I'm not a doctor so if there's any nurses around please answer

I have been having an on going problem with low blood, Had a blood transfusion last week (two pints), went back to doctor for lab work, now he says my blood is up but my blood count is low....What is this....I thought with the blood transfusion my blood would be ok. I had an appointment next tuesday but until that time can someone explain this to me. Also he will not give me an referral to a plastic surgeon until my blood is up. I need help!!!!!! thanks    — Rebe W. (posted on November 7, 2002)

November 7, 2002
I am a nurse, but do not fully understand your question. I would need more specifics to give you an educated answer. My suggestion is for you to call your doctor and ask him (or his nurse) to explain this to you better. Good Luck!
   — Vicki L.

November 7, 2002
It means that your hemoglobin (low blood as you say and the stuff of red cells that uses iron to carry oxygen to your organs) is getting more normal, but the number of red blood cells you have is still low. You can get a blood transfusion, but depending on the age of the blood, the red cells that are in it do die off. Transfusions are only a temporary measure until your own body ups the number and quality of red cells you make. Taking iron supplements will help your body improve the quality of red cells, but it takes 5 days to make a red cell in your marrow. Be patient, it will happen. However, I think your doctor could make the referral to a plastic surgeon, as long as the surgeon waits on doing any surgery until your hemoglobin and number of red cells is back to its normal level. Good Luck to the way, I am not a nurse, but was a medical case manager for 18 years...
   — merri B.

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