Need support from others who have had breast-reduction surgery...

Hi. I'm almost one year out from RNY GB and have lost about 110 lbs :). A week and a half ago, I had breast reduction surgery. Things seem to be healing up nicely, but my surgeon had to do a FNG (free nipple graft) due to the size of my breasts. I got the bolsters off of my nipples this past Fri, 5 days ago. Last night, I noticed my nipples were peeling. Some of the skin that was peeling was black and I thought it was probably normal. This AM, my nipples look really, really wierd. A mixture of black and red where the skin came off... is this normal??    — Clumsybarbie (posted on August 10, 2011)

August 10, 2011
Hi - it doesn't sound normal at all - suggest you contact your surgeon. I had a breast lift not a reduction, why not post your query on the Plastic Surgery Forum where there are plenty of other people there who will have had breast reduction surgery.
   — zzroged

August 10, 2011
Hi, I just had a lift and implants. My surgery was 5 weeks ago today and I have been back to my surgeonat least 5 times already. I call the office and tell them,oh my breasts are red, they say come right in. Go to your surgeon today!
   — FSUMom

August 10, 2011
I had a reduction over 14yrs ago. I was a 40 H almost I cup.. also got the free nipple thing too...if you like I can you a pic of them today... But I also peeled
   — That_816_Princess

August 11, 2011
black & red sounds like scab. I had free nipples with my reduction. I had a hard black surface, thought it was dead tissue. Nurse explained it is where area becomes engorged with blood, but no vesssels developed yet to remove. That subsided in acoule days, but had the black & red scabs then some peeling that came off. You might call you surgeon just for their thoughts. Donna lapband 4/19/07 start weight 307 pre-surgery wt 198 breast reduction, panni removal 5/30/11 post surgery wt 185
   — Donna O.

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