Does Michigan Medicade Cover Tummy tuck?

Hello, I am 4yrs. Post-op and have recently submitted for approval for a tummy tuck. Unfortunately we do not have the insurance we had when I had the bypass. We have Michigan Medicade "Molina" Michigan has different health plans in their medicade insurances. They have Molina,Community Choice, Health Plan of Michigan and Priority Health. When I went to my Plastic surgeon he said all we needed to have submitted was proof of a 100lb or more weight loss. Well he was wrong. Molina denied me. And I have lost over 200lbs. They want docter documentation showing that I have health problems due to the extra skin. Like Skin ulcers, back problems, you name it. I figured I would have to jump through a few hoops considering that it is medicade. Has anyone out there been approved or have had tummy tuck on any of the michigan medicade health plans, and if so wich ones are easier to get approved. Thanks in Advance. Jo Michalko 375/160/140    — Jo_Michalko (posted on November 8, 2005)

November 8, 2005
Congratulations on your weight loss! I have lost over a hundred pounds, and have another hundred to go, so you are a real inspiration to me. Call your insurance, or look them up on the 'Net, and find out exactly what they want you to do, then do it. Surely you get rashes under the loose skin or it hurts your back. i know my back hurts from it! then go to the doctor a few times and resubmit. Or, if you had been under a doctor's care after your wweight loss, call and get them to write the letter for you. good luck!
   — Novashannon

November 13, 2005
Hi. Yes, you have a few "hoops" to jump through! Sometimes flaming ones! Congratulations on your accomplishments and check or under PATIENT RESOURCES. There's a "tip sheet" on getting insurance coverage.
   — DrL

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