
I am looking for a good medication or supplement to help decrease the odor of the increased gas that comes with wls. DEVROM and CHLOROPHYLLL were recommended however before buying them I am currious to know if anyone out there has tried using either of them and if they worked.    — Rebecca B. (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 7, 2003
Lots of people on here report that they take Devrom and it works great for them. In fact, there is another question on here today about that and some really good answers. You might want to check those.
   — Delores S.

September 14, 2004
Devrom works using bismuth the same thing you'll find in pepto bismol. It helps with the production of gas only but not on the odor of gas. I have posted many many times lately to the product I use called INNERMINT. It uses chlorophyll as it's main ingredient and it WORKS! I am very enthusiastic about this product primarily because of my success in it's use. It neutralizes the gas odor during digestion. I can 1000% recommend this product. find it at
   — lisalevy

September 14, 2004
I bought and tried the innermint and can't tell any difference at all...just started my 2nd bottle, but don't think I'll be reordering it either!!!!
   — Sungurl B.

September 15, 2004
I've only had hit/miss results with the Chlorophyll innermints. They may work well for one week and next week they don't seem to do a thing.
   — Cathy S.

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