Is my medication still working, need to be changed? What's happening?

Seems like everything is happening here to discourage me or to keep me from having this surgery!!!I'M HAVING IT ANYWAY, and will do ALL I can possibly do to make things right!!~~For the past month, by blood sugars have gone through the ROOF!! Average in the mornings 150-195!! Do I have to go on a fast or something??! I don't eat ANYTHING after 7:30pm, and if I do have the need to *munch*, I'll grab some miniature carrots or cauliflower, grapes or cherries~things like that. I'm currently taking 500mg of Metformin b.i.d.(twice per day), and 120mg of Starlix t.i.d. (3 times/day). I take a few other medications for the co-morbs I have, but I'm REALLY concerned with blood sugar being to high for surgery! In prayer last night, I prayed to God that He intercede on my behalf. My legs are swelling, and I wonder if it's because I'm drinking too much water? Can't walk much now because my legs ache. Can someone please tell me what you think is going on here and join me in prayer?    — yourdivaness (posted on July 12, 2002)

July 12, 2002
You mentioned that you weren't much at night and didn't know why your sugar was high in the morning. I do know that the morning blood test if an average of what it has been over a period of time. If you are eating just a little more junk because you are having surgery soon, that will make your morning test higher no mater what you ate the night before. Hope that helps you some.
   — Sandy B.

July 12, 2002
Dear Hadiyah, Hate to tell you this but you have to see your PCP or whoever monitors your diabetes. He/she may put you on insulin shots until after you lose some weight. The shots are not a big deal(hurts less than the finger sticks) and you may not have to be on them that long. Your PCP might just want change meds. Which ever happens good luck. Janis
   — Janis D.

July 12, 2002
Hi, you could have high blood sugars for a number of reasons. It could be as simple as the stress that you are under, or you could have a urinary tract infection causing it. That is, as long as your diet has not changed that much. It is important to contact your family physician to discuss this and get some blood work. As far as your legs swelling, there are a few things that could cause that also. You need to continue to drink LOTS of fliud, decreasing the amount you drink would be counterproductive. You may also want to make sure that you are getting in all ofyour protein. A low albumin level can cause swelling. This is something else that your doctor should look into. Good Luck!!
   — Vicki L.

July 13, 2002
I just wanted to let you know that you will be in my prayers! I would go see your PCP though. Good luck
   — Rebekah A.

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