Since I am getting really tired of water I was wondering if Carbonated flavored water

would count as water ?    — STAR W. (posted on August 25, 2000)

August 25, 2000
Make sure you check the water's label to see what the sodium content is; some of them have sodium, which will negate the "good" effects that the water has. Just a note regarding carbonation - my personal opinion is that you should avoid it if at all possible. Some doctors/patients believe that carbonation can strech your pouch - something that none of us want to have happen. I'd consider adding a kick to regular water with a slice of lemon or lime or orange - or opt for non-carbonated bottled waters.
   — BethVBG

August 25, 2000
My Dr told me that drinking Crystal Light counts the same as water, and it is very good with different flavors. Hope this helps. I don't do carbonated drinks very much. Mary Etta
   — Mary Etta R.

August 26, 2000
Hey Star: I agree with the previous posts. Watch the sodium and be careful with carbonation. Someone once suggested you put some carbonated beverage in a balloon and watch what happens. It stretches!! (I never tried it, but believe it could happen). Every once in a while, I let a soda go flat and drink it. I don't usually like it much so it cures me. In addition to crystal light and adding lemon etc. to water (I personally love lemon), try iced tea, sugar free tang, sf koolaid, etc. Just read the ingredients to be sure it is okay. Good luck.
   — Dot W.

August 26, 2000
I too, get tired or regular water. I've found that flavored decaf iced tea is really good. Especially the strawberry, peach, mango, raspberry, etc..... I make it very weak, just so I can taste it, and it is delicious.
   — Kristy J.

August 28, 2000
Hi Star, I would not drink very much carbonated water. It tends to inflate your pouch and can cause problems. Have you tried Crystal Light? It is flavored but counts as water. Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

August 28, 2000
Those "some people/doctors" who compare drinking pop with air in a balloon or shaking pop in a sealed baggie are inaccurate. The digestive tract is not a closed system. In the real world people -burp- ... and generate flatulence. Young males seem to be the loudest with the former and their parents with the latter.
   — blank first name B.

September 7, 2000
Dear Star, I am pre-op but have found a wonderful flavored water at CVS pharmacy.. it has 0 fat and 0 sugar and is non carbonated.. with 5mg sodium.. It is called Fruitworks2O and comes in orange, lemon and raspberry and I believe also strawberry. Kroger has a natural water in the health food section that is flavored too.. and comes in watermelon, lemon-lime and kiwi-strawberry.. costs 69 cents a bottle.. think they are 20 oz.. Good luck to you.. The CVS water is 50 cents a bottle.. and 20 oz ..
   — Gina Landers

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