Has anyone experienced extraordinary weight gain from the steroids in DEPO-PROVERA?

After taking DEPO for 3 months (1 injection) I gained 60 pounds. I have never had this much trouble losing weight before taking the injection. I have now been stuck at 252 lbs for 5 months now. What effect do steroids have on a person's set-point weight?    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 6, 2001)

March 6, 2001
Hi! I'm not sure what depo-provara is, I know you said steroids, and I'm not sure if this is even related but I have had four injections of Depo-Medrol for severe lower back pain, I'm told it is alot like cortisone only better and longer acting, right away I searched for info on the web and read where a lady gained 33 lbs in three weeks, and on my side effects for depo-medrol, it did say water retention, weight gain. I have gained thirty lbs in the past four mo. and am suppose to go back for four more injections in my lower back and in my neck... on top of taking antidepressants for 10 yrs and pain pills and somas and xanex, whats next, now I am on Vioxx and I understand it also causes weight gain. I am at my all time high of 260 and can hardly function due to all my back and knee pain. My dr wont refer me for surgery and wont even refer me for my pre-op assessment with the cardiologist so looks like I have to find a new pcp. I'm at my whits end and not sure how much longer I can hang on... Sorry to ramble, just really let down.... Renee
   — Renee D.

March 6, 2001
First of all ... I don't know if this was a typo or misunderstanding .... but DEPO-PROVERA is NOT A STEROID! It's "used" and I use that term loosely, as a method of birth control. What it REALLY IS ... is POISON! I used Depo-Provera ... and gained over 40 pounds in three months. I had a total of 2 injections and I'm still paying for it 2 years later. Also ... it took me nearly a year to get my periods back and they were more horrid than before. I bled for weeks at a time and so heavy that I was bleeding through everything (tampon, hospital pads, clothing ... wore all TOGETHER!) I wouldn't wish Depo-Provera on my worst enemy. I understand there are some people who have had no problems with the drug ... but I hear from ten times as many people who DO! Feel free to check out the following website for more Depo-Provera stories. My prayers are with you ... this one was a toughy.
   — Rachael R.

March 6, 2001
Can I relate here!!!In researching for RNY surgery I went back to my ob/gyn for my yearly weights since I began seeing him. I began depo-provera about 7 1/2 yrs. ago. I absolutely love this drug. I have no PMs, no period for seven years, no cravings-hey life was good. Let me tell you what I discovered tho. I knew about weight gain. Avg. 4 lbs mo. to begin, after 3 yrs 13 lbs, after 6 yrs. 16.2 lbs.(this was in the drug companies pamphlet) Now, knowing that they(drug company)are probably using the least restrictive info. I figured even if I added 10 lbs. I probably have 26 lbs. as a result of depo. Well. I discovered that from the day I started the injection until my yearly 11 mos. later I gained 52 lbs. More than a pound a week in 11 months-while nursing. I had already lost all my pregnancy weight and more before this. Also, in the 7 years my weight is only 3 lbs different today than it was after that yearly exam. I also have no guarantee that if I go off of it I will lose the weight. I really don't want to go off of it(but I will be after surgery)because I'm being selfish in not wanting a period or being cybill. The drug companies lie about the amount of weight gain associated with this drug. It has been great so I have mixed emotions about it. However, it's not worth carrying the extra weight around. I'd rather be celibate.(my husband would 2nd guess that but heh).
   — Linda M.

March 6, 2001
Hi, I don't know about with WLS, but my 5'10" 120 lb mother was put on steroids while she was on dieuretics, and even eating moderately and healthy, she still ballooned up to 340 lb. My nephew, taking chemotherapy, put on steroids and he ballooned from 29 lbs to over 50 in less than a month, so unless you HAVE to be on the Depo-Shot, I wouldn't if it has steroids in it. (Not to mention I got pregnant using depo anyway, I don't like the drug)
   — [Anonymous]

March 6, 2001
ATTENTION ALL POSTING MEMBERS: This question is confusing. I believe it is about DEPO-MEDROL ... an injectable cortisone / steriod. But was posed as a question about DEP-PROVERA ... an injectable birth control. I believe the question was meant for the steroid. And yes ... long term steriods are infamous for excessive weight gain.
   — Rachael R.

March 6, 2001
I gained 75 pounds in a year when I was taking the depo shot. I was already overweight and the shot just made things worse.
   — A T.

June 2, 2001
I'm not sure if you are talking about DEPO-PROVERA after WLS ( I haven't had WLS yet)but I can tell you that DEPO was one of the biggest mistakes of my life! I had the shots in 1994 (a total of 2 injections) and I blew up 65 lbs and had every side effect except death! It took my body almost 4 years for my body to return to normal and I didn't loose any of the weight. It seems since then I have had no luck loosing weight no matter what I try.
   — Vicki S.

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