protein v. hydration (clears)

I'm 4 days post op and know I need 70 grams of protein in liquid form and 48-64 oz. fluids to keep from dehydrating. Sometimes I'm so full I need to pick between the two. The shakes fill me up so much that I can't get my fluids in and vice versa. I'm feeling a little lightheaded and am assuming it is due to dehydration???? Should I focus on one right now? Thanks in advance for your opinions    — niecey (posted on April 14, 2006)

April 14, 2006
The shakes ARE fluid. You should not be getting dehydrated if you are drinking shakes. Any fluid counts toward your fluid count, INCLUDING jello (if a food is liquid at room temp, it is considered a fluid). Keep up on the shakes, and try to sip a cup or two of ice water as well. You'll do fine!
   — sweetmana

April 14, 2006
What are you considering fluids? I kind of take a hard line with this one, having done damage to myself by being kind of free 'n easy with the terms. I count water as water (goal of 64 oz), and anything else as bonus. I do 6 protein shakes a day (so 32 oz water there, but I don't count it.) Once it becoimes protein, my kidneys would have to sort through it to find the water to use for hydration. The pretend waters have citric acid, so again, sorting required. Believe me, I don't like those rules AT ALL. But after having had to meet now THREE urologists, I try to go by the protein = protein, water = water, other stuff = bonus rule. signed, slow learner
   — vitalady

April 14, 2006
4 days post op its more important to get your fluids in, be they water, suger free ice pops, crystal light. Your body has stored protien that you will live off for a little while. You may want to try some Isopure clear liquids. They are just like water and not as filling as shakes! Good Luck! Julio
   — Julio Ramirez

April 15, 2006
Hi... The thing they don't tell you is that as a new post-op, there is no way you can expect to get 70 grams of protein and 64 oz. of water in each day. It is physically impossible at first. Just do the best you can without making yourself uncomfortable, and over time you will be able to increase your intake. Don't give up, and remember to keep taking your vitamins. All fluids count toward your fluid intake, but I always try to get 64 oz. of water, in addition to other fluids. Fluids containing caffeine are 8 oz. cup of coffee is only counted as 4 oz. of fluids because of the diuretic effect of the caffeine. Hope this helps.
   — buglebird

April 15, 2006
First, read this on Snopes about the urban legend of drinking 64 oz. of water a day (8 eight ounce glasses): Nephrologists and others have been studying this in recent years and dispute the urban legend of needing that much water. Yes, water is important...and it can be easy to forget to drink when you are trying not to drink with your meals. But worrying about ounces is counterproductive. Learn to recognize your thirst and drink when thirsty. Do an experiment. Measure out your water for the day and just drink when you are thirsty...try to recognize it. Then see how much you drink. And yes, those protein drinks do count toward liquid. I'm 2 years out and rarely RARELY ever drink straight water. I drink coffee and diet drinks primarily and I'm fine. If you have extenuating medical circumstances which create a special need to drink more water (having this surgery isn't such a circumstance), then by all means, work it in. But you aren't going to turn into a pumpkin if you don't drink all that water. And as for the protein, there are days I just couldn't get it all in. One thing that made it easier for me was to get the Protidiet drinks which are gelatin based protein. They go down like Crystal Light.....very yummy and a quick way to get in your water and protein all in one. If you do a Google search you'll find where you can buy them online. Get the liquid packets, not the dry ones though. They are best. Hope some of that helps. Dina
   — Dinka Doo

April 15, 2006
Hi, welcome to the losing side! I use the profect protein drinks that are only 2.7 ounces with 25 grams of protein in it. It also has only 100 calories and is easy on the taste buds. It isn't cheap, but after starting these I stopped losing hair, was able to get in the regular fluids, I did and still do alot of light Hawaiann punch. It is only 10 calories in an 8 oz. serving and is very palatable. I still try to steer away from carbonsated drinks even though I absolutely love my diet Barqs root beer once in a while. It has no cafiene in it, so that is also a plus. Also, when you start getting hungry again, which for me took about 4 months, and you are hungry and shouldn't be eating try a sugar free snow ball or snow cone, if that what they call them in your neck of the woods. Try freezing the sugar free hawaiann punch in ice cube trays and blend them with some hawaiann punch and it will give you a nice slushie. This way you can help with a sweet tooth also. Try to diversify so that you don't get bored. Boredom is one of my downfalls, when I get sick of the things that I am consuming I start looking around for other things and that is not a good practice. Be careful about fresh fruit or anything that has fresh fruit in it because I am told that sugar, whether natural or added is still sugar to our bodies and that is so disappointing. I got caught up in that and lost 23 lbs of lean muscle and gained 28 lbs of fat. It broke my heart. That is why I am passing on the info. Good luck to you and keep moving forward. It won't always be easy, but every time I find that I can do something that I had to leave behind with past weight gain and can now accomplish makes me feel better about myself. It is really gratifying. Good luck and God bless you. Debbie
   — imdebbie

April 15, 2006
Hi! I'm 4 days post-op as well, and also having a hard time with getting the "ideal" amounts in.... and we are not alone, which is probably why MY surgeon has set minimums in addition to the ideals. Minimum for clears is 48 oz, protein 30-40 g. The best thing to do, though, is probably to call your surgeon or nutritionist and get their opinion. They've heard this before (probably from every patient). Also, are you using protein powders or ready-to-drink? If you are mixing it yourself, try mixing it a little less thick. Better to get less at a time and be able to get more in than the opposite. Good luck!
   — nicolerod

April 16, 2006
I just wanted to thank everyone SO MUCH for your replies and support. I am combining all the information and making a plan. Thanks again for all the responses. This is like getting a whole new education all over again!!! Denise
   — niecey

April 16, 2006
Hi:) I'm one week post op and have also had the same problem- they made me stay an extra day becaseu i just could not get the liquid down. Today has been my best day yet with about 46 oz total including my light yogurt. It counts as well as the protien shakes. My Dr told me to focus on fluid and slowly work myself to my food intake since everything was so tight. If your have the same tightness problem and it's not improving- def. see yor Dr!! Mine improves a little every day! Good luck!!
   — Prtewitty

April 17, 2006
~Hi, I am 11 days post-op. The most water intake i have gotten in so far in a day is 58 oz's, it is especially difficult because i was never used to drinking water. As for protein i came home from the hospital off of the liquid diet and was @ the pureed stage. (however) you can add a little more protein into your shakes by adding 3 tbls. of nonfat powdered milk to them. I am eating lots of canned chicken pureed, cheeses,yogurt,cottage cheese,etc.... Good luck w/ your weightloss journey~Tiffany
   — tiffany E.

April 17, 2006
My doc didn't even allow me to do protein until week two. I am 15 days post-op today. All I did first week was drink and now I am trying to get 64 fluids and 50 protein. Isn't it weird how different the doc's can be. Don't stress over it now, you will be able to get it all in soon. Lynn
   — lfrancis

April 17, 2006
Well, I drink a mixture of crystal light and a liquid protein you can buy this at GNC it is fruit punch flavored and taste great so you don't mind the taste at all and it is not as heavy as the shakes are. Give it a try. Thanks Cindy
   — NYCindy

April 17, 2006
In the beginning I had a lot of trouble getting my fluids down I would sit and chew on ice...before I knew it my cup was gone..and I would do it all over again. Another thing that I found helpful was a sugar free fruit punch from Walmart...I think it tastes better than Crystal Light...and it comes in the handy single serving packets.
   — mmcphee1

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