Seeking Others Who Had "Positional Pain" Post Operatively

I am now three weeks post op. Immediately after waking up in recovery I have extreme excruciating pain in my right calf and foot. After a couple of days my whole outer calf and top of my foot just became numb. At about 5 days postop it started to burn. Now three weeks after I have a mixed numbness with absolutely horrible burniing down the lateral aspect of my calf and the top of my foot. After surgery I was told that it was probably positional pain because the surgery was eight hours long and would go away in a "little while". I am ready to chop my foot off at this point. It takes me hours to go to sleep and I can't stand wearing a shoe. This is going to cause a major problem next week when I am supposed to be going back to work. Any ideas or suggestions from anyone. Thanks. BTW -30 pounds!    — lindadougherty (posted on July 23, 2003)

July 23, 2003
Do you have any swelling with it? Have the doctors done tests to rule out blood clots? What about your labs, are you low on anything? I would think at 3 weeks out, positional pain should be long gone.
   — YaYasMom

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