Could my chronic back pain really be caused by my panni?

I didnt' even think about that...I have lost 120 pounds....went from 244 to 128....I do have a big apron but I never thought that it could cause my back pain..... I have been changing mattresses.....trying just about everything to fix my back pain....I have been to my doctor and she has been giving me flexaril and sending me to physical therapy....Nothing has helped..... So is it possible that this is causing my back pain and how would I prove that to insurance to get my tummy tuck or whatever covered....I just didn't figure that losing just over a 100 pounds could be causing my back pain....WOW    — JenLynn (posted on May 19, 2005)

May 19, 2005
Hi. The weight of the skin can cause or aggravate back problems. Document your medications, save receipts, and see a doctor who will document this. It can help with insurance.
   — DrL

May 19, 2005
I had a panni this past Summer. It totally alleviated my back pain! I had almost 11lbs removed. I lost 145lbs when I first went to see my Plastic Surgeon. I am able to do more exercise without all that excess skin. I feel so much better, physically, without it. I am very happy with the results. My stomach is very tight and flat. I have Kaiser and it was covered wihout any documentation. They have their own plasctic surgeons. I LOVE mine! I will be going back for a breast reduction, when I get to my goal weight. Good Luck!
   — Allison M.

May 19, 2005
I had lower back pain as well and once I had my tt, my lower back pain has disappeared. You should probably see an orthopedic doctor and see what he says. If he agrees that it is due to the excess skin, get him to write you a letter of medical necessity to your insurance company regarding this.
   — Patty H.

May 20, 2005
Yes! Yes! Yes! After I lost 130 pounds, my panni would swing as my body shifted and I had to be very careful how I moved. I would bend and reach into my drawers and my back would hurt for a week. Once I was making my bed and the skin shifted and couldn't move for 2 weeks. Even when I would go to the gym for exercise, my back would end up hurting me. I had to be careful cleaning and doing other things I now take for granted since having my tummy tuck in February. They removed 6 pounds of skin and I feel (and look) sooooo much better. My surgeon told me that for every extra pound of skin on the belly, there is 10 pounds of added pressure on your back.
   — Yolanda J.

May 20, 2005
Definitely! My lower back hurt all the time until I got rid of that apron.
   — mom2jtx3

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