number was eleven! :)
   — sheron H.

June 29, 2002
Eat an entire bag of spinach every day, you're iron levels should be flying really high!! Nice thing about spinach is, even if you don't like it, you can mix it with eggs, cheese, or make a spinach quiche. Or just snack on frozen for a VERY weird refreshing snack.
   — Heather K.

June 30, 2002
Whatever you do <b>stay away from caffeine!!</b> It doesn't matter if it's sodas, tea, coffee, chocolate...stay away from the caffeine and that might also help you from defeating the purpose of your spinach/green-leafy-intake. Best of luck to you!! :)
   — Lynda L.

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