Could Zoloft be causing me to stop loose weight at 5 months?

I posted this question early this morning and don't know what happened to it. I started zoloft about 6 weeks ago and to date, at 5 months have lost 80 pounds. I now find myself stuck right at 200 pounds. On Paxil before surgery I gained a substantial amount of weight. Any of you had any experience with Zoloft after having the surgery and did it effect your weight loss in anyway? Thanks for your help!    — Sharon B. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 20, 2003
I take Lexipro and it has not effected my weight loss at all. I have become actually more comfortable with everything and now don't fret as much about every little thing as well as not craving food so badly as I was before taking it. I know that some people have gained taking antidepressents but there is no chemical reson to gain a ton of weight. I know many post ops who take these meds and still lose their weight.
   — Carol S.

October 20, 2003
Actually, my MD warned me about anti depressents, many of them increase your appetite. When I told him about my emotional problems, he put me on a 10mg/day lexapro, this does not increase the appetite or does not become addictive.
   — E. C.

October 20, 2003
I have been on Zoloft for about 6 years - I am 3 months postop down -60lbs! I have not had any problems losing but maybe it is because I have been on Zoloft for so long.
   — laurab

October 20, 2003
I also take Lexapro.. The thing with Lexapro is that it is a newer anti-depressant and it is broken off of it's "mother" drug Celexa (sp?).. It has few side effects and my personal opinion is that it is the best drug I have been on... I've been taken Lexapro for 6 months now. Before that I was on Prozac, then Paxil and Zoloft. Those were all spread out over the course of 10 yrs.. So that being said, maybe you should talk to someone about switching medication and trying something different.
   — baybekmbrly

October 21, 2003
I actually lost weight (pre-op) while on Zoloft-had very little appetite. However, it didn't help my depression so I was switched.
   — dottykay

October 26, 2003
I've heard of weight problems with Zoloft. I'd suggest trying Prozac (which also helps with obsessive-compulsive disorders such as overeating).
   — jengrz

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